Well Mikado463 I guess the old political trope is true, ‘
it’s the economy stupid ’.
For close to 50% of the electorate, money won over morality.
To watch what’s happened in the last 4 years and say, ‘
oh yeah, I’m cool with that’
What’s the old saying?
If you lie down with dogs, don’t be surprised if you get up with fleas.
We’ve become so desensitized to this filth and we can thank Donald J. Trump for that, for exposing America’s inner id. He’s not the cause of the coarsening of our public discourse but merely a symptom of it.
A lot of people thought it would be funny to make the town drunk the mayor, as he stumbled about and ‘speaks his mind, unfiltered’.
This isn’t conjecture. I have/had Republican friends & family members who brag about this, like it’s something to be proud of.
Donny reminds me of the guy who has the clap, and knows it, who then goes around town spreading the disease, and then defends himself by calling them whores. It’s always somebody else’s fault, not his.
It’s the end of shame and taking responsibility for your actions, as we and I know it, and learned at the feet of our parents.
And people like this whack-job, his own religious ‘spiritual advisor’ (
LOL!), are praying for him.
Beam me up Scotty!