You don’t know anything about my life and the hardships that I’ve endured over my 55 years. I’m only stating the facts about my life and how he has made a positive difference in my family’s lives.
Your acting like many of the leftist out there by attacking me personally. I’m not making any personal tax on any of you in a negative fashion. I don’t appreciate you doing this towards me. If you have a problem with me and when I post you and I can talk about this one on one. But if you’re going to spew out such a comment like that about me you better have the balls to back it up
I sure have them, do you ?
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go fly a kite
if you believe you are better off now than 4 years ago you are posting as an idiot
I can't be more plan than that.
Our country is less secure in every way, we are in INCREDIBLE debt, have screwed the environment and our place on the international stage. We have shot ourselves in the foot with the trade war. Should I mention we are in the middle of an horrific pandemic? Needless exasperated by your orange deity?
Have it your way, you are not a lying, instead you are posting as an idiot. I could care less which it is. Neither is very appealing.
Goodbye, I won't be replying to such nonsense.