gmichael said:
Harley's vs. Japanese bikes & Bose systems.
Several times on this forum, as well as other forums, a Bose thread has split into a Harley thread. So I'm going to start this thread so that we can all stay on topic, I hope. I have owned both Harley's and Japanese bikes, so I know a little about both. Here goes.
Point number 1: Harley vs. Japanese bikes in performance.
Japanese bikes win this. Faster, handle better etc.
Point number 2: bikes longevity.
Japanese bikes again. I know that you will see many more older Harley's than older Japanese bikes on the road, but that's because of the people riding them. A Harley rider is more likely to want to take care of their "classic." But if both bikes were to get the same maintenance I'd put my money on the Honda.
Point 3: Life expectancy of the riders.
This is where the Harley make up ground. A lot of ground. When riding a Japanese bike down the road at say, 80 mph, the bikes wants to go faster. That's what it's made to do. If you don't keep a close eye on your speedo you could be well over 100 mph before you know it. The Harley? Do 60 mph and you feel like you are going fast. Do 80 and you're flying. Mostly due to all that same vibration that makes them need more maintenance.
This doesn't make the Japanese bike bad. It does what it does very well. Maybe too well for our roads. I switched to Harleys to keep myself alive.
Point 4: Made in the USA.
Doesn't mean what it used to when you see Harley's loaded in the back of Toyota pick-ups. Many of the parts are made somewhere else now anyhow.
Point 5 HD vs Bose: Understanding
Most Harley owners know that Harleys are not the fastest bike available. Some don't, but most do.
Most Bose owners think they are getting the best sounding system available. Some know better and are buying for the size, but most don't.
Thank you for your attention. I welcome comments and other points of view, but, please, no flames.
So were comparing and saying Jap bikes then are like Bose, cheap and do what there suppose to do?????
Performance-Well Harleys werent designed for performance as you are stating it, cruising, low end torque etc. But your dead wrong on the fastest. Seems to me that the NHRA had to limit the Harley group the last fews years because they were so fast, the Japs cried very hard and yet with limitations, still outdoes them.
Now you can motocross and play that Neckcar stuff thats like watching a dog chase its tail and call that racing. But fast means from point A to point B!!
Lasting??? Harley owners take pride in their oil dripping beasts. My neighbor has Indians and Harleys and some Italian bikes dating back to 1897. They still run and you dont see Jap bikes, why??? The excuse so far, doesnt work!!
Life expectancy??? Your giving that based on pre AMF based Harleys, not todays. Reason is not speed it can maintain, get too etc, but the stupidity of the rider period. Seems Jap bikes cater to stupid dangerous stuff and should be part of the Jackass show!!! Last week here, 2 younger guys, mid twenties trying to show off for a crowd accelerated to over 55 side by side doing a wheelie, one hit the other and one died. Harley guy would have just took off and got more attention that he wasnt looking for.
Made in USA, still stands. Harley is now going for 100% US made pieces, AMF is over!!!
Point 5 died at AMF days!!!! So now Bose should be compared to Japs bikes, look shinny, lacks power that means anything!!!
I did start on a 900, 3 cylinder, 2 cycle and then went to a Sporty, so I have owned both.
I no longer own a bike nor care too, but this is funny and I couldnt stay away. Now I dont care what bike you own, specially at road construction sites, because if I gotta stay in my lane and follow rules of the road YOU WILL TOO!!! I could take my truck for the majority of the time down the side of the road going by everyone to get as far as I could, but I have courtesy, something like that in my blood and if you try to pass on any bike, GOOD LUCK!!!!!!
I've been also known to go between bikes once they've been stupid and gone between me and the guy in the next lane, and look at me as if I didnt something wrong, when they just did it. Least I stayed in the lane markings!!!!!