Energy RC-50's vs. Infinity Primus P363's

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Audioholic Overlord
Well they equally fail the knock test :D

Good God, man!

It took us 140 posts to get this guy to finally relaxed enough to settle on a speaker and here you start pushing his buttons all over again. That is just wrong (in a diabolically entertaining way)!!!:D



Good God, man!

It took us 140 posts to get this guy to finally relaxed enough to settle on a speaker and here you start pushing his buttons all over again. That is just wrong (in a diabolically entertaining way)!!!:D
No Worries, my mind is made up. lol They're simply the best choice for the cheapest price and don't require a Sub.

Would you guys recommend I just get the P363's for now or should I snag the PC351 at least since it is much cheaper than normal?

I love 2.0 for Music but for Movies and Gaming I much prefer the 5.0. I will wait a bit on the rear surrounds, though. I might even go with 4x P363's for Surrounds + PC351 Center after I save a bit more if I like them enough for fronts, if that will make a big difference over the bookshelves?

I haven't really sat down and watched an entire Blu-Ray through before so I'm still trying to decide if I want a PS3 or BDP. Is the Audio and Video Quality really that far above DVD's in this regard? I definitely want to get the most enjoyment out of my system but I want to be sure, especially with 1080p upscalability, that there is enough of a noticeable difference with the Blu-Rays to warrant buying a player.

Thanks so much for all of the help, I really mean that. The only reason this has been drawn out for a week or so is that I had to wait for NewEgg to Refund me for the Polk Monitor's that I returned, otherwise I would have ordered them days ago. I should get everything back by the weekend and hopefully I can finally put my order through. :) Just want to make sure I have everything budgeted out by then.

*** EDIT ***

On the topic of differences between the P363 and P362, the only difference I know for 100% positive is the cosmetic change of the gray front of the P362 to the black front on the P363. However, I remember reading somewhere that the P363's had "improved cabinets" when compared to the P362. I'm trying to find it now so that hopefully I can verify this. However, I'm 99% positive, still, that the color on the front is the only significant change.


Junior Audioholic
How do you guys feel about optimal center channel crossover point?

I never felt my infinity pc350 center was lacking but my receiver set it up with a 100hz crossover and according to specs it seems under 100hz it would drop off. This was another reason I was recommending the revels as their center seems to go deeper so could cross at 80hz reducing possible localization.


How do you guys feel about optimal center channel crossover point?

I never felt my infinity pc350 center was lacking but my receiver set it up with a 100hz crossover and according to specs it seems under 100hz it would drop off. This was another reason I was recommending the revels as their center seems to go deeper so could cross at 80hz reducing possible localization.
I'm no expert but I'm guessing 100hz would be the best bet. 80hz is the minimum specs it is listed for and from what I've read, people normally like to set their crossover a bit above the speaker's actual minimum. You can definitely try it at 80hz and see how it sounds and then let me know so I know what to do when I get mine. :D haha


Junior Audioholic
I'm no expert but I'm guessing 100hz would be the best bet. 80hz is the minimum specs it is listed for and from what I've read, people normally like to set their crossover a bit above the speaker's actual minimum. You can definitely try it at 80hz and see how it sounds and then let me know so I know what to do when I get mine. :D haha
Well, I already sold it. I actually ran it at 80hz the whole time I had it, probably would have been better off at 100hz. Just wondering others thoughts about optimal crossover points for movie watching.


Well, I already sold it. I actually ran it at 80hz the whole time I had it, probably would have been better off at 100hz. Just wondering others thoughts about optimal crossover points for movie watching.
I'm searching for it now but I haven't found anything so far.


Audioholic Ninja
No Worries, my mind is made up. lol They're simply the best choice for the cheapest price and don't require a Sub.
And here I was half expecting to see pics of your diploma and maybe your 1st born before seeing pics of your new system. ;)


And here I was half expecting to see pics of your diploma and maybe your 1st born before seeing pics of your new system. ;)
I'm getting sick of the sarcasm! :p lol

After the disappointment with the Polk's, I just wanted to be extra careful this time around, especially with speakers that don't have a trial period or easy return policy. I also had to wait until I received my refunds from NewEgg for the Polk's and they have taken forever in that regard. Hopefully, I'll have everything by the weekend....

