Fighting the NWO, anyone else out there?



Junior Audioholic
Cant really sleep much tonight, so ive watched the new Documentary narrated by Alex Jones about Obama and the future of our country.

Im not even going to start spewing facts or ideas on this, im my experience theres far to many people who dont want to wake up.

So anyways, anyone else out there? Or am I all alone here.. :(

OR!! On a more positive note, is there anyone interested in waking up to the NWO and the future of our country?!?!

Ok, later.


Seriously, I have no life.
You're not alone but too many people are sticking their heads in the sand and ignoring the warning signs.

To all of the ones who may (or will) tell me that I'm being a paranoid Neo-Con- dodn't come crying to me when the fit hits the shan (or something like that).

First chance I get, I'm building the walls for my compound. I figure that as long as I have enough gin and bullets, I should be OK.:D
Now Slappy

Now Slappy


It's going to fit the shan hard! It'll be like a zombie nightmare...pickin' off one by one from the front porch.


Audioholic Overlord
LOL sounds like the makings of great video game. Let me know when it's released. ;)

Why does everything have to be so sinister and conspiracy driven? I mean seriously. Why does Obama have to be so evil in the eyes of conservatives? Can you not admit that maybe he actually brings something positive?

Politics is politics, but our government is far less corrupt than most. Seriously we are doing just fine. Our system works and our freedoms aren't reduced. We have a much better situation than the pessimists like to state, but hey if you like conspiracy theories be glad that people in our nation can spout off what they want to for your enjoyment. Did you ever check out all the Bush conspiracies? It's hilarious and sad the degree some people will go to, but hey bored folks need something to kill time.

Oh and next time you conspire to do something consider how you feel about conspiracies. No more hiding that new stereo equipment.:D

What if the conspiracies are for our benefit? What if by the illusion of democracy we are benefiting? It can't be too bad can it, and hey you can go join the conspirators maybe to make sure they don't conspire too much against us.

I'm gladly joining with the NWO and any other direction our countries elected and popular leader decides to take us.


Junior Audioholic
Obama has not done one thing positive.

These arent conspiracy theories, they are documented facts that our easily accessible to anyone (this means you) rather you chose to sit back watch fox news and believe what your told.

Almost every aspect of our government is corrupt.

Another note on the conspiracy theories comment, just take a look at history, its repeating itself all over again exactly the same. When Obama met with the Bildergerg group during his campaign that was no secret, when they locked all major press on a flight where they were promised they would be able to interview Obama in an attempt to black out his meetings with the Bilderberg group, that was no conspiracy. The Bildenburg group and their global agenda is no "conspiracy theory" its a real thing...

I dont understand why people are so quick to label things a "theory" above all a "conspiracy theory" Theres great difference between facts and theories, they arent even near similar but are some of the most commonly misused words.

Im not talking about zombies and fallout shelters, im talking about the United States collapsing itself in an engineered attempt to overthrow our own government. This has happened b4 many times in history, all attempts at a world empire have failed. Hundreds of millions of people killed whole generations ruined in the crossfire of the Elites attempt for world domination. Sometimes I myself even wonder if I should have kids, what kind of a life will I be bringing them into? Whats different this time around is the degree of the plot to try again. Notice who were losing our gun rights? They dont want us to be armed to fight back. Fema camps are already set up all over the States ready to imprison any resistance. Our rights are just about gone... TSA agents at airports can do anything they want, Bush's Patriot Act, which Obama voted back in, which he said he would abolish. THey are covering every aspect of the NWO take over in an attempt to ensure total domination.

None of this is a theory, this is all documented facts. Mr. Obama himself speaks of a Civilian army millions strong, we will have to serve to earn citizenship. Students across the nation are now required to do 50 hours of community service a year to graduate (college 100 hours/year). The GIVE act which will pass, strips all members of Americorps completely of their bill of rights.

I dont know how much more you want to hear, you can prove me wrong if you wish, you think I want to be right? "This is all real, this is really happening" - Radiohead.


Audioholic Overlord
Obama has not done one thing positive.

These arent conspiracy theories, they are documented facts that our easily accessible to anyone (this means you) rather you chose to sit back watch fox news and believe what your told.

Almost every aspect of our government is corrupt.

Another note on the conspiracy theories comment, just take a look at history, its repeating itself all over again exactly the same. When Obama met with the Bildergerg group during his campaign that was no secret, when they locked all major press on a flight where they were promised they would be able to interview Obama in an attempt to black out his meetings with the Bilderberg group, that was no conspiracy. The Bildenburg group and their global agenda is no "conspiracy theory" its a real thing...

