

Seriously, I have no life.
What has that to do with making me quoting election results in the 2022 midterms more "valid"?

To make another example: CDC.gov: Infant Mortality Rates by Race and Ethnicity, 2019. I've not been in USA but does that make the following statistics less "valid"?

View attachment 61332

Here is another one that by you is not "valid" as I've not been to USA: CDC.gov: Maternal Mortality Rates in the United States, 2021

View attachment 61334

WHO has some statistics on maternal mortality rates 2000-2020 that has a link to a PDF: I can assure you that I've not visited all the countries in the world, not all in Europe either.

View attachment 61336
.... snip ....
View attachment 61335

What conclusion would you draw from this, assuming that you've not visited every state in USA and every other country in the world personally? Why is USA so high compared to other highly developed countries? Is race an issue in USA? The Canadian statistics that is much lower is included in "North America" number above image.
The maternal mortality rate is directly tied to education level, income level and now, the hospitals are closing maternity wards in some places, which is inconceivable.

The health care industry is crap, people don't bother with health until it's too late (that's NOT tied to income or education, either) and we still have people killing themselves with tobacco products.

IMO, the stats for Europe and the US should be separated, so each can be seen without any co-mingling of the data. I think it would make Europe's stats look better.

I'll never disagree that the US needs a lot of retooling- we have a lot of freedoms, but too many abuse them. People are greedy, stingy and many don't care about anyone or anything but what directly affects their lives. We should be long past the racial problems, but we aren't.

Congress is closed off and in their own vacuum chambers, POTUS is senile and SCOTUS has become far too political.

And voters don't want to change their minds because it takes to much effort to learn.

Change isn't always easy, but when people dig their heels in, it's almost impossible.

BTW- what's your actual goal, here? Are you trying to get the US to change, or do you just like poking people with sticks?


Audioholic Spartan
The maternal mortality rate is directly tied to education level, income level and now, the hospitals are closing maternity wards in some places, which is inconceivable.
The statistics is not broken into income or educational level, but that probably is an important part. However, is that enough to explain the 2.62 times higher mortality rate for Black compared to White in USA? Edit: Calculated from the CDC report using the 2021 numbers.

In Europe there are many people that are poor along with low levels of education, but still the US levels are 1.82 to 3.33 higher depending on country. Numbers calculated from the point estimate in the WHO statistics.

IMO, the stats for Europe and the US should be separated, so each can be seen without any co-mingling of the data. I think it would make Europe's stats look better.
Read my post again. This is done so for the statistics from WHO that I quoted.

On the WHO page I linked to there is a link with a clickable world map for MMR where you can see for each country and year.

For the year 2020 USA had an MMR of 21 and Canada had 9. For some European countries: Germany 4, France 8, Spain 3 and Poland 2. Russia has an MMR of 14.

BTW- what's your actual goal, here? Are you trying to get the US to change, or do you just like poking people with sticks?
You mean a foreigner should not post here unless the content is “approved”, preferably by you? I don't think you like being poked with facts, statistics and research contrary to your beliefs. ;)

BTW - I post whatever I like, as long as it’s in accordance with the forum rules. I certainly won’t be asking for your permission.

You did not answer my first question. Nice deflection, though. :)

>>>What has that to do with making me quoting election results in the 2022 midterms more "valid"?<<<
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Full Audioholic
Anyone think that the classified docs that showed up on the internet are from Trump?


The statistics is not broken into income or educational level, but that probably is an important part. However, is that enough to explain the 2.62 times higher mortality rate for Black compared to White in USA?

In Europe there are many people that are poor along with low levels of education, but still the US levels are 1.82 to 3.33 higher depending on country. Numbers calculated from the point estimate in the WHO statistics.
Oh, I am so bookmarking this post for a future thread around a certain vertical in health that will most likely arise in a thread.


Audioholic Jedi
It's interesting that you call MKE the 'Munich of the Midwest', but it's so heavily Democrat that you really don't seem to know who lives here, how they vote or much else.

- Milwaukee had an extremely large German population until the mid-1900s and they voted heavily toward Socialism
- Milwaukee is the last major US city to have a Socialist Mayor- Frank Zeidler served from 1948-1960.
- Milwaukee is the only city where Mayors stay in office for as long as they do- only five different Mayors have been elected to that office since 1948 and the most recent has only been there since 2022.
- Milwaukee hasn't elected a Republican Mayor since 1916 and there's no indication that another will be elected anytime soon.

If I don't include a link with my comments about specific info, it's easy enough to copy/past them and search online. When I write that someone is wrong after they post something that's clearly not accurate AND the facts can be found, it's not really an opinion.

