Do you think aliens/UFOs exist?

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Seriously, I have no life.
MacManNM said:
Dude, lay off the star wars and sci-fi movies!

I am not sure if I have a thick enough notebook to annotate all the things we agree on :D


Seriously, I have no life.
annunaki said:
Check out the folloing websites:

All are pretty informative.

I have read seven of Zecariah Sitchin's books so far. The guy does his homework and reasearch like no other I have EVER seen. It is hard to refute some of his evidence. I have also read two of Erich Von Daniken's books as well.
Many may think you are nuts, but some find it hard to let go of beliefs, so in turn, they ridicule.
Maybe the right people just didn't bother to debunk all those nonsense ;)

Ask some real scientists in the field. Why does this have to be in fringe books and not in the real science, peer reviewed journals???
That is where the rubber meets the road, no? Just like in audio. Please don't leave your baloney detection bag at home or in the office :D
Carry it with you like an American Express Card. Then everyone will know you :D


Seriously, I have no life.
Buckeyefan 1 said:

I'm a big Steven Hawking fan. I'm sort of with him on this topic. Chances are slim to none we'll ever see life from other galaxies, even if they does exist.
Buckeyefan 1 said:
That is a good person to follow :D

Think about it. How old is the earth?

How old is th euniverse compared to Earth? 4X?
Plenty of time for other intelligent evolutions to happen and disappear :p

Now, how long does it take light to reach earth from a visible star? How about another galaxy?

Yes, a long time. That is why there needs to be another mechanism to travel faster than light speed. Or else, no contact, ever.

That star you are looking at most likely does not exist.

Depends how far away it is, how old other galaxies can exist.

the proper atmosphere, and correct rotation around another star to support life is very slim.

Be careful here. We can only speculate what life forms can exist in what climates. Just think of all the new discoveries on this planet about life forms in extreme environments, under th eocean in volcano vents of exptreme temperatures, of heat, or in the ice caps, or on radioactive waste dumps. So, no, we have no idea what life can exit on different planets. We only have reference to what we know here and is changing every day.

And whats even more improbably is that life supporting planet being close enough for contact with us - in mankinds lifetime, or in a hundred million years.

But, in ancient galaxies, they could have sent out some form of communications into the universe that would arrive at the speed of light. So we could learn about them, their past that is ;)

Life may have existed on another planets in the Milky Way a billion years ago, but have since died out with black holes.

Or, just destroyed themselves as we are so hell bent on doing here :D

Or, their galaxy just collided with others. We know this from observation that galaxies do collide.

When you think of the expanse of the universe, and the time line of it's existence, we are fools to think we'll ever encounter life from other solor systems or galaxies - at least in our lifetime.

Other ga;laxies, not, solar systems? Depends. After all, that is the unknown to be discovered, not audio science. :D

Ancient past and the present are a nanosecond of time in the history of the universe.

Yep, I keep telling that we are insignificant in the scheme of things. :D

Interstellar travel? You are watching way too much Star Trek.

Or not, lately :p

I'm thinking micro-organisms, if anything at all, in other galaxies.

Why? Why would we be the only intelligent life forms? After all, they do have time on their side for evolution, right?

Its awesome thinking about the age and size of our universe.

I am not sure I can comprehend it and it is not even close to infinity :D
Rob Babcock

Rob Babcock

Mtrycrafts will only believe in UFOs if you can verify them in DBT. :p


Seriously, I have no life.
furrycute said:
Any thoughts on aliens and UFOs?
furrycute said:
Yes, lots of thoughts. Facts, none. Lots of speculations, as can be seen from the links provided; facts, hard facts that will stand scrutiny by a peer review board, none.

Personally I think they exit, and have probably visited earth for millions of years, if not longer.

then there must be some evidence that will stand scrutiny, not make it into just books of dubious merit.

The universe is a vast place. In such a vast expanse, there has to be other intelligent life in other parts of this expanse.

