So, I have to ask another favor.
I'm sorry. lol
I received an unexpected refund check from my college and sold a few things I didn't use anymore so I was able to increase my budget to $2,000.
I bought the Blu-Ray Player, as I said above, and it's on its way.
I am also going to sell my television and buy a 55-60" so I will be set for video.
I'm going to sell my Denon AVR-791 and snag something else, as well.
The question I need to ask you guys, of course, is about loudspeakers.
With my $1,000 Budget, with unbelievable help from you guys, I decided that the Infinity Primus System was my best option. However, now I have doubled my budget from around $1,000 for a 5.0 System to around $2,000.
My question is does this budget increase open up any new options that would be decisively better than the Infinity's? The conclusion that was reached with my former budget was that there wasn't a 5.0 system for less than $1,000 that could touch the Infinity System. But, what about for $2,000?
Infinity System would be:
Infinity P363 x4 (Fronts and Surrounds)
Infinity PC351 Center
TOTAL: $901.76 Shipped
If I use my entire budget, I could go with something like:
Fronts: $1,000
Surrounds: $500
Center: $500
I'm not asking for you guys to choose for me. I simply want to know your opinions on which is the best option and if you want to suggest specific brands and models, I'll research the hell out of them. haha Everything else in my System should be damn near perfect now with my TV, BDP, and Receiver so if there's a better option out there for my Surround Sound, I want it.
I'm 100% fine with buying something used from Audiogon or wherever. I've actually been browsing on there all day. I will simply buy the fronts first and if I like them, then I can buy the other 3 to match.
I hope that this will be a bit more fun to help with since it's not nearly as limited. I'm so excited that I could increase my budget and hopefully my options. Thanks so much!