Denon AVR-3805 First Impressions
Bear with me, I'm new to this. I just replaced my Onkyo TX-DS797 receiver with the Denon 3805. Wow! What a difference. I really thought the sound quality from the Onkyo was great, but the Denon is much more musical and sounds cleaner overall.
Good selection of inputs
sound quality is great (used a cheap microphone to calibrate and it seemed to work ok...big difference over trying to set it up by ear)
Input switching works well (upconversion to component)
Remote control - pretty user friendly. My wife programmed it for the most part (there were a couple of minor glitches that I fixed) and I was able to figure out how to use it without reading the manual or looking at anything else
no audible hiss or noise when a source is not playing
extremely clean sound even at loud volumes (very crisp sounding...brought a new dimension to my Klipsch Reference speakers)
Setup menu is very limited compared to the Onkyo
Remote sounds like something is loose in it...I will take it back to the dealer at some point when they can swap it out
Denon Link - I am not using this yet, but it would be nice if it were a standard interface...I don't like being tied down to one manufacturer. Hopefully Denon will release a sub-$1000 DVD Player with DVD-A using Denon Link and DVI.
Well, that is my initial impression. I will mess with it more this weekend and try out the Zone 2 feature with my A-Bus stuff and see how it work. Overall, I am very satisfied with my purchase and thank all those that bought this before I did so I had a basis to make my decision on.
Denon AVR-3805
Klipsch RF-3IIs, RS-3s, RC-3 (no sub
Toshiba 50HX81
Onkyo Cd Changer - just ordered the Denon CDM 380...HDCD sounds incredible
Panasonic RP-82 DVD
Sony SAT-HD200