Sure- we all have opinions but at some point, we're just arguing with rocks- not much will change.
Just something I thought you'd like :) You can still have active racism/naziism, even with democrats in the majority in a given city. Isn't New Order hq'd there?


Audioholic Jedi
I'll make sure to ping you when it happens. All I can say is it's not going to be a thread that I'll start.
It was the use of the language I couldn't make sense of. A certain vertical what in health?


Audioholic Spartan
Anyone think that the classified docs that showed up on the internet are from Trump?
Seems unlikely as several of them refers to recent events (after Trump was President) and he got no security clearance after leaving the White House.
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Audioholic Spartan
Oh, I am so bookmarking this post for a future thread around a certain vertical in health that will most likely arise in a thread.
Like @lovinthehd I don’t understand what you mean by the phrase “around a certain vertical in health”.

Do note that "higher mortality rate" in my post means "higher maternal mortality rate", in case you missed that, but context will show.

Perhaps as well link to my post #318 that contains links to sources (CDC and WHO) as well MMR statistics from those sources used in my post that you replied to. You can even check my calculations in case I made an error. ;)

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Audioholic Samurai
Seems unlikely as several of them refers to recent events (after Trump was President) and he got no security clearance after leaving the White House.
I agree. Biden barred Trump from receiving intelligence updates and the documents were dated from earlier this year.

I also rather doubt Trump would be on a Discord server chatting with Minecraft users.

Unless Trump is a fan of a Filipino YouTube celebrity Wow_Mao and chats it up with other fans on a Discord server?

>>>Bizarrely, the Discord channels in which the documents dated from March were posted focused on the Minecraft computer game and fandom for a Filipino YouTube celebrity. . . . The documents appear to detail events and offer analysis of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine up until March 2023. . . .
The user who shared this map later claimed on Twitter that he found them posted by another user on a Discord server called WowMao, run by and for fans of a popular YouTuber of the same name. On March 1 and March 2, a WowMao user posted over 30 documents, many of which are marked “Top Secret”, on the server, therefore predating the Minecraft server posting.<<<

Bellingcat found some evidence the material was posted even earlier on a Discord server “Thug Shaker Central”

>>>However, the WowMao server may still not be the original source of these documents. Bellingcat spoke to members of a separate Discord community who claimed that other images had been posted earlier on yet another, since deleted, server often called “Thug Shaker Central” but which also had several other names at different times. Image files shown to Bellingcat detailed a further document in the same style and formatting of those posted in the WowMao server that was dated to January 13.<<<

At any rate, the odds of Trump gaining access to top secret documents after he left office and posting them on “Thug Shaker Central” are (in my estimation) precisely zero.


Audioholic Samurai
Unfortunately, I now know what thug shaking is. Trump is a truely bizzare human being, but I doubt that thug shakin is his thing.


Thug Shaker is a slang phrase describing videos of Black men, who presumably live a "thug" lifestyle, performing the "rump shaker" dance move while naked, which consists of shaking their buttocks. The clips are frequently used in bait-and-switch media. The name "thug shaker" and a related copypasta both hail from a 2020 gay pornography video.


On April 30th, 2020, the gay pornography video "That lord helmet Tastes Like Money" by the production studio Thug Hunter was released.[1][2] In the video, a man named Logan approaches a young Black man, who according to the plot is a "badass thug from the hood," and pays him for sexual intercourse. In one part of the video, Logan asks the man to remove his pants and shake his buttocks, referring to the act as the "thug shaker" (SFW still image from the video shown below).<<<

So now you know.


Seriously, I have no life.
The statistics is not broken into income or educational level, but that probably is an important part. However, is that enough to explain the 2.62 times higher mortality rate for Black compared to White in USA? Edit: Calculated from the CDC report using the 2021 numbers.

In Europe there are many people that are poor along with low levels of education, but still the US levels are 1.82 to 3.33 higher depending on country. Numbers calculated from the point estimate in the WHO statistics.

Read my post again. This is done so for the statistics from WHO that I quoted.

On the WHO page I linked to there is a link with a clickable world map for MMR where you can see for each country and year.

For the year 2020 USA had an MMR of 21 and Canada had 9. For some European countries: Germany 4, France 8, Spain 3 and Poland 2. Russia has an MMR of 14.

You mean a foreigner should not post here unless the content is “approved”, preferably by you? I don't think you like being poked with facts, statistics and research contrary to your beliefs. ;)

BTW - I post whatever I like, as long as it’s in accordance with the forum rules. I certainly won’t be asking for your permission.

You did not answer my first question. Nice deflection, though. :)

>>>What has that to do with making me quoting election results in the 2022 midterms more "valid"?<<<
I don't understand directly comparing Europe and the US- the people are too different, we have completely different histories and the US has people who actually think we have a long history after being formed more than over 250 years ago. Right- that's a long history. Hardly educated. The people here are very different from those in other countries and that's not necessarily a good thing.

The stats WRT maternal mortality rate here is unbelievably low- there's no good reason for it but if you look at the education level and competence in many cities, it makes sense- the schools, as I have posted, aren't getting the job done. The literacy rate isn't as high as it should be, but there are many factors involved. If someone can't read in their own language, they surely won't be able to read in English, so they may not even know that maternity services exist if they didn't have them at home, before coming into the US. I have met people from other countries whose village didn't have any schools and they were too far from other schools to make education a practical endeavor.

As far as the difference between MMR for Black and White? Yes, education level is a large factor. Look at the stats for that and joblessness- they're directly related.

WRT "You mean a foreigner should not post here..."- I never wrote or meant that.


Seriously, I have no life.
Just something I thought you'd like :) You can still have active racism/naziism, even with democrats in the majority in a given city. Isn't New Order hq'd there?
I didn't know they're based here- they don't come out much. They're located in the 53227 Zip Code, which is SW of where I live and I only found out by searching a few minutes ago. Maybe they're the ones who call in bomb threats to Jewish schools and Synagogues, but I don't remember if the news mentioned them, by name.


Audioholic Spartan
I don't understand directly comparing Europe and the US- the people are too different, we have completely different histories and the US has people who actually think we have a long history after being formed more than over 250 years ago. Right- that's a long history. Hardly educated. The people here are very different from those in other countries and that's not necessarily a good thing.
Of course one can compare MMR among different countries just as one can compare life expectancy. MMR (from the map link I gave earlier) for Japan is 4 and for South Korea it's 8, just to take Asian countries as examples as well. I already wrote that MMR for Canada is 9 (closer to home for you). What these countries have in common is that they have universal healthcare of some kind, while USA does not. Do note some of the European countries are relatively poor and comparable to poor US states.

The statistics for MMR I gave for USA is not broken down on a state basis but I expect that this will vary per state. Several states, typically Republican (red) and often poor, have refused Medicaid expansion that benefits the poor. There is a recent Krugman article that argues (from memory), with statistics, that red states have a 4-5 year lower life expectancy due to refusal to implement good health care policies. I'll see if I can find that one again.

In any case: USA is an outlier, in a negative way, in the group of highly developed countries, and even compared to several poor ones.

As far as the difference between MMR for Black and White? Yes, education level is a large factor. Look at the stats for that and joblessness- they're directly related.
Sure, these are important contributing factors, but then are are many White Americans with similar educational level and are poor as well. The aggregate statistics is very coarse for a country as big as USA and so varied states. I'm sure there is statistics and research for state level, but I'm too lazy to hunt for them now. :)

WRT "You mean a foreigner should not post here..."- I never wrote or meant that.
OK, but you do come across like that on occasion. It pisses me off, to be honest, as you might have noticed.
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Seriously, I have no life.
Of course one can compare MMR among different countries just as one can compare life expectancy. MMR for (from the map link I gave earlier) for Japan is 4 and for South Korea it's 8, just to take Asian countries as examples as well. I already wrote that MMR for Canada is 9 (closer to home for you). What these countries have in common is that they have universal healthcare of some kind, while USA does not. Do note some of the European countries are relatively poor and comparable to poor US states.

The statistics for MMR I gave for USA is not broken down on a state basis but I expect that this will vary per state. Several states, typically Republican (red) and often poor, have refused Medicaid expansion that benefits the poor. There is a recent Krugman article that argues (from memory), with statistics, that red states have a 4-5 year lower life expectancy due to refusal to implement good health care policies. I'll see if I can find that one again.

Sure, these are important contributing factors, but then are are many White Americans with similar educational level and are poor as well. The aggregate statistics is very coarse for a country as big as USA and so varied states. I'm sure there is statistics and research for state level, but I'm too lazy to hunt for them now. :)

OK, but you do come across like that on occasion.
Go ahead and use Milwaukee as a baseline and see what you find- it's bad.

The refusal to treat people is a large part of the problems here and with some hospitals ending maternity services, it will become even worse.

That's one of the many reasons people can't align with either major political party and we need a good Independent party to create some good solutions. GOP has become 'The Party of NO!'.

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