I dont understand why people are so quick to label things a "theory" above all a "conspiracy theory" Theres great difference between facts and theories, they arent even near similar but are some of the most commonly misused words.

Im not talking about zombies and fallout shelters, im talking about the United States collapsing itself in an engineered attempt to overthrow our own government. This has happened b4 many times in history, all attempts at a world empire have failed. Hundreds of millions of people killed whole generations ruined in the crossfire of the Elites attempt for world domination. Sometimes I myself even wonder if I should have kids, what kind of a life will I be bringing them into? Whats different this time around is the degree of the plot to try again. Notice who were losing our gun rights? They dont want us to be armed to fight back. Fema camps are already set up all over the States ready to imprison any resistance. Our rights are just about gone... TSA agents at airports can do anything they want, Bush's Patriot Act, which Obama voted back in, which he said he would abolish. THey are covering every aspect of the NWO take over in an attempt to ensure total domination.

None of this is a theory, this is all documented facts. Mr. Obama himself speaks of a Civilian army millions strong, we will have to serve to earn citizenship. Students across the nation are now required to do 50 hours of community service a year to graduate (college 100 hours/year). The GIVE act which will pass, strips all members of Americorps completely of their bill of rights.

I dont know how much more you want to hear, you can prove me wrong if you wish, you think I want to be right? "This is all real, this is really happening" - Radiohead.

what specific passages in this bill strip Americorps members of their bill of rights? I have seen no where in this bill were that is done.

Where is the bill that requires students to serve 50 or 100 hours of community service? I see a scholarship program for students that do complete these programs.

I'm encourage you to always go and read the bills yourself. Also Fox News is one of the worst news agencies on the planet. They are all about selling their shows and have no desire to show fairness.

FYI if it's documented fact please provide your primary sources. Fox News or any reporter doesn't qualify as a primary source in most cases. All bills are open and available to the public for viewing and reviews. Furthermore there are numerous organizations that live to protect the bill of rights via the Supreme Court system.

Guns are the source of widespread violence in our nation. Many people are killed with guns. Including children who play with them. While some people are responsible and capable of handling a gun. Most people aren't.

I don't know where you live, but every person is corrupt including yourself. I have yet to meet a perfect person. But our system is very ethical for a democracy. I am spiritual so I belief someday one will rule that isn't corrupt, but until that day I'll forgive and love my leaders. I pray they would do well for this nation.

And Obama is doing several good things.
1. Closing GBay(if you think this isn't good I suggest you visit your local mosque and makes some friends.)

2. Restoring our image in the Muslim world. (We made a lot of enemies)

3. Beginning to refocus our attention to Al-Queda region.

4. Moving toward a more united world.

These are all positives. Also our economy while tough hasn't fallen off a cliff.

Plus he's fixing our broken tax system by making it more progressive rather than regressive.

This Give Act looks like a very good bill. Though it's a bit porkish IMO.

I suppose it's hard for partisans to be objective, but I have supported Bush and now I'm supporting Obama. Both were the more capable candidates, IMO.


Junior Audioholic
here yah go... Of course if you liked Bush your gonna love Obama... But wasnt it the reputation of Obama how he was going to save us from the Bush regime?

HR 13.88

"Yesterday the House passed H.R. 1388, the charmingly titled Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act (GIVE - nice to know our congressmen are just that clever, isn’t it?). It has been sent on to the Senate, where it will likely pass and be signed into law by early April.

As it stands now, the bill does not require mandatory service for young people. However, it is far from innocuous. An amendment to Section 125 disallows participants from a number of activities, including but not at all limited to

(1) Attempting to influence legislation.

(2) Organizing or engaging in protests, petitions, boycotts, or strikes.

(3) Assisting, promoting, or deterring union organizing…

(7) Engaging in religious instruction, conducting worship services, providing instruction as part of a program that includes mandatory religious instruction or worship, constructing or operating facilities devoted to religious instruction or worship, maintaining facilities primarily or inherently devoted to religious instruction or worship, or engaging in any form of religious proselytization."


Junior Audioholic
Not to mention... how little good any of those corrupt organizations even do. Its just a front for politicians to make them selves look good, they dont produce anything tangible, and it encourages people being paid to get others to volunteer.

here this give you some incite on just what good they are, since you seem interested


Audioholic Overlord
Not to mention... how little good any of those corrupt organizations even do. Its just a front for politicians to make them selves look good, they dont produce anything tangible, and it encourages people being paid to get others to volunteer.

here this give you some incite on just what good they are, since you seem interested
This is not a scholarly article and has zero sources listed. Sure it's easy for a person to make claims that a program failed, but I'm certain that similar stories of success could be found. Here are 2 stories of success.

