Beverage Conspumption:
80-120 hours/wk (over 7 days)
5am-5pm job 1
6pm-11pm job 2
1-2 cups coffee at 5am
1-2 20oz Mt. Dew over course of job 1
1-2 10? oz energy drinks for job 2
80hr/wk (up to 7days)
5am-5pm job 1
no more job 2
soda/energy drinks were making me feel like crap after the sugar high and crash so i switched to coffee
~5 cups coffee over course of day
40hr/wk (salaried, 5 days weekends off)
330pm - 1130pm job 1
coffee was upsetting my stomach when i drank it late in the day, i did not feel tired any more do to 8-10 hours sleep a day, weekends off, eating right (no more fast food at all). I switched to 1-2 cups of iced tea made from just hot water and a tea bag. I started with 4 bags/tea per cup and about 2-3 cups/shift. now i'm down to 1 cup with 2 tea bags and a cup or three of water.
Sleeping right, eating right, and no more worring about money helped me to dial back my soda/caffeene intake and now I feel MUCH better. Now i just have to hit the gym

. I don't get headaches or stomach aches like i used to and I am no longer the evil jerk that i was when i did not get my caffeene for the day.
In summary:
Soda and fast food are the devil.
I noticed coffee/tea instantly started staining my teeth, but i switched up to a whitning toothpaste and it cleared up a good amount.