Probability is on your side on this and me think this too :D
But, that is not evidence of their visitation here or existance there.
After all, we are discovering planets around other stars like crazy, and another planet around our sun recently.

But, you and I will not live long enough to find out :mad:

And I for one don't think that all more technologically advanced intelligent aliens will be fuzzy and coddly like what we saw in the movie E.T. Some of them could be warlike, some of them could be the worst business type the universe has ever seen. Some of them could even be slave traders.

Who knows, right?

Think about it, there is no rule that says all aliens will have to be benign. Just take a look at what the Europeans did when they came to the new world.

Well, lets not get carried away too far now ;)

Aftere all, this is a physical universe as far as we know :D


Seriously, I have no life.
wilkenboy said:
Personally, there few things more frustrating than watching one of those specials about ghosts or UFOs or Noah's Ark or Loch-ness Monster or Bigfoot and they spend all their time talking about it and interviewing people on sets but then there's NO GOOD FOOTAGE!!!


The creators of Loch Ness have confessed yet people believe. :D
So has the big foot creator


Seriously, I have no life.
GettinDegreez said:
Aliens exist about as much as exotic cables that add new life to your systems, rocks you place on speakers to improve bass, and spray you put on CDs to draw out what was never there to begin with.

Cables we can test for. Alien life on other systems? Not so easy and cannot prove that they don't exist.


Seriously, I have no life.
furrycute said:
Oh paleezzzz people, I never thought audioholics is this close minded about aliens.

Oh well, believe what you will, not believe what you will not (does that even make sense?). I'm outta here.

Like Mr. Spock always says, "live long and propser." And see you guys among the stars (I'm catching my next flight onboard the Galactica...) :(

That is the problem folks, it should not be about a belief system but rather about evidence based in either case. The best minds in the business are contemplating this, and let me assure you, they are not posting here :(

It is a rather slow process of finding answers about the universe exactly because of its vasteness.

Just think about it. We are just finding life on our planet that defies what we knew about existance of life in extreme conditions.

In time, not in our lifetime :mad: we'll have answers


My 2 cents worth...

Life elsewhere in the galaxy....without a doubt

Life elsewhere in our solar system...probable ( microbes etc. )

Advanced life elsewhere in the galaxy...very likely

Life, like death, seems to be everywhere and just keeps wanting to happen. Just do some quick research on the most unlikely & harsh environments here on earth and you'll see that life wants to and does flourish.

Now as to whether ET life forms have ever visited here...that's a different story. In the time frame & scale of things in the universe, millions of highly developed civilizations could have risen, grown, collapsed and finally died out without ever having encountered one another, or even artifacts indicating their existance.

Here in the Milky Way, as much as we like to think we are important ( maybe we are :D ), the fact remains that Earth is way out on the galactic edge, an isolated back-water so to speak. Everywhere else is a long long long way from here with current or near future technology.

I do have a firm belief that mankind's inherent nature to explore will lead us to explore the solar system and, hopefully, near by stars within the next 200 or so years. Afterall, my grandfather saw the world move from horse & cart to the automobile, first flight & man landing on the moon.

With the exponential development of our technology, things that seem totally out of the realm of possibility today could well become common place in a century or two...

Hopefully we will meet other species of our own technological level down the road. Meeting one that is even a few hundred years more advanced than us could be disasterous for both sides. You can do your own research on the economic, social, political and yes - spiritual implications of finally finding out that we are not alone.

But unfortunately, these are events that will probably fall within the lifetimes of my grand children or more likely, great grand children. :(
Resident Loser

Resident Loser

Senior Audioholic
I want to believe...

