For the love of god or whoever … VOTE!

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Audioholic Chief
As long as the VP is of sound mind, they move up, like Johnson did when JFK was assassinated. If they replace her with a man, I don't think anyone's gettin' laid for a long, long time.
i don't know were that question you responded to came from , but it was very poorly asked.. and a scary supposition.. you did a much better job than i could have answering it..


Audioholic Chief
Can you imagine how much slower Congress would act if it had that many representatives?

Not sure how nice Biden is after hearing an seeing many videos of him calling people 'dumb poop', telling them to shut up and saying he's smarter & that he graduated near the top of his class, which he definitely didn't. Hopefully, they won't start calling him 'Fredo'. Also, I really am concerned with his mental slips- being an idiot is one thing, being mentally squishy is another. Another concern is: how much will he slip in the next four years? He's older than Reagan was, when he entered office.
Biden slipping mentally?.. answer :trump troll bs , imo... did you watch his speech last night.. ? ,i would very much describe him as *more *sound of mind and emotion than the other choice on the ballot.. but then again i only have 4 years of trump blunders to refer back to.. granted Biden has a lifelong stutter that reared it's ugly head once last night but i'd take him over trump 8 days outta 7 , just because if nothing else he gives the appearance he gives a crap about America.. trump could't even get me to believe that much.. and that's not a very high bar to jump over as prez..kind of a prerequisite , wouldn't you think??


Audioholic Jedi
Well that 700 may be deaths or cases, not sure, but had to be contact tracing and went to one of those large rallies, maybe Oklahoma?
Think it was a total of 30,000 cases and 700 deaths they projected from all of his rallies....


Audioholic Jedi
Biden slipping mentally?.. answer :trump troll bs , imo... did you watch his speech last night.. ? ,i would very much describe him as *more *sound of mind and emotion than the other choice on the ballot.. but then again i only have 4 years of trump blunders to refer back to.. granted Biden has a lifelong stutter that reared it's ugly head once last night but i'd take him over trump 8 days outta 7 , just because if nothing else he gives the appearance he gives a crap about America.. trump could't even get me to believe that much.. and that's not a very high bar to jump over as prez..kind of a prerequisite , wouldn't you think??
LOL and it was drumphy that had to take the test to determine if you're still mentally viable....and then bragged about it like a doofus.


Audioholic Spartan
Anyone see SNL yesterday. When Trump (Alec Baldwin) was handed a US map with all states red he said see we have proof. When is blond female assistant (Kaley Mceneny maybe?) told him no that's a map of new covid infections he threw it on the floor and said not important. :) :) :) :) :)


Audioholic Jedi
Anyone see SNL yesterday. When Trump (Alec Baldwin) was handed a US map with all states red he said see we have proof. When is blond female assistant (Kaley Mceneny maybe?) told him no that's a map of new covid infections he threw it on the floor and said not important. :) :) :) :) :)
Sure that was SNL?


Seriously, I have no life.
LOL and it was drumphy that had to take the test to determine if you're still mentally viable....and then bragged about it like a doofus.
Is there credible evidence that a test was even given?


Audioholic Samurai
Might be painful, but not as painful as the news outlets the last time- they were dumbfounded and couldn't understand how they could be so wrong. This time, they were wrong again, just not AS wrong. This was the closest race I can remember.

I enjoy the election process, just not the way it has been lately. It takes too long, they spend far too much money and if they were to think about how much that money could have done for people, they should puke, but they never will.

It's interesting that Biden was a big winner in terms of the big Citizens United money and Wall Street corporate money. From the website:

>>>Spending by deep-pocketed national groups also is driving the total cost of election higher. In the month of October alone, outside spending by super PACs and other big-money groups totaled nearly $1.2 billion. These groups are spending far more to boost Biden than help Trump, further aiding the Democrats cash-flush campaign. . . .

“When Citizens United was decided 10 years ago, conservatives were the quickest to jump on the newly permissible outside groups as a way to facilitate huge donations,” said Sarah Bryner, research director at the Center for Responsive Politics. “Now, liberal groups have more than made up the difference and are taking advantage of every opportunity available to get their message out.”. . .

When excluding multi million-dollar super PAC donations from megadonors, Democrats see far more money from most industries. . . . Several industries have flipped over to Democrats’ side under Trump’s presidency, including the well-funded miscellaneous finance and securities and investment industries. Real estate is one of the few major industries to stay in Republicans’ corner during the Trump era, giving slightly more to GOP committees than Democrats. . . . Given their overall fundraising advantage, it’s not surprising that Democrats have gotten more from powerful industries. While Biden’s campaign is partly powered by small donors, it’s also boosted by Wall Street donors. The securities and investment industry has given $74 million to Biden’s campaign and allied super PACs, compared to $18 million for Trump’s reelection effort.<<<

Brennan Center said the follwoing about Citizens United in December of 2019:

>>>The ruling has ushered in massive increases in political spending from outside groups, dramatically expanding the already outsized political influence of wealthy donors, corporations, and special interest groups. . . .