The problem is that partisans are blind to facts. They simply can't see them. Dismissing a program based on a strong anti-democrat article from what appears to be a fringe conservative political group isn't wise. No where in the bill is mandatory service mentioned. They claim this is a step towards it, but that seems to defy logic.

I give you the same challenge I've given others here that claim our government is taking our rights away.

Please give a list of specific rights that you have lost personally in the last 8 years.


Audioholic Overlord
here yah go... Of course if you liked Bush your gonna love Obama... But wasnt it the reputation of Obama how he was going to save us from the Bush regime?

HR 13.88

"Yesterday the House passed H.R. 1388, the charmingly titled Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act (GIVE - nice to know our congressmen are just that clever, isn’t it?). It has been sent on to the Senate, where it will likely pass and be signed into law by early April.

As it stands now, the bill does not require mandatory service for young people. However, it is far from innocuous. An amendment to Section 125 disallows participants from a number of activities, including but not at all limited to

(1) Attempting to influence legislation.

(2) Organizing or engaging in protests, petitions, boycotts, or strikes.

(3) Assisting, promoting, or deterring union organizing…

(7) Engaging in religious instruction, conducting worship services, providing instruction as part of a program that includes mandatory religious instruction or worship, constructing or operating facilities devoted to religious instruction or worship, maintaining facilities primarily or inherently devoted to religious instruction or worship, or engaging in any form of religious proselytization."
So you are opposed to number 7?

I am all for it. The government should never under any circumstances promote any religion. The separation of Church and State is a must.

I don't know what faith you are, but I don't want the government funding it. My faith does much better in fact when the government opposes it than when it joins it.


Junior Audioholic
you are misreading this... Members (around 250,000 direct, over 2 million volunteers indirect) by law once passed, have to abide to these demands.

They can not influence vote, legislation or have anything to do with religion or protesting..... Is our government allowed to do this???

Since when can the government dictate who the constitution applies to? How about the 2 million people who are on the federal no fly list who are no longer allowed to own guns even? Yes guns kill people, but its people who pull the trigger. Abolishing anything does not solve the problem, guns, drugs... anything. How long have we outlawed drugs? Did that work? Does America no longer have a drug problem? No, it turned peoples addiction issues into a criminal offense. Lock them up lock them all up that solves the problem. Will that work for guns? Take them away make them illegal..?

Just think why the patriots rebelled against the crown in the first place, how can we turn our country back into what we were running from in the first place...


Audioholic Overlord
I'm failry certain jeff that the supreme court would interpret this differently than you see. Remember the courts job is to interpret the law.

I don't see any premise for any of the member being barred from practicing their faith. Only interpret this as barring such practices as being considered scholarship worthy volunteerism. Perhaps I am wrong about this, but until a case is presented it will be difficult to say which way the law is interpreted. However rest assured that religious freedom won't be infringed on and that members will be allowed to free speech, they just want to prevent corruption. That's the goal of these additions.

I find the law to be a waste of money, but it's not all bad.


Seriously, I have no life.
Why does everything have to be so sinister and conspiracy driven? I mean seriously. Why does Obama have to be so evil in the eyes of conservatives? Can you not admit that maybe he actually brings something positive?

Politics is politics, but our government is far less corrupt than most. Seriously we are doing just fine. Our system works and our freedoms aren't reduced. We have a much better situation than the pessimists like to state, but hey if you like conspiracy theories be glad that people in our nation can spout off what they want to for your enjoyment. Did you ever check out all the Bush conspiracies? It's hilarious and sad the degree some people will go to, but hey bored folks need something to kill time.

Oh and next time you conspire to do something consider how you feel about conspiracies. No more hiding that new stereo equipment.:D

What if the conspiracies are for our benefit? What if by the illusion of democracy we are benefiting? It can't be too bad can it, and hey you can go join the conspirators maybe to make sure they don't conspire too much against us.

I'm gladly joining with the NWO and any other direction our countries elected and popular leader decides to take us.
We are not a Socialist country but he and his party are leading us that way, under the guise of "Change we can count on" and all of the other sayings. Bringing the bottom up to the middle class is fine when they do some of the heavy lifting for themselves, like staying in school, staying clean & sober, not being a career criminal by the age of 13 and pounding out a bunch of kids in order to get more free money. Making the upper class pay for a new President's agenda is BS and will only make the ones who are most opposed, leave.