I think I'm going to be extremely happy with the Infinity's, though. It's unanimous, no matter where I look or what review I read, that they truly are great speakers and incredible for their price. Buying them will allow me to either go 2.0, 3.0, or 5.0 (haven't decided yet. :p ) and buy a PS3, Blu-Ray Player, or something else that I will enjoy while still having very nice speakers. I'm excited. :D


Audioholic Samurai
I think you have made the right choice so now comes the part where you post up pics of the new addition and let everyone know exactly what your first impressions are. There are some small modifications that can be done to these later on down the road , I think some members here have done them and were somewhat pleased with the final outcome, just something to keep in mind, good luck.


Audioholic Jedi
By the way are we sure the 363 is the same as the 362/360 except the cosmetics?
That's our educated guess, and we're sticking to it.:D

I assumed the P362 followed the P361, which followed the P360.

So the P363 must follow the P362.:D


Audioholic Jedi
I'm getting sick of the sarcasm! :p lol

After the disappointment with the Polk's, I just wanted to be extra careful this time around, especially with speakers that don't have a trial period or easy return policy. I also had to wait until I received my refunds from NewEgg for the Polk's and they have taken forever in that regard. Hopefully, I'll have everything by the weekend....

I think I'm going to be extremely happy with the Infinity's, though. It's unanimous, no matter where I look or what review I read, that they truly are great speakers and incredible for their price. Buying them will allow me to either go 2.0, 3.0, or 5.0 (haven't decided yet. :p ) and buy a PS3, Blu-Ray Player, or something else that I will enjoy while still having very nice speakers. I'm excited. :D
I never doubted you, man.

You're doing the right thing by being extra careful not to get burned twice.

The Polk is a burn.

The P363s will not be a burn. It is high-quality sound to be sure. Trust me. I've listened to plenty of speakers.:D

We're all in this for the fun of it, not because it's our job, we don't work for Audioholics.:eek:

It wouldn't bother me one bit if you didn't buy your speakers until next month or the next. It is your money, and you SHOULD be careful how you spend them. You should not rush just because people tell you to.:D


Thanks Guys! :) I will definitely post pics and as best of a review as I can muster as soon as I get them in. I'm still trying to decide whether to get the P363's and PC351 or just stick with the P363's for now. The price on the Center is soooo tempting, though.

I understand why some people are eventually like "'ve told you everything you need to know and basically made the decision for you....just buy the damn things already." haha If I would have found these prices before I bought the Polk's, then maybe I could have skipped that headache. I am confident with the Infinity's, though. There isn't a better option that exists for the price so I can't wait to get them.

There really isn't even another option for me to consider, honestly. The only other options in my price range that would come close to the Infinity's in sound quality are bookshelves and since I need to avoid a Sub if I can for now, they are not an option. As far as towers go, there's nothing else that interests me much for less than $800-$900. Going this route is just a better option for me, ESPECIALLY with a budget.

Right now, I'm waiting for NewEgg to credit the refund back to my PayPal account. They refunded me extremely quickly (like the same day they received the package) on the damaged M70 + CS2 but the rest were delivered on Friday and it still hasn't happened yet. I mean, it's no big deal but I definitely want to get these ordered asap.

Do you guys have any recommendations for a cheap-ish Blu Ray Player? I'm thinking a PS3 is a waste of money for me because there aren't any games out that I would play that I don't already have for my Xbox. I vastly prefer gaming on Xbox over the PS3, anyways, so I would just be paying $300 for a sub-par BDP.

I'm hoping to keep it around $200 or less and it needs to have:

Excellent Video Quality (of course)
Excellent Audio Quality (of course)
Netflix Streaming (HUGE DEAL! lol)
Pandora Streaming (not a huge deal, but it would be nice)

It looks like Sony, Panasonic, LG, and Samsung are the four to really look at in the budget range. That's about all that I know so far. haha It seems that they are basically equal for blu-ray quality, but they all have their strengths and weaknesses aside from that.

Thanks again, guys.


Are you planning on modifying your 363's??
I might stuff the cabinet as I have seen some do. I won't go any further than that though because I'm inexperienced with this stuff and I don't want to mess anything. I probably won't even do that, though. :p

Well, if I was going to get a Refurb, I can get a decent Panasonic or Sony for like $60-$70 or a new one for the price of the Pioneer. I love Pioneer equipment but cheaper is better in this case. :D lol


Audioholic Samurai
Well all I saw in your post was a price range of 200.00 to spend for a blu ray player, and with that said I posted the same Blu Ray player that I have and one that I feel works in a flawless manner.I kinda feel like I took the bait with your response but hey whatever I see that you are really looking for a 60 dollar Blu Ray player , try
I would also point out that Pioneers Refurbs are like the Onkyo refurbs awesome pieces that are as good as new in all ways sometimes better because of the extra steps taken to make sure that the thing is perfect , oh yeah the warranty is like a new warranty as well.


