Energy RC-50's vs. Infinity Primus P363's

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Thanks for the kind words, Shade. I really appreciate it. The Revel's were definitely on my short list. Unfortunately, the F12's and M22's are both $1,000+ used so they're just not in the cards for me right now. I am extremely happy that I am able to get the Infinity's for a great price and still have excellent sound quality.

I definitely agree though that this thread has been informative. These guys are incredibly kind and knowledgeable and have really laid out all of the respectable options in the sub-$1,000 price range. This is an amazing forum and I honestly don't know how I would have ever came to a decision without the help I've received here. (/end @ss kissing. haha)

Now, I'm going to ask another favor. lol

Can you guys teach me how to read the graphs that you reference to know if a speaker measures well or not? I don't know anything about the Waterfall graph that you posted Grant and only a bit more about the response graphs.

I know for response, you want as flat of a line as possible and you want it to refrain from plummeting on the left side in the lower Hz for as long as it can as that shows how deep it will dig bass-wise, right? I'm still not 100% sure what on-axis and off-axis is, though, and looking at the graphs that Grant posted on page 11, I can see that the Infinity definitely has an impressive-looking graph compared to the rest. However, the other ones listed are still revered as excellent speakers so how do you truly determine it or do you just have to use the measurements as a basic guide and listen to them to truly know?

Thanks. :)


Would 4x P363's + PC351 5.0 System make a huge difference when compared to a 2x P363's + 2x P153's + PC351 System? I would like to possibly go with the P363's all around but if it's not going to make much of a difference (as I've regularly read with surrounds) then I won't waste the extra money.

I also ordered a Panasonic DMP-BDT110 3D Blu-Ray Player for $125 Shipped today. It'll be here on Friday so I'll let you guys know how I like it. It comes with a free copy of Avatar 3D. :eek: lol


So, I have to ask another favor. :( I'm sorry. lol

I received an unexpected refund check from my college and sold a few things I didn't use anymore so I was able to increase my budget to $2,000.

I bought the Blu-Ray Player, as I said above, and it's on its way.

I am also going to sell my television and buy a 55-60" so I will be set for video.

I'm going to sell my Denon AVR-791 and snag something else, as well.

The question I need to ask you guys, of course, is about loudspeakers. :D

With my $1,000 Budget, with unbelievable help from you guys, I decided that the Infinity Primus System was my best option. However, now I have doubled my budget from around $1,000 for a 5.0 System to around $2,000.

My question is does this budget increase open up any new options that would be decisively better than the Infinity's? The conclusion that was reached with my former budget was that there wasn't a 5.0 system for less than $1,000 that could touch the Infinity System. But, what about for $2,000? :eek: lol

Infinity System would be:

Infinity P363 x4 (Fronts and Surrounds)
Infinity PC351 Center

TOTAL: $901.76 Shipped

If I use my entire budget, I could go with something like:

Fronts: $1,000
Surrounds: $500
Center: $500

I'm not asking for you guys to choose for me. I simply want to know your opinions on which is the best option and if you want to suggest specific brands and models, I'll research the hell out of them. haha Everything else in my System should be damn near perfect now with my TV, BDP, and Receiver so if there's a better option out there for my Surround Sound, I want it. :)

I'm 100% fine with buying something used from Audiogon or wherever. I've actually been browsing on there all day. I will simply buy the fronts first and if I like them, then I can buy the other 3 to match.

I hope that this will be a bit more fun to help with since it's not nearly as limited. I'm so excited that I could increase my budget and hopefully my options. Thanks so much!
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Junior Audioholic
Get a panasonic plasma. I hate lcd for tv/movie/gaming, but that's just my opinion. Haven't looked at the latest lcd offerings but doubt its any different. Others will disagree and your eyes may be different.

So little sound comes out of surround I think it's overkill with towers in the back, not to mention they will look huge in your apartment. Bookshelf surrounds will offer more placement options which could lead to superior sound. Tower surrounds would benefit in multichannel audio but even then your center will be lacking. I would only consider if multichannel audio is important and had a big room.

You will just constantly keep getting different opinions, there is no best answer. Your just gonna have to eventually just take the plunge and get something and who knows if you will like what you get or not. And there's always the option of just saving your money and checking out the primus first.

This is what I'm getting next, unless I listen in-store and sounds like crap.

klipsch rb-81 left/right
klipsch rc-62 center
klipsch rb-51 surrounds

rythmik or hsu subwoofer

2.0 setup for computer/music:
Still unsure which would sound good nearfield, but thinking of infinity p162's, energy rc-10's, or maybe self-powered krk studios or behringers.

