Fighting the NWO, anyone else out there?



Audioholic Overlord
We are not a Socialist country but he and his party are leading us that way, under the guise of "Change we can count on" and all of the other sayings. Bringing the bottom up to the middle class is fine when they do some of the heavy lifting for themselves, like staying in school, staying clean & sober, not being a career criminal by the age of 13 and pounding out a bunch of kids in order to get more free money. Making the upper class pay for a new President's agenda is BS and will only make the ones who are most opposed, leave.

I'm not referring to conspiracies. Federal take over of banking, manufacturing, finance and forced service have been mandated by every Socialist and Fascist government. The free market wasn't allowed to reign in the Depression of '29 and that's why it lasted as long as it did. Without government intervention, it would have been fine but Hoover couldn't leave it alone. Big government is why the US is in debt to the extent it is. Making it bigger won't make it more efficient and IMO, government workers need to be treated the same as private sector workers- performance reviews and if they aren't making the grade, they either have the choice of improving or moving on. Just being there doesn't qualify anyone for a raise or bonus or keeping their job.

I don't conspire.
A little socialism wouldn't bother me any. Hey that's why we vote. If the majority chooses socialism and democratic polices then I guess we go that way. If they want to be conservative we'll swing that way.


Audioholic Spartan
Didn't FDR implement a lot of government programs too?

And yet he pulled us out of the recession. Hmmm.
Not true at all. Hoover took a simple market correction and turned it into a decade long depression. In fact, the market had already corrected and stabilized before Hoover's programs took effect and caused the depression. Hitler ended the depression by invading Poland and turning America into an international arms dealer for Britain, France, Russia and the other Allies.

Obama was a community organizer. I must assume you don't understand what that is
His role as "community organizer" could more aptly be described as "democratic vote finder" under the guise of non-partisan, federally funded organization, like the ones indicted for voting fraud in the last election. Obama has always been a democratic party hack and there is no evidence to suggest that his actions as an organizer were anything but an attempt to organize election victories for the democrats.

But now because Obama wants to make rich people pay their fair share some cry and whine.
What's fair? 40%? 50%? More? I paid over 40% last year. I'm not rich yet if I work a bit of overtime to make my life better, my tax rate goes up and my annual income is taxed at a higher rate. What's my incentive to work and stay poor or to stay at home and be poor? None. Progressive taxes make it impossible for me to get ahead.

It is not the government's role to take what they want from me just because they can. It's outright theft at the point of the gun held by the policeman that will arrest you for not paying whatever tax demands are imposed on you. Fairness goes both ways...not just to the poor who expect to be clothed, housed and fed at somebody else' expense. Fairness also extends to the tax payer that funds those programs and somehow that part of the equation has been lost, as is the case in all socialist models. I see your socialist leanings and continuous advocating for such policies as simply a complicity in the ongoing theft of individual's rightly earned income and America's prosperity.


What's fair? 40%? 50%? More? I paid over 40% last year. I'm not rich yet if I work a bit of overtime to make my life better, my tax rate goes up and my annual income is taxed at a higher rate. What's my incentive to work and stay poor or to stay at home and be poor? None. Progressive taxes make it impossible for me to get ahead.
What amount of money did you make last year?!?! According to US tax code, you didn't pay over 35% even if you make an infinite amount of money.

Even then, you only get taxed progressively; you paid the same amount intaxes on your income in each bracket below the "absurd income" bracket as everyone else in the US. That's the beauty of the brackets. If you truly paid 40%, I find it hard you're not "get[ting] ahead."


What amount of money did you make last year?!?! According to US tax code, you didn't pay over 35% even if you make an infinite amount of money.

Even then, you only get taxed progressively; you paid the same amount intaxes on your income in each bracket below the "absurd income" bracket as everyone else in the US. That's the beauty of the brackets. If you truly paid 40%, I find it hard you're not "get[ting] ahead."
He's from Canada.


Doesn't change too much, looking at the Canadian income tax schedule.


