Now that we've had a chance to listen to a variety of material I thought it was time to share.
Over the last couple of years I've spent a lot of my time and energy researching a sub for my system. Through all of my research I learned it needed to be (at least) two subs. The sub needs to have the displacement to properly pressurize your listening space. Not to mention it needs to have great low frequency extension as well as a flat frequency response. As you start marking off items in the list the capable subs start to emerge. Out of the commercially available subs SVS sure was making a lot of noise (pun intended) in the internet-direct world, so they caught my attention.
I then proceeded to research SVS to death. I found every published review I could ranging from professional to customers. All of this read like a gushing teenager in love. No kidding, I bet it makes other subwoofer manufactures sick. Was this too good to be true? I decided to find out for myself.
As the time to order was drawing near I discovered an unexpected problem with the SVS subs, which finish to choose! I had already decided on ordering a pair of their PB13-Ultra's and the finishes are all beautiful. So back to researching I went this time hell bent on finding every image of an Ultra I could. Special thanks are in order for mike c for pics of his collection (frightning!) and crosiev for pics and YouTube videos (go search with his name, you be glad you did!). I had decided on the textured black based on the fact that I am going to use them with a projector. When I placed the order I went with the piano black against my better judgement. I'm so pleased with the finish it's almost comical now how much I had sweat over this choice. And if your concerned with the size of an Ultra, pick the piano black it almost looks cloaked. Black really is slimming!
With the order placed now the wait began. Wasn't very long seeing how I live in Ohio! However, I did have to pay sales tax because of this.

During the wait I went to work moving my rack out of the front of the room. This was done in order to make room for the two huge boxes on their way. Moving the rack had been recomended to me to help improve the sound in my room. This recomendation came from Westcott, and boy was he right! I had the chance to do some listening while I waited for the delivery and the imaging was improved ten-fold. Thanks Westcott.
Man where are those subs? I'm getting anxious! Wait do I hear a truck? YES I DO!!!
Phew! Man that was hard! I had just gotten home from work in time for the delivery. You could learn something from me TheFactor! J/K

The delivery went smoothly, now it was time to grab a bite off pizza (delivery dude was in the red jacket) and get a quick shower. I get dirty at work.
Now for the good stuff! Unloading these monsters ( I know, they'll sue) was pretty easy if you use a towel to drag the sub around on. I learned that trick here on audioholics, thanks again.
As you can see, the Polk PSW1000 was more than a little frightened! In fact moments after the picture was taken the Polk darted out the front door yelping the whole way. We still haven't figured out where it went. But no matter, it saved me from having to move it. Once I had the subs in place it was time for more pictures. Then some calibrations were in order. This went way smoother than the space shuttle panel on the back would lead you to think. We opted to not use the PEQ because we are going to get the AS-EQ1 from SVS as soon as it's available. We also left the ports open and set the tune mode to 20 hz per the instructions. Yep I read them, months ago from their website. Here's the room with the subs now.
So that concludes the delivery and set-up portions. more to come!