A Brennan Center report by Daniel I. Weiner pointed out that a very small group of Americans now wield “more power than at any time since Watergate, while many of the rest seem to be disengaging from politics.“

“This is perhaps the most troubling result of Citizens United: in a time of historic wealth inequality,” wrote Weiner, “the decision has helped reinforce the growing sense that our democracy primarily serves the interests of the wealthy few, and that democratic participation for the vast majority of citizens is of relatively little value.”

An election system that is skewed heavily toward wealthy donors also sustains racial bias and reinforces the racial wealth gap. Citizens United also unleashed political spending from special interest groups.<<<

Perhaps Biden's win demonstrates that "our democracy primarily serves the interests of the wealthy few" and "sustains racial bias" and "reinforces the racial wealth gap"?


Audioholic Samurai
It's interesting that Biden was a big winner in terms of the big Citizens United money and Wall Street corporate money. From the website:

>>>Spending by deep-pocketed national groups also is driving the total cost of election higher. In the month of October alone, outside spending by super PACs and other big-money groups totaled nearly $1.2 billion. These groups are spending far more to boost Biden than help Trump, further aiding the Democrats cash-flush campaign. . . .

“When Citizens United was decided 10 years ago, conservatives were the quickest to jump on the newly permissible outside groups as a way to facilitate huge donations,” said Sarah Bryner, research director at the Center for Responsive Politics. “Now, liberal groups have more than made up the difference and are taking advantage of every opportunity available to get their message out.”. . .

When excluding multi million-dollar super PAC donations from megadonors, Democrats see far more money from most industries. . . . Several industries have flipped over to Democrats’ side under Trump’s presidency, including the well-funded miscellaneous finance and securities and investment industries. Real estate is one of the few major industries to stay in Republicans’ corner during the Trump era, giving slightly more to GOP committees than Democrats. . . . Given their overall fundraising advantage, it’s not surprising that Democrats have gotten more from powerful industries. While Biden’s campaign is partly powered by small donors, it’s also boosted by Wall Street donors. The securities and investment industry has given $74 million to Biden’s campaign and allied super PACs, compared to $18 million for Trump’s reelection effort.<<<

Brennan Center said the follwoing about Citizens United in December of 2019:

>>>The ruling has ushered in massive increases in political spending from outside groups, dramatically expanding the already outsized political influence of wealthy donors, corporations, and special interest groups. . . .

A Brennan Center report by Daniel I. Weiner pointed out that a very small group of Americans now wield “more power than at any time since Watergate, while many of the rest seem to be disengaging from politics.“

“This is perhaps the most troubling result of Citizens United: in a time of historic wealth inequality,” wrote Weiner, “the decision has helped reinforce the growing sense that our democracy primarily serves the interests of the wealthy few, and that democratic participation for the vast majority of citizens is of relatively little value.”

An election system that is skewed heavily toward wealthy donors also sustains racial bias and reinforces the racial wealth gap. Citizens United also unleashed political spending from special interest groups.<<<

Perhaps Biden's win demonstrates that "our democracy primarily serves the interests of the wealthy few" and "sustains racial bias" and "reinforces the racial wealth gap"?
Ur absolutely right ... for both sides and don't forget under which administration it was passed and approved by the Supreme Court. Foreign nations money allowed in our elections. What a great 'effin idea! [irony for those who are cornfused]

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Audioholic Spartan
Perhaps Biden's win demonstrates that "our democracy primarily serves the interests of the wealthy few" and "sustains racial bias" and "reinforces the racial wealth gap"?
I thought the billion dollar plus Bloomberg fiasco in campaign spending on himself and on behalf of the Democratic Party is pretty decent proof that the notion of buying a US presidential election is a myth.


Audioholic Chief
I thought the billion dollar plus Bloomberg fiasco in campaign spending on himself and on behalf of the Democratic Party is pretty decent proof that the notion of buying a US presidential election is a myth.
i agree with that to the point of this caveat: it sure don't hurt a campaign to have a boatload of cash.. it's nice the dems had big money on their side this time around .. anybody equate that with the thought (by the powers that be , with the money) that it was better spent there than on trump?


Seriously, I have no life.
Biden slipping mentally?.. answer :trump troll bs , imo... did you watch his speech last night.. ? ,i would very much describe him as *more *sound of mind and emotion than the other choice on the ballot.. but then again i only have 4 years of trump blunders to refer back to.. granted Biden has a lifelong stutter that reared it's ugly head once last night but i'd take him over trump 8 days outta 7 , just because if nothing else he gives the appearance he gives a crap about America.. trump could't even get me to believe that much.. and that's not a very high bar to jump over as prez..kind of a prerequisite , wouldn't you think??
I didn't, but if you watch more videos, he gets facts wrong, makes claims that aren't likely or possible and what I have seen is not a stutter. I don't care about a stutter, I care that he said he was running for the Senate and mentioned President Harris.

More of a string laying on the ground than a bar, really.

Trump troll? Shaddap!
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