Audioholic Slumlord
That Pioneer does have great sound quality. If you want to spend less, take a look of the Sony S470 that is 3D capable, good speed (probably faster than the PS3) and can even play SACD so sound quality has got to be decent.

By the way the PS3 is not a subpar BDP, I would still rank it among the top in upscaling as well. You are right though, if you don't play game, why pay $399 when you could have the same kind of performance for $99 to $129 (sony/Panasonic).

Oops...shouldn't we be talking about loudspeakers?


Well all I saw in your post was a price range of 200.00 to spend for a blu ray player, and with that said I posted the same Blu Ray player that I have and one that I feel works in a flawless manner.I kinda feel like I took the bait with your response but hey whatever I see that you are really looking for a 60 dollar Blu Ray player , try
I would also point out that Pioneers Refurbs are like the Onkyo refurbs awesome pieces that are as good as new in all ways sometimes better because of the extra steps taken to make sure that the thing is perfect , oh yeah the warranty is like a new warranty as well.
I wasn't baiting you on anything? lol My point is I'm looking to spend AS LITTLE as possible without sacrificing the necessities. I would rather have a brand new Panasonic or Sony than a used/refurb Pioneer since there's not a vast difference between BDP's. It's nothing against Pioneer nor am I disregarding your opinion and recommendation, that's just the way I feel. No need to get upset,

The one I'm most interested in at the moment is the Panasonic DMP-BDT110. It is a 3D BDP (I'm thinking about getting a new tv soon), has Netflix and Pandora, and reportedly has excellent audio/video quality, also. It's only $125 shipped which seems like a great price for all of that.

Still waiting on NewEgg..... :rolleyes:

That Pioneer does have great sound quality. If you want to spend less, take a look of the Sony S470 that is 3D capable, good speed (probably faster than the PS3) and can even play SACD so sound quality has got to be decent.

By the way the PS3 is not a subpar BDP, I would still rank it among the top in upscaling as well. You are right though, if you don't play game, why pay $399 when you could have the same kind of performance for $99 to $129 (sony/Panasonic).

Oops...shouldn't we be talking about loudspeakers?
My choice of sub-par to describe the PS3 was ill used. Basically, from what I have read, 1-2 years ago the PS3 was top of the line, normally second to only the Oppo 83. However, in the past year or so, the name brands like Panasonic, Sony, LG, Samsung, etc. have drastically closed the gap and equal or better performance (as you said) can be had for 1/3 of the price.

I'm talking about Blu-Ray Players until I can actually order my loudspeakers. :( haha I have all of that figured out already so I figured it's better to just ask in here instead of making a new thread. Afterall, anyone who has nice loudspeakers most likely has a blu ray player to really enjoy them. ^_^


Audioholic Intern
I very rarely post but always lurk. This and the previous thread are one of the best threads I read here. Very informative but what amazed me was a relative newcomer to audio really trying his damn best to find the best speakers for the money and a bunch of helpful people patiently trying to show him the right path.

Melee you really hit the gold mine on this and you are really smart for easily buying into the thinking that the best speakers are the accurate speakers. A lot of measurements were shown which would have turned me off had I seen them when I started in the hobby.

Granted, I do not own Infinity 360 series but they have long been one of my dream speakers. All the years I have spent lurking in this forum and others along with visiting countless websites the Infinity Primus 36# is the most highly regarded with regards to performance price ratio if you come from an objectivist perspective. It is even touted to have better measurements and performs better than speakers costing many times its price in double blind listening tests including the venerable b&w 802n.

Sadly even though they are relatively cheap I cannot afford them as an extra speaker. I spent about 2 years saving for my current speakers the usher x-719 and the energy c3. I am very satisfied with my speakers and I have them for years now. But if I had the same amount of money to buy now, I would not get them. I would have probably bought a primus 36# even though they cost about $500-$600 from where I come from.

If only I were in your position today. It must be exciting to be searching for that perfect speaker for a max $800 budget. Infinity Primus 363 or Behringer 2030p or used revel f12 or revel m22 with maple finish or jbl lsr 4326? What should I get? Too many choices.

Wait I also want Gedlee speakers but they cost more. Have to save. No I want Linkwitz Orions or maybe JBL Arrays. I won the lottery!!! Get ready Revel Salon 2. Here I come. Or should I get YG Acoustics Anat Reference II?
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