I'm not referring to conspiracies. Federal take over of banking, manufacturing, finance and forced service have been mandated by every Socialist and Fascist government. The free market wasn't allowed to reign in the Depression of '29 and that's why it lasted as long as it did. Without government intervention, it would have been fine but Hoover couldn't leave it alone. Big government is why the US is in debt to the extent it is. Making it bigger won't make it more efficient and IMO, government workers need to be treated the same as private sector workers- performance reviews and if they aren't making the grade, they either have the choice of improving or moving on. Just being there doesn't qualify anyone for a raise or bonus or keeping their job.

I don't conspire.


Junior Audioholic
I wonder how many people even realize the "federal Reserve" is simple a name of a private bank?

No different that Federal Express..

We will be seeing some very rapid changes as the population looks for blame and quick fix schemes. Just what the Elites wanted

However rest assured that religious freedom won't be infringed on and that members will be allowed to free speech, they just want to prevent corruption
Rest assure nothing. You are saying to give government the power, and put trust in that they will not abuse it? Did you catch the story of the 5 year old boy who shared the same name of a XX year old man who was on the no fly list? TSA agents interrogated him and his mother... They told his mother she wasnt allowed to touch him, becasue the boy was a, "National security risk" and feared she may be transferring counter ban to and fro.. Check it out.

This is just the beginning

Heres how to prevent resistance to a world power take over.
1. Disarm the public of weapons
2. Prevent Free Speech through media blackouts and distractions
3. Put in place FEMA camps ready and able nationwide

Good bye constitution, goodbye United States, hello North American Union.


Who'd have imagined a forum for people wealthy enough to constantly purchase (and re-purchase) expensive luxury equipment would be so conservative?! ;)


Senior Audioholic
NWO? Wasn't that some WWE wrestling gimmick back in the 90's?


Audioholic Overlord
I wonder how many people even realize the "federal Reserve" is simple a name of a private bank?

No different that Federal Express..

We will be seeing some very rapid changes as the population looks for blame and quick fix schemes. Just what the Elites wanted

Rest assure nothing. You are saying to give government the power, and put trust in that they will not abuse it? Did you catch the story of the 5 year old boy who shared the same name of a XX year old man who was on the no fly list? TSA agents interrogated him and his mother... They told his mother she wasnt allowed to touch him, becasue the boy was a, "National security risk" and feared she may be transferring counter ban to and fro.. Check it out.

This is just the beginning

Heres how to prevent resistance to a world power take over.
1. Disarm the public of weapons
2. Prevent Free Speech through media blackouts and distractions
3. Put in place FEMA camps ready and able nationwide

Good bye constitution, goodbye United States, hello North American Union.
Man are you seriously saying you think our country will become another Soviet Union? Seriously?

Didn't FDR implement a lot of government programs too?

And yet he pulled us out of the recession. Hmmm.

So what do you propose? Should we conspire to overthrow the government and make you and your friends in charge?
Perhaps you fail to understand how our system works. I suggest a government class. You see our leaders are elected. That's right elected. Many of them start out in small time politics and are beloved for their hard work and passion in helping their community. One such example was Barack Obama. Obama was a community organizer. I must assume you don't understand what that is and any understanding of it is highly polarized against it due to your source of news. A community organizer is a person that works to revitalize a poor or bad area of town. This is not an easy task and it is not done by simply throwing money at the issue. It requires you empower and raise up leaders in that community that will stay in the community and revitalize it. It requires attracting multiple classes of people into the community to promote class diversity. It requires a lot of hard work and takes decades to achieve. Many people benefit from the work and often the biggest contributors to the work are the poor people themselves. Government funding is used often times to build hospitals and structures that are just simply to expensive for most organization to fund by themselves.

The reality is a lot of good is being done in a lot of communities through these efforts and many places are experiencing revitalization.

But now because Obama wants to make rich people pay their fair share some cry and whine. I personally have no problem paying more taxes. I welcome increased taxes. I believe if we give the poor greater opportunity many of them will be successful. Will some use drugs and be criminals? Sure, but for every criminal there is more than 1 person helped. And for every abuse there are many who don't abuse it. I know in Exit polling even rich people voted for Obama so many agree with him. If you don't like our system you are welcome to try other nations. Heck if your rich enough maybe you can by your own island. Or maybe a few of yall could form a group that bought it's own island.

We could call it Audio Paradise and ban Bose and Monster products. :D The island would be surrounded by speakers and LFE would be felt as you approached the island. Why don't yall get on that so Ahers can come visit. :)

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