Well now, there's other ways to view this situation.
cyberbri said:
There are millions dying in the Congo, Sudan, etc. in Africa that we don't help. Now, maybe if they had the 2nd largest oil reserves in the world America would find it worth invading and occupying them to help the people there.
One could be that since we've been entangled with the middle east for the last oh so many years, we might have somewhat of an obligation to try to straighten it out.
Africa, OTOH, has been beyond our sphere of influence from the beginning of their recorded history. Europe had been the overpowering influence there. France, Belgium, Holland and Germany have had their hands in that pot all along. They still do. Remember the French problems in the Ivory Coast recently? How about the German farmers in Zimbabwe? South Africa can be dropped on the Netherlands, no-one else.
No, since Africa is their baby, I'm more than happy to let them change it's diapers. Do you remember the last time we took over a European created problem? It's called VietNam. We're still taking grief from that one.
But, I must say, Islam is making strong inroads in Africa, particularly in the Eastern Sub Sahara regions. Do you really want to see us, the Great Satan, to get involved there too? Europe and Canada castigate us now. Just think of the field day they'll have if we do.
It's about time the rest of the world took part in cleaning up it's messes and stop looking at us to do it for them. ...and then bad mouth our every move.
But, on a more positive note, quite a few faith based groups (my church included) have been sending tons of materials and monies to these impoverished countries for years. It's kinda like bailing out a boat with a teacup but at least they know some people care enough to want to help.
If anyone is concerned enough to want to contribute money or time to help these places, I can post some web sites where you can donate.