...that there is intelligent life out there...somewhere...after all, there is little evidence there's any on this planet so it's gotta be somewhere...

jimHJJ(..."...hey, MR. Spaceman, won't you please take me along, I won't do anything wrong...ple-e-e-e-ase Mr. Spaceman, won't you please take me along for a ride..."...)


mtrycrafts said:
Maybe the right people just didn't bother to debunk all those nonsense ;)

Ask some real scientists in the field. Why does this have to be in fringe books and not in the real science, peer reviewed journals???
That is where the rubber meets the road, no? Just like in audio. Please don't leave your baloney detection bag at home or in the office :D
Carry it with you like an American Express Card. Then everyone will know you :D
What exactly do you have a problem with in the books? Have you read them? My guess is no. According to Sumerian texts, Biblical text, Akkadian and Babylonian texts, when read literally, explain contact with extraterrestrial "Gods". I am in no way saying that this is fact, but it does pose an interesting viewpoint.

The Sumerians knew Pluto exsisted 6000 years ago, whilst modern "science" did not recognize it until 1930. Who did they get their information from? They also knew that Uranus and Neptune were blue-ish green colored planets. How did they know this without modern telescopes? They also knew that the sun was the center of the solar system. All of this, again, 6000 years ago. How did the Mayans come up with their calendar which is off by only about .03 days per year? Again, well over a thousand years ago. How did the monolithic structures at Baalbeck (modern day Lebenon) (with weights so heavy, no machines today can move them) get moved miles to their current location over 2000 years ago?

Sometimes looking to the past, can help define the future.

Like others have stated, sometimes Science or the modern concensus can be wrong, or has used the wrong information. In our Galaxy alone, there could literally be thousands of systems capable of supporting life like our own.

Things like this can be difficult for some to grasp, or they simply ignore it, as it can become too difficult to deal with.


This is not a personal attack or jest at you, just some points to consider. :)

Pat D

annunaki said:
What exactly do you have a problem with in the books? Have you read them? My guess is no. According to Sumerian texts, Biblical text, Akkadian and Babylonian texts, when read literally, explain contact with extraterrestrial "Gods". I am in no way saying that this is fact, but it does pose an interesting viewpoint.

The Sumerians knew Pluto exsisted 6000 years ago, whilst modern "science" did not recognize it until 1930. Who did they get their information from? They also knew that Uranus and Neptune were blue-ish green colored planets. How did they know this without modern telescopes? They also knew that the sun was the center of the solar system. All of this, again, 6000 years ago. How did the Mayans come up with their calendar which is off by only about .03 days per year? Again, well over a thousand years ago. How did the monolithic structures at Baalbeck (modern day Lebenon) (with weights so heavy, no machines today can move them) get moved miles to their current location over 2000 years ago?

Sometimes looking to the past, can help define the future.

Like others have stated, sometimes Science or the modern concensus can be wrong, or has used the wrong information. In our Galaxy alone, there could literally be thousands of systems capable of supporting life like our own.

Things like this can be difficult for some to grasp, or they simply ignore it, as it can become too difficult to deal with.


This is not a personal attack or jest at you, just some points to consider. :)
No, "Sumerian texts, Biblical text, Akkadian and Babylonian texts" don't say this.

No, the Sumerians didn't know about Pluto.

No, they didn't know about Uranus and Neptune. Uranus can been seen without a telescope but it moves very slowly and was not recognized as a planet until early modern times.

Pat D

What happens when they become Identified?

furrycute said:
Any thoughts on aliens and UFOs?

Personally I think they exit, and have probably visited earth for millions of years, if not longer.

The universe is a vast place. In such a vast expanse, there has to be other intelligent life in other parts of this expanse.

And I for one don't think that all more technologically advanced intelligent aliens will be fuzzy and coddly like what we saw in the movie E.T. Some of them could be warlike, some of them could be the worst business type the universe has ever seen. Some of them could even be slave traders.

Think about it, there is no rule that says all aliens will have to be benign. Just take a look at what the Europeans did when they came to the new world.

Do they become Identified Flying Objects? IFOs?

Adding that a Flying Object is "unidentified" tells us nothing about it. Sure, I believe in lots of unidentified flying objects, but they could be internal reflections in the camera, birds, weather balloons, mirages, and so on. All it means is that I or someone has not identified it, and I'm sure there are lots of objects no one has seen, let alone identified.

