Socialism is great if it werent for the human element of greed and corruption. Its nice to day dream and see all the good things it could* have. But that will never be, it doesnt work. Thats what history has taught us. Economics is a unique science in that theres no way to test theories thats why its so highly debated. All economic models and anything concrete is derived from actual events and history. Theres no way to make a model and test it not in real time. My point is, its vital to not sit back and deny history as it applies to economics. History is to economics as the theory of relativity is to physics. And history is undeniable repeating itself.
Im not even debating Obama and his plans and ideas. Hes just a puppet and so insignificant. Its the people whom direct him and their
GLOBAL AGENDA. Thats key here and thats what must be recognized to the people out there still on the red pill in their comfy facade of a life.
Do you really think I dont want to seem the poor prosper?
Do you really think I dont want to see world peace or community leaders?
Thats completely not whats going on in any way shape or form. Everything thats in motion now was engineered long ago to do exactly what its doing. Oil going up and housing confidence going down. Even President Bush taking all the flak and blame was just a cop out to bring in a symbol of hope for the masses; Obama! All praise him, rejoice, give him the power and he will set us free. All the same propaganda used in any socialism dictatorship takeover that you are buying into.
This agenda that im speaking of isnt even any secret, its out there so easy to find, you have to accept it though, take the blue pill and set yourself free. I know it sounds extreme but thats because it is. And you telling me "If I dont like It I can try another country" ITS CALLED TYRANNY and im not an advocate of it, you on the other hand are supporting the destruction of the United States of America, the greatest nation of all time and our constitution, the greatest thought ever complied. Think of all the men and women who have died defending this country, I just want to see their deaths not be in vain, and I wish to see the USA remain the greatest country there will ever be.
LMAO at the nWo Hulk Hogan...
And by no means am I rich... Im so poor its not even a joke. Right now all I have to eat in my kitchen is 4 boxes of rice, and about 5 things of spaghetti. Oh and a few potato's... I just moved 1300 miles away from home, and it was the biggest mistake ever. Hopefully my luck will change, along with the luck of our nation.