Do you belong to any logging forums? LOL

I'll break down the Florida thing for you Tomorrow - coastal Floridians are by default, young northerners who either relocated early in life with their parents, or moved to join other relatives who migrated south to retire, which brings me to point b.) Inner lying mainland areas just inland of the coast we have huge, sprawling retirement communities, consisting mainly of manufactured and/or mobile homes and community rec centers where blue-haired little old ladies line up to play Bingo on Saturday night and the men play shuffleboard by day. Beyond that are the 'burbs, where I live - populated by pi**ed off middle class working stiffs who can't get a break from outrageous tax rates and insurance premiums. Beyond that and only in Florida's most inland areas (Orlando and Gainesville excluded) are the
true Floridians, and you're lucky to find a full set of teeth within a 20 mile radius in these parts.