Now, there are probable conclusions based on general scientific considerations that it seems likely that there is life and even intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, but there is no direct evidence and no convincing evidence that some of these other intelligent beings have visited earth.

Oh, yeah, alien visitation/capture stories: yes, even these have conventional explanations.


Pat D said:
No, "Sumerian texts, Biblical text, Akkadian and Babylonian texts" don't say this.

No, the Sumerians didn't know about Pluto.

No, they didn't know about Uranus and Neptune. Uranus can been seen without a telescope but it moves very slowly and was not recognized as a planet until early modern times.
Please tell me then what they do describe then.

The color of Uranus cannot be detected with the naked eye though.

These were a very educated bunch of people. What they wrote down may appear as myth to us, but based in their reality (time) it could very well be fact.


Junior Audioholic
I really think the government is wasting a lot of money trying to figure out if there is life out there. The majority of the space program minus satellites and such is all a big waste of time money and effort. Mankind has seen no gains by it, only some pretty looking pictures, and some ideas for good movies. I have a feeling God put it all there as a little joke just so we could decide if we want to waste time figuring out what's there or not.

In the movies, when we was the last time aliens came, and were nice (minus ET)? If you were a superior race of people with greater numbers and technology wouldn't you want to take out the lesser people. Oh wait, that's already been done several times over in our history.


GettinDegreez said:
I really think the government is wasting a lot of money trying to figure out if there is life out there. The majority of the space program minus satellites and such is all a big waste of time money and effort. Mankind has seen no gains by it, only some pretty looking pictures, and some ideas for good movies. I have a feeling God put it all there as a little joke just so we could decide if we want to waste time figuring out what's there or not.

In the movies, when we was the last time aliens came, and were nice (minus ET)? If you were a superior race of people with greater numbers and technology wouldn't you want to take out the lesser people. Oh wait, that's already been done several times over in our history.

Do you like your cell phone, small batteries, teflon, synthetic rubber, ect, ect, the list goes on. Many of the things you take for granted in everyday life were developed while designing new materials, and components for the Space Program. The next time you think it is a waste of money, maybe you will think twice? :)


Audioholic Field Marshall
wilkenboy said:
Personally, there few things more frustrating than watching one of those specials about ghosts or UFOs or Noah's Ark or Loch-ness Monster or Bigfoot and they spend all their time talking about it and interviewing people on sets but then there's NO GOOD FOOTAGE!!!

I can confirm that the Loch Ness monster exists. ;)

Och Aye!


GettinDegreez said:
I really think the government is wasting a lot of money trying to figure out if there is life out there. The majority of the space program minus satellites and such is all a big waste of time money and effort. Mankind has seen no gains by it, only some pretty looking pictures, and some ideas for good movies. I have a feeling God put it all there as a little joke just so we could decide if we want to waste time figuring out what's there or not.

In the movies, when we was the last time aliens came, and were nice (minus ET)? If you were a superior race of people with greater numbers and technology wouldn't you want to take out the lesser people. Oh wait, that's already been done several times over in our history.

No offense intended, just using this as an apt example but.. if it wasn't for the manned space program and the technological development it required...your 30 year old Pioneer would probably be state of the art...and there isn't anything wrong with older equipment if it serves it purpose well.. :)


Junior Audioholic
Maybe I miss worded what I said. Sure there have been benefits from technology made to go into space and stuff like that, but as far as going into space, landing on the moon, taking pictures with the hubble telescope, mars rover, etc, what has the real impact, not side impact, of those things been. If the point of going into space is you make technology for space stuff then it gets used on earth, seems you could skip the whole going into space and save several billion per launch.


What about this angle? Maybe there really is someone/thing there, but no one in power will admit it due to the potential fallout. I.E. religious rebellion, mass suicide, potential world war.

Because of those reasons, it may be thought necessary to keep it under wraps and secretly establish contact, right under the nose of the people without them knowing. This is a conspiracy theory, obviously, but one can see it's relevance, correct?

Maybe that is the reason for the fervor of the space program? :)
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