Junior Audioholic
Socialism is great if it werent for the human element of greed and corruption. Its nice to day dream and see all the good things it could* have. But that will never be, it doesnt work. Thats what history has taught us. Economics is a unique science in that theres no way to test theories thats why its so highly debated. All economic models and anything concrete is derived from actual events and history. Theres no way to make a model and test it not in real time. My point is, its vital to not sit back and deny history as it applies to economics. History is to economics as the theory of relativity is to physics. And history is undeniable repeating itself.

Im not even debating Obama and his plans and ideas. Hes just a puppet and so insignificant. Its the people whom direct him and their GLOBAL AGENDA. Thats key here and thats what must be recognized to the people out there still on the red pill in their comfy facade of a life.

Do you really think I dont want to seem the poor prosper?
Do you really think I dont want to see world peace or community leaders?

Thats completely not whats going on in any way shape or form. Everything thats in motion now was engineered long ago to do exactly what its doing. Oil going up and housing confidence going down. Even President Bush taking all the flak and blame was just a cop out to bring in a symbol of hope for the masses; Obama! All praise him, rejoice, give him the power and he will set us free. All the same propaganda used in any socialism dictatorship takeover that you are buying into.

This agenda that im speaking of isnt even any secret, its out there so easy to find, you have to accept it though, take the blue pill and set yourself free. I know it sounds extreme but thats because it is. And you telling me "If I dont like It I can try another country" ITS CALLED TYRANNY and im not an advocate of it, you on the other hand are supporting the destruction of the United States of America, the greatest nation of all time and our constitution, the greatest thought ever complied. Think of all the men and women who have died defending this country, I just want to see their deaths not be in vain, and I wish to see the USA remain the greatest country there will ever be.

LMAO at the nWo Hulk Hogan...

And by no means am I rich... Im so poor its not even a joke. Right now all I have to eat in my kitchen is 4 boxes of rice, and about 5 things of spaghetti. Oh and a few potato's... I just moved 1300 miles away from home, and it was the biggest mistake ever. Hopefully my luck will change, along with the luck of our nation. :eek:


Junior Audioholic
hahah a thing = a 1 lb box w/equivalent can of sauce


Audioholic Spartan
Doesn't change too much, looking at the Canadian income tax schedule.
The weekly deductions on my pay are undeniable. Then we have to consider other mandatory deductions, like CPP, EI and Health Tax. When I get what's left, I have to pay property tax, PST and GST on every product or service I buy. By the time they're done with me after taxes, surcharges and fees on my utilities, insurance, driver's license, license plates, gasoline, etc., I expect my total tax payout is closer to 60% of my gross.

But hey, my neighbors have decided that that's my "fair share". If that's what you want for America, have at it.


Audioholic Slumlord
The weekly deductions on my pay are undeniable. Then we have to consider other mandatory deductions, like CPP, EI and Health Tax. When I get what's left, I have to pay property tax, PST and GST on every product or service I buy. By the time they're done with me after taxes, surcharges and fees on my utilities, insurance, driver's license, license plates, gasoline, etc., I expect my total tax payout is closer to 60% of my gross.
You must be terribly conflicted on some level with that whole 'Overpaid UAW' thing mixed with the 'I'm Getting Screwed' thing.

You tortured soul ... :p:D


Junior Audioholic
You must be terribly conflicted on some level with that whole 'Overpaid UAW' thing mixed with the 'I'm Getting Screwed' thing.

You tortured soul ... :p:D
What does it matter? His point is, its coming our way and freaking look out because it sucks. Take his word for it... thats a real life example right there.


And yet he pulled us out of the recession. Hmmm.
Actually had it not been for WWII, it would have taken at least a decade to recover somewhat normally with the "New Deal".

You see our leaders are elected. That's right elected. Many of them start out in small time politics and are beloved for their hard work and passion in helping their community.
Actually this is where most acquire backing from rich individuals and public interests as the 'elected' pursue a career in life long politics. Many people/groups with much to gain by supporting a candidate at this level, and where they can go from there, get much in return from these 'partnerships'. We have so much corruption at the national level that the good of the country and it's citizens is thrown under the bus for special interests.

