We've seen the photos of your DIY work. Your idea of a DIY train wreck includes track with welded rails, and a train system that runs on time

If your work is a train wreck, it leaves little room to describe the work the rest of us do

The OP of this thread had some ideas for his speakers that trouble me a bit. He wants to use enormous, expensive, and very sensitive 15" JBL woofers, the 2226H (97 dB at 1 watt) or the E-130 (105 dB). They would make good PA system or guitar amp speakers, but are (IMO) poor choices for a home audio system. They require large ported cabinets, but will only produce bass down to about 50 Hz. They may be loud enough to remove all body hair and clothing on people 50 yards away, but they will lack bass. He seems determined to spend money on his "dream speakers" so I didn't try hard to talk him out of them. If he comes back to AH, maybe your
experience with building the Tempests, and your obvious DIY chops can help change his mind.