I'm digging it man, 5.1 setup? no Atmos?

TLSGUY and I seem to believe just get do full range speakers for your surrounds even center channel if Possible. Think of 5.1 or .2 all channel Stereo! Cause I know once you get your new home built your gonna blow the Dust off the walls a few times.

Sometimes surround is over rated. I do know a few who do, do full range speakers Throughout the whole set up even for surround they set everything to Large I heard a setup, set like that Think Te- Rex Stomping sound like the roofer is coming down. lol

one more thing how high will your Ceiling be? 8 ft?12ft? good size room if your ceiling is gonna be 12ft high or more think Reflected sound may need room treatments on ceiling. Some have had issues with a Vaulted ceilings I helped this dude he was getting Reflective, delayed sound all over the place. We spend over a week with a SPL meter just to get rid of bass issues. He also used his Mac PC with a Software he had Program for EQ Spikes, Man we had 4 mics setup on Tripods one in the sweet spot and the other 3 we moved around it helped. Wasn't fun got to be like work lol up and down two Ladders Crawling on the floor. I grabbed his wife's Ipad download a App to it I'm messing around with one mic Man he got mad! told him his Software was overrated he almost threw me out his house.