<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/XzPBUGUM7KQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Make sure the bulbs have gone through a cooling period, you can buy pre cooled bulbs. Find a nice cool, dork space and leave them for 2-3 months. The bulbs should have the beginnings of roots. Put the bulbs in what ever container you want to grow them in with soil or pebbles in the bottom and put in a sunny/well lit place. Once the bulbs start to get some foliage, add more soil just to the top of the bulb but not covering the foliage. and that's it. Don't over water.
If you have pre cooled bulbs, just drop them in a container with soil or pebbles. I have used coffee mugs, vases, anything cool that would look good in the room.
Also, I would never tell you hot to raise your kids, but hyacinths are toxic to dogs and cats so you may want keep an eye on your guys to make sure they don't snack on the hyacinth.