

Audioholic Spartan
Boy, who's 'we' ?? You and your 'Band of Brothers' ? Just like because I'm a conservative you continually think I'm a 'Trumper' ??
Go search your own posts, dude, instead of deflecting.

You copied the ABC link, so you're now adding that to your list of 'low quality' ? Whatever kid...........
Sigh, you should work on your reading comprehension. And that, incidentally, will likely improve the quality of your links.


Audioholic Warlord
… Sigh, you should work on your reading comprehension. And that, incidentally, will likely improve the quality of your links.
Improved reading comprehension will not help with a link such as was posted. It was written by lawyers who never understood the subject in the first place, and never believed that they could convince anyone who might actually read the document.

Any decent scientific editor would have insisted that the paper, get to it's point right away, and be shorter, roughly ¼-½ the length, of that so-called paper. It was never meant to be read & understood. It was meant only as click bait for right wing yes-men.


Audioholic Samurai
I got my Moderna booster this morning. My shoulder is quite sore but that’s the only thing I’ve noticed so far


Audioholic Spartan
Ten days ago, I received both Moderna and flu vaccine shots in left shoulder. Shoulder was sore only when lifting arm and pain completely gone after 3 days.


Audioholic Jedi
Both my wife and I have had the latest Moderna boosters, also influenza and RSV vaccines.

There has been more information on long Covid of late. The first is the drop in serotonin levels in long Covid patients. This explains most of the mood and fatigue symptoms. In addition there is dysfunction of the vagus nerve that can be associated with this. This correlates with the observed cardiac autonomic nervous system problems. The Vagus nerve is the principle brake on cardiac rate and so this sheds a lot of light on the tachycardia issues.

In addition there are now reports of persistence of the Covid virus in some long Covid patients.

The other issue in a report today, is looking at the mortality difference at 30 days, of individuals hospitalized with influenza versus Covid.

Death rate for Covid is 5.97% at 30 days versus 3.75% for influenza, so an excess mortality rate for Covid of 2.23%.

So Covid remains a significant problem. People can not claim that Covid is no worse than influenza, as it clearly is from a large group of patients studied.


Audioholic Jedi
I tested positive for Coronavirus today.

I have had a mild cold the last few days and otherwise feel fine. My wife insisted I test today before everyone comes for Thanksgiving. I have to say I was really surprised it was positive. I am fully vaccinated. My wife had Covid just over a year ago and I never got it.

I think my case illustrates the continuing antigenic drift. Sars Covid II is a close relative of the Sars cold viruses. So it could be that the virus is mutating back to the relatives it came from.
My illness is so mild I decided not to seek Paxlovid. I think the side effects of the drug would likely be worse than the disease.


Audioholic Spartan
I tested positive for Coronavirus today.

I have had a mild cold the last few days and otherwise feel fine. My wife insisted I test today before everyone comes for Thanksgiving. I have to say I was really surprised it was positive. I am fully vaccinated. My wife had Covid just over a year ago and I never got it.

I think my case illustrates the continuing antigenic drift. Sars Covid II is a close relative of the Sars cold viruses. So it could be that the virus is mutating back to the relatives it came from.
My illness is so mild I decided not to seek Paxlovid. I think the side effects of the drug would likely be worse than the disease.
Although your condition is mild, I wish you a prompt recovery.

I received both the Moderna booster and the Fluzone Quadrivalent influenza shot on October 24th. So far I haven't caught Covid.

Your situation confirms to some extent that this new variant is easