Enter to Win: Rives Audio Test CD 2



My thoughts

I think it's literally in thirds. Those superspeakers you have won't sound all that great driven by a big box loss-leader receiver and source. Those high-end seperates and such won't make a $99 pair of paper-coned particle-board Rat Shack specials sing like the London Symphony. And none of it will sound it's best in a boomy, shrill, echo-ey box of a room. I don't know that you have to actually shell out an equal third for treatment, but as far as research and due dilligence it certainly should have the same consideration.

Answer 1: 33/33/33 Room/Speaks/Equipment and Cables.

Answer 2: I spent less than 2% on room treatment, but only because A) My room was already fairly inert and B) I went to an estate sale and cleaned out probably 2.5G worth of room treatment from an HT room for $500. Bass traps, corners, etc. the whole shebang. Used half of it. Sold half of it on Craigslist.


Audioholic Intern
1. I would have to say 75-80% for speakers, 10-15% for room acoustics, and 10% for amps.

2. Probably around 50 bucks for drapes to keep light out.


Audioholic Intern
What percentage of importance does the room make in the overall sound quality? (i.e. Amp is 15%, Speakers are 30%, etc.)

The room's acoustics are very important, as well as making sure that the speakers are not completely wrong for the room in the first place. I'd give the room a 30% with the speakers getting a 45% and the electronics getting the remaining 25%.

In terms of money spent on your system, what percentage was spent on the room including design consult and treatments.

We poor college kids don't get to think about such things just yet. Give it some time.


I am going to say <5% for the room, this way I can convince myself that I don't need to spend any money or time on acoustic treatments and I can put the rest of the money I have into speakers.

none, zero, zippo.


Full Audioholic
1. I'll guess 30% room, 50% speakers, 20% other.

2. Nothing yet. As with many others, a dedicated HT room is in the design stages (oh yeah, and a new house for the wife - but that's just to have somewhere to put the theater).


Audioholic Intern
Room with no view, just audio

1. As far as importance goes I'd say 60%. I hate going into somones' home and finding a nice system that echos off off of everything. Monetarily I'd like to see it at around 30% so I could spend more on my speakers.

2. Unfortunately zip. Hopefully in the next home.


Full Audioholic
I would value room design at approximately 45% of the overall home theater experience. I have heard the same HTIB in my small bedroom and my fairly large living room and it sounds much better in the bigger space.
Despite feeling strongly about room design I have not actually spent any money on altering the actual "room acoustics." This is mostly due to the fact that I am pleased with my current living room as far as sound goes. I hope this helps


1. 90% is the room.

2. Nothing spent so far on room treatment. Unless a test tone CD and SPL meter count as room treatment.


Audioholic Field Marshall
rjbudz said:
It's amazing that everyone agrees that room acoustics are the most important feature in audio sound, and pretty much zippo is spent on improving that aspect.

Not that I am able to enter the competition, but here are my answers:

1. About 60% for the room, 30% for the speakers and 10% for the rest of the equipment.

2. Approximately 25% of the value of my system was additionally spent on room treatment. More to be spent in the future.

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1. I would say the room has about 60% to do with the sound.

2. I have not really spent any money on room design, but hopefully that will change soon.:) :)


Full Audioholic
50% room, 20% speakers, 30% Components.
(speakers are cheaper to upgrade rather then a Crestron/AMX system, and expensive amps, etc).

I live in a apartment still, so have spent Zero dinero on room treatments. When I build my house with the theater room room treatments will be very important.



Full Audioholic
ok.. so maybe 50 percent?

I havent spent anything on my room yet, but probobly will eventually.


Audioholic Intern
I would have to say that the room probably accounts for 30%, 50% would be equipment (speakers and amps/receiver), and 20% source material.

I have not spent anything for accoustics / room design. That is the next step for me.
Ethan Winer

Ethan Winer

Full Audioholic

> 90% is the room <

At least. And the other 10 percent is the loudspeakers. Everything else, unless outright broken, is too far below what's perceptable to matter much if at all. I mean, who could distinguish a power amp having 0.01 percent distortion from one that's 0.001 percent? I also agree completely with those who mentioned the source material, though that's really a separate issue.


Brian Hillier

What percentage of importance does the room make in the overall sound quality?

Speakers 20% Amp 20% Media 25% Room 25% Cables and power 10%

In terms of money spent on your system, what percentage was spent on the room including design consult and treatments.


DIY Jeff

I think the room accounts for 30 %, speaker and listener placement 20%, speakers : 20%, amp(s) and source : 20%, source material: 20%, finaly 10% for speaker level ajustments and bass management.

I have not spend real money on my room since I live in a appartment. I am working on a technique of using various types of plants has basic room treatment!!! :rolleyes:


I believe the room should be about 40% (especially if you are doing just 2 channel music). Speakers and components have too many variables since some speakers sound better with different equipment. I know this is a wishy washy answer but it is the best I can do.

As for what I have spent on room treatments, $0.00 additionally but I am hoping this will change. I am not counting the 2 couches, chair and dog beds since they are a given. I would really like to do something for the walls and maybe a corner or two to dampen the base reflections. The two traveling woofers don't count, they just need to be muzzled:D .



Audioholic Field Marshall
Presumably, since there are so many opinions on this, the Administrators will provide the answer, or at least an approximate answer if one precise number is unrealistic, at the end of the competition?



1. I feel the room is, at a minimum, 60%. Speakers 30%, components 10%... assuming both speakers and components are of good quality.
2. I have spent very little money on room treatments. This has included home-made absorbing panels and strategically placed rugs/furniture. I also have invested in a Ratshack SPL meter.

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