Maybe Yamaha will put you on the payroll.
Actually, I think it's a double bluff. I think it's Denon who has him on the payroll. Reading his posts, I'm starting to think; well if he likes it so much, there must be something wrong with it.

I'm looking at my Yamaha and I'm thinking her days might be numbered... I don't want to defile my living room with something Sachb standsBut then it dawned on me; that's exactly what he wants.
Fair points. In fact even my own gear would be considered crappy by many. And no, the screenshot was a from links he provided to his own videos. I also happened to remember him from avs and the review so not much digging there.
I don’t care what anybody likes for gear. There’s a LOT of different stuff out there, and what you like is what you like. My problem is the way he’s going about it. ZERO credible testing, or measurements of any kind. I’ve asked him questions which were not answered but glossed over and twisted into something else altogether. He won’t answer me, but I gave him a very detailed answer to a pointed question. So Fukk him.
The other thing, and what spurred me on was in a thread of similar situations, the only and first reply he made was(paraphrase) for music denon sucks and Yamaha is miles better. No qualifiers.... just blatantly waving the Yamaha flag. This is NOT OK for newbs that come looking for advice. Context matters as you well know so blanket statements(which is all he provides) need not apply.
So no. Nothing is absurd about that he likes his Yamaha. IDGAF. But don’t just blast off aimlessly.
I do apologize to the collective here for stinking up the thread. But I think it’s important for newbs not to be swayed by bullshitt, so I’ll probably keep it up. Until he leaves or gets the ban hammer.
The screenshot was just to illustrate lack of credibility which anyone else here already has dismissed. But in My mind, I’m watching out for noobs who might buy into his non objective BS.
Edit: if you have nothing to do. Search his user name and browse. You’ll see.
And the kid got it way to easy. He was treated many times better than what his trash-talk would get him. And it has nothing to do with what he likes, otherwise it would be over approx 25 forum pages ago. Every member in every thread (I lost count, something like 5, I guess) first gave him straight info. In return it was just being thick, trash talk, being thick, trash talk. Everyone here already told him Yamaha is quite good and it's all fine, what he does, he moves his trashing to another thread, he keeps on. He bumps a thread, he keeps on... "Troll" anyone? To what possible good end is this being tolerated? Sure, there's someone stinking several threads at once, but it sure isn't you.
Hmm, so it appears that the guy liked a Denon once upon a time and he finds that something else (a Yam in this case) sounds or caters better to his taste/requirements. What is so absurd about that?? Is that reason to go Sherlock on him and try to find every old post of his? and prove what?
I am sure everyone's lived with some crappy audio gear at some point in life and thought it was good until they heard something better (something which may let them realize what a crappy thing they put up with for too long)
O, poooh-leazayah!! This is just playing dumb. The guy unloaded like five trucks worth of manure all over every thread that has Denon in the title. He is getting a treatment many folds better. Reminding him what he bases his trash-talk on is the least of what one could do. The pic attached is what he calls testing and measuring the performance of a (decent, mind you) avr and it was provided by him. Also, it is the pic he provided as a "proof" he "knows" what he's talking about. Not only that, he linked a YouTube video (!!!) so that I could hear how bad it sounds. Him whining how he's being bullied is just another load. Referring to a pic you yourself attached is being bullied now? If anyone's bullied it's the rest of the members who put up with his BS. This is antivaxer level of YouTube truth about Denon inducing autism stupidity.
Oh, but what am I saying, he did provide the solid, undisputed proof of NOT ONE, but SEVERAL (!!) Facebook comments of some dudes not liking it either. I dare you to disprove that written-in-stone axiom.
Some people may have had some crappy audio gear and may have found better, but that's not him.