Yes, they are elected, but most candidates, including your beloved Obama, have to pay their pipers and keep them happy. Look at all the pork that has been passed on some of the bills he has signed. What about waiting to sign some of the bills as promised in his campaigning?

MOst cannot even begin to get started in small time politics anymore. There was a local race here for the state house of representatives that cost $1 million for one side and over $700k for the other. This is ludicrous!!

It is sad to say but the days of people actually listening and looking for what what a person truly represents and thinking for themselves appear to be over.

But now because Obama wants to make rich people pay their fair share some cry and whine. I personally have no problem paying more taxes. I welcome increased taxes.

Are you insane!!! Look at why this country was founded!! You apparently have swallowed the 'blue pill' and want to ignore the facts. The founding fathers would roll in their graves knowing the average American is paying in upwards of 20%+ in taxes, not to mention the fact that the government wants to further increase that burden on those whom have made themselves successful and punish them for their success.


Audioholic Slumlord
What does it matter? His point is, its coming our way and freaking look out because it sucks. Take his word for it... thats a real life example right there.
I think you're missing the nature of my post but that's not going to matter soon because there is a full report on you being reviewed by NWO. Not only did I drink the Kool Aid, I had seconds. The best part was that it was free. Dave's treat. :D


Audioholic Spartan
You must be terribly conflicted on some level with that whole 'Overpaid UAW' thing mixed with the 'I'm Getting Screwed' thing.

You tortured soul ... :p:D
Oh yeah, the unions here are the biggest, loudest, richest and most successful proponents of socialism in the country. On the one hand, they extort big dollar hourly earnings from the company and on the other hand lobby the gov't to take it all away before I can spend it.


Junior Audioholic
Are you insane!!! Look at why this country was founded!! You apparently have swallowed the 'blue pill' and want to ignore the facts. The founding fathers would roll in their graves knowing the average American is paying in upwards of 20%+ in taxes, not to mention the fact that the government wants to further increase that burden on those whom have made themselves successful and punish them for their success.
Thats a beautiful statement. I try to not be so personal towards others though. I take a more positive and easy to understand approach. The way I look at it is what is the element that makes our nation so great? What is the American dream? What the timeless universal code that applies to all elements of nature on earth? Its what drives evolution, ensures survival, encourages change...

We all want to prosper as much as we possible can in our lifetime. Thats a very neutral fact, id doubt anyone could disagree. Everyone prospers in their own way, most would agree that this would reflect in money. Which goes aside your comment on taxation and how appalled our founding fathers would be. Thats why the USA works, thats why we are great, you take that away and you are removing what makes us tick. You remove that element, and we our no different than the rest. Take away free markets and transfer power to the government and this country is not only no longer democratic and free it is as well no longer ours.

Just watch or read V for Vendetta, its basically an exact depiction of whats to come in the next few years (however,hopefully not). My favorite quote from it is, "Why wont you die?!?", "Because ideas are bulletproof!!!"

I think you're missing the nature of my post but that's not going to matter soon because there is a full report on you being reviewed by NWO. Not only did I drink the Kool Aid, I had seconds. The best part was that it was free. Dave's treat.
I really dont speak out much, im a good little civi and keep my wild fantasies to myself. As far as the Kool aid stuff goes, im going to guess thats some sort of inside joke? Im kind of lost on what your getting at.


Audioholic Slumlord
As far as the Kool aid stuff goes, im going to guess thats some sort of inside joke? Im kind of lost on what your getting at.
That cult guy Jim Jones had everybody drink a cyanide laced red drink that killed a lot of people:

Somebody who drank the Kool Aid did what they were told and paid the ultimate price for not thinking for themselves. It is my attempt at self depreciating humor.


Audioholic Spartan
Guns are the source of widespread violence in our nation. Many people are killed with guns. Including children who play with them.
That knee jerk reactive statement reminds me of the bumper sticker I saw:
“Guns kill people, like spoons made Rosie O’Donnell fat."

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