Playing both cards
alandamp said:
Oh, oh. Looks like Furrycute just played the evolution card. Will anyone counter with the creation card, or do we have mostly non-believers on this forum. I'm gonna stay out of this one, seeing as this is in the top 5 of the most futile arguments known to man.
I'll play the evolution card, as I have an open mind about the beginning of the universe, some basic knowledge of how life forms, and how it evolves. I've been asking questions for as long as I can remember. In second grade, I stood up and asked a priest at our Catholic school (I attended though 8th grade and convinced my folks 8 years was enough

) if the Adam and Eve story is true, and they had two sons, where did the rest of the population come from.

(Keep in mind I was in second grade, and that's what we were being taught by the underpaid Catholic teachers at the time). The priest said (this was a religion class) - to all our amazement, that many stories in the Bible may or may not be true, but more importantly, have a deeper meaning. My immediate next question was about Noah and the Ark. How anyone could possibly gather two of each animal
on the planet and fit it into a ship was beyond my 2nd grade logic. Again, he said take it for what it's worth. Ever since that day, I had a new appreciation for the Church (and the ability to stand up and ask questions). It may have been that priest, or his answers, but I've never thrown away religion because of science, my understanding of evolution, or all the misaligned teachings in the Christian community. All of us have minds of our own, and have the free will to think on our own two feet.
Who are we to say there isn't a supreme being behind the beginning of time, and this supreme being simply put the wheels in motion and does not want to alter the wheel? And don't give me the God paradox.
This taken from Omnipotence and the Stone Paradox:
Either God can create a stone which God cannot lift, or God cannot create a stone which God cannot lift.
If God can create a stone which God cannot lift, then He is not omnipotent (since He cannot lift the stone in question.
If God cannot create a stone which God cannot lift, then He is not omnipotent (since He cannot create the stone in question).
God is not omnipotent.
"Anselm held that "God cannot be corrupted, or tell lies, or make the true into the false (such as to undo what has been done)" Proslogion, VII."
"The tenth-century Jewish philosopher, Saadia ben Joseph spoke of "those absurdities that cannot be ascribed to divine omnipotence, such as the bringing back of yesterday and causing the number five to be more than ten" The Book of Beliefs and Opinions, Treatise VII (variant), ch. 1."
I'll never personally pass judgement on anyone who follows or ignores religion. There's plenty of science that says God does not exist. All I ask is that those who don't believe or have faith, please don't ever rely on a supreme being (or God) with prayers when a family member, loved one, or yourself is on or near their/your death bed. I'm sure if there is a God, and He offers forgiveness, it will be given. But wouldn't that make you a hypocrite for denying it all these years?