CNN to MSNBC to Faux? Oh my! No wonder you're confused.
OK, you're not the My Pillow Guy slumming on AH. But you now sound more like Tucker Carlson with his On Air/Off Air split personalities. Do you wear a bow tie

I never heard of The Five or Jeanine Piro until you mentioned them. I looked them up and now wish I hadn't.
It occurred to me that there might be some parallels between the prosecutions of Trump and Al Capone. Yesterday, I looked up some of the history of Al Capone's trials. All I remembered is that he was convicted for federal tax evasion. Only in retrospect does it look like a cut & dry case.
What I didn't know was how long & complex that process was. Capone had so successfully corrupted politicians, police, and judges in Chicago that numerous previous attempts to send him to prison failed before the federal tax evasion approach worked. And yes, there was intense criticism in newspapers (no doubt also corrupted by Capone) about how unfair and illegal it was to prosecute him over unpaid taxes. Sound similar?
Here's a good starting point
Interestingly, I relearned about Capone's mental enfeeblement due to long-term syphilis and gonorrhea infections. He was sentenced to 11 years in prison, but only served 6½ years before he was released because of declining health. When he entered a federal penitentiary in 1932, he was first diagnosed, at age 33, with advanced syphilis, as well as withdrawal symptoms from cocaine addiction. The untreated syphilis had spread to his central nervous system and brain, causing his death by age 48. While in prison, the murderous mobster who had ruthlessly taken over bootleg liquor in Chicago, along with gambling, prostitution, and unions, was seen as weak, out of his depth dealing with bullying at the hands of fellow inmates.
Has Trump ever been examined for neurological disease? He certainly displays significant neurologic pathology. Or was he born that way?