Not to pour cold water, and I know facts and figures don't change people's mind when it comes to audio toys.

Just that I thought you have been happy with the AV8802A so I got a little curious about your upcoming upgrade, or just update choices, so I hope you don't mind me sharing my thoughts, and what I consider logical thinking..

If you are still aiming for the best possible/theoretical sound quality, your practical choices, imo, would be the 2020 Denon AVRs, though I would wait to see what the changes will be for the 2021 models. Reason is simple, you have already been in the prepro mode and paid a lot for the 8802A, and bench tests have told us the truth, that you actually got more distortions and noise (THD, IMD, 32 tones etc.etc..), and their never bother upgrading the preamp chip in that $4,999/or was it $4,499 prepro. I've been there myself, twice, so I too, prefer AVPs, but won't spend a dime more on any, not until they actually use better parts and components in area that counts.
To be clear, I do find it ridiculous to, as I am now, use an AVR as a prepro. It is not that I believe I can hear a difference between the $6,000 or even $12,000 prepros 92-95 dB SINAD vs the Denon AVR's 97 to 100 dB (just arbitrary examples), and I know it would practically mean nothing to me. It is a matter of principles for me that it makes little sense to pay more for less, regardless. Likewise, on the REQ side, after having plotted so many FR graphs with REW, I know for sure Anthem ARC, Dirac Live, Audyssey+App, won't make any audible difference, people made all kinds of subjective claims, yet none has shown any evidence to support one is better (audibly), if anything, just the contrary.