Maybe you could do something like this too. Have a music 2.0 or 2.1 setup and a 5.1 movie setup. Plus having two different systems keeps things more fresh. Certain music may sound better on each.


Audioholic Slumlord
If I use my entire budget, I could go with something like:

Fronts: $1,000
Surrounds: $500
Center: $500
In that case you have the option to stay put and wait for the Energy RC-70 to go on clearance sale again for $999.99 a pair. Here in Canada the Futureshop had them on sale for that price for quite a while but now they are listed at $1,249 each or $2498 a pair again.:confused:

One of those PSB tower speakers may also beat the P363 but that's about all I know.


@ jm78

The only thing about plasma's is the risk of image burn-in. I leave my tv on basically 24/7 and even sleep with it on out of habit (I can't sleep without the background noise. lol) so I'm not sure if a plasma would work for me. I would LOVE to get a 55"-60" plasma if it will work, but I don't know.

I definitely agree with you. Eventually, I'm just going to have to suck it up and pull the trigger. The ability to increase my budget is HUGE to me though as it really opens up my options. I would love to go with a line that has actual Surround Speakers so that I don't have to use make-shift surrounds from bookshelves or towers.

As far as the Klipsch References, most people hold them in high regard. I know for Home Theater they are hard to touch. However, for music I would make sure you listen to them extensively before you buy. I had a cheap Klipsch system and, while I know the Reference's are in a completely different league, they all have the horn-loaded tweeters which can sound harsh and aggressive to some, while others absolutely love it. They're BEAUTIFUL though for sure. Rythmik and HSU both make incredible subs so I'm sure you'll be extremely happy with that system.


My VERY FIRST thought as soon as I was aware that I was going to have more to spend was to find some RC-70's. I want them sooooo badly. lol With every other option, I feel nervous and controversial. When I think of owning the RC-70's (and the Mirage OMD's as well) I enjoy a feeling of comfort and serenity like I am making a great choice.

However, RC-70's are so hard to find in the U.S. I know in Canada people are lucky in that they have access to demo models and even sales (like the $499/each you mentioned) at Futureshop. I will definitely keep an eye out for them. Do they go on sale that often? I'll have to check shipping as well. :( lol

EDIT: I don't think Futureshop will even ship to the states. That sucks....
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Has anyone heard the AV123 Rocket Line?

They are gorgeous speakers and I found a nice deal on them. However, I've read that they did have QC issues which contributed to their company's eventual closure. Everyone seems to like the sound, though, and they describe it as detailed and neutral as I am looking for.

The ones in the system are:

RS450 Towers for $400
RS200 Center ("Bigfoot") for $300
RS300 Surrounds for $300

Total: $1,000

I could spring for the RS850 Towers or whatever else if the 450's would be disappointing.

I'm still trying to find more info on them but I'm definitely attracted by their looks and build quality.


Audioholic Samurai
In regards to plasma TV, image burn in is a thing of the past. Todays standards in plasma design have pretty much ended all of the misconceptions regarding burn in, it is not going to happen. I just installed six 50 inch plasmas, Panasonic G series, (50” TCP50G10) in a local sports bar, they are on from 9:45 am till 3:15 am every day 7 days per week going on 8 months to the day and they suffer no such issues.
I am in direct contact quite often with a leading east coast dealer of mostly plasma some LED and he agrees that Burn in is ancient history , with some small exception as in if one deliberately caused it just to prove a point..


Hmm, no burn-in even if mostly the same images are posted on the screen constantly?

For example, if I'm watching TV, it's normally either Netflix or Sportscenter. If I'm playing a video game, it's normally the same 1 or 2 games. That's why I was afraid that it might happen if I bought one.

In regards to speakers, I think I will go ahead and try the Infinity's. If I really like them, there's no point in paying more for no reason. If I don't, I can sell them easily and I'm back where I started.

I think I may go ahead and go 7.1 with it, though, just to see which I like better and if I can really notice a difference between it and 5.1.

My question is would it be better to get the P163's x4 for Surround Duties or should I snag a different brand of Surrounds? I was thinking that something like the Mirage OMD-5's w/ Omnidirectional Sound or actual designed Surrounds would work better than the P163 Bookshelves?

After that, if I move into a new place this Summer, I am thinking about snagging Dual Epik Legends. That will finish me out at right around $2,000 and make for a pretty Epik (yes, pun intended) system.

Thanks, as always.

FYI, to those of you giving me negative reps for asking questions, I promise you that you won't deter my curiosity. lol That's the entire point of this forum. Yes, I've asked a lot of questions and I, as well as others, have commented on how much they've learned from this thread. My mind was made up but then my budget increased so I wanted to explore other options that weren't available to me before. If that bothers you, don't click my thread. ;)


Audioholic Slumlord
FYI, to those of you giving me negative reps for asking questions, I promise you that you won't deter my curiosity.
Do you have any messages for those giving you negative reps for not answering questions?


Audioholic Jedi
I think I may go ahead and go 7.1
Don't even waste your money on 7.1.

Stick to 5.1.

The only bad thing about bookshelf speakers is that you need speaker stands, whereas towers you do not. If speaker stands is not an issue, then there is nothing wrong with bookshelf speakers, especially for surround sound.
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
Do you have any messages for those giving you negative reps for not answering questions?
Well I've signed mine....I can't understand why people are still responding to his question....:rolleyes:.


Well I've signed mine....I can't understand why people are still responding to his question....:rolleyes:.
You don't see a pattern?
See what I'm saying. lol

If my questions are bothering you so much, stop reading them. haha It's not that complicated fellows. Especially when I simply asked if there was a better option with my increased budget and then said shortly after I was going to go ahead with the Infinity's to see how I like them. Damn me for being so absurd and outrageous. :D

Well I've signed mine....I can't understand why people are still responding to his question....:rolleyes:.
Don't even waste your money on 7.1.

Stick to 5.1.

The only bad thing about bookshelf speakers is that you need speaker stands, whereas towers you do not. If speaker stands is not an issue, then there is nothing wrong with bookshelf speakers, especially for surround sound.
So, would it be "better" to go with 2x P363's, 2x P163's, and PC351 or 4x P363's and PC351? With the purchase of stands, it's going to bring the P163's to around the same price as the P363's so I'd rather go with whatever is better, which I'm assuming would be having all four of the same towers all around? I would get five of them, but I'm not sure how I could accommodate a middle tower. If I had my own house, I would mount the tv to the wall but right now it has to remain on the stand. I think 4x P363's + PC351 should make a pretty nice system for $900.

Thank you for sticking with me through this. I promise that I'll have this finished soon. :p

Hopefully I won't get more negative reps cuz' those things hurt. :eek: lol


Audioholic Ninja
Why not get two P363s

See if you like them.

If you love them, get the matching center.

If you don't, try another tower speaker and shift the P363s to the sides.

And then get the center for which one you prefer more


Why not get two P363s

See if you like them.

If you love them, get the matching stuff.

If you don't, try another tower speaker :eek:

And then get the center for which one you prefer.
That's what I just said I'm going to do. :( lol

I'm going to buy the 2x P363's asap (I received my refund from Newegg but have to wait for it to be transferred from my paypal to my bank account since the site doesn't accept paypal payments.) and sell my Denon AVR and pick up a different one. I'm going to test that out extensively for a week or so and if I'm 100% satisfied, I will get the PC351 and Surrounds. I'm still trying to figure out what the best option for Surrounds would be.

If I don't like them, I should be able to sell them for at least $300 + Shipping and get most of my money back. The cheapest I've seen them elsewhere is like $500/Pair. It's definitely better for me to test the waters because I might love the Infinity's and if so there's no reason for me to spend twice as much on the system when I could use the extra for Subs later on or for a bigger tv soon. ^_^


Oh, by the way, has anyone tested different brands of AVR's to see which sounds best with the Infinity's?

Most likely the difference is minimal but I know certain speakers pair best with certain receivers.


Can anyone give me some opinions on which way to go with Surrounds for 5.0? If I love the P363's when they get here, which I have a strong feeling that I will, then I will be picking up the remaining pieces within the next week or two. I'm trying to get everything planned out and budgeted correctly so that everything fits into place.

I'm afraid to go with a different brand to ruin the fluidity and match of the system, overall. However, if it's a better option then I will definitely consider it. I know the front 3 are the ESSENTIALS to have matched, but I'm assuming that some surrounds would sound out of place with certain fronts and centers.

Within the Infinity line, I'm thinking that 2x more P363's would be my best option. I can't mount them on the wall because there's a window and closet starting behind the listening area to just before the back wall. So, if I bought stands for the P163's, they're going to cost just as much or more than the P363's. I'm assuming the P363's would make better surrounds but I'm not sure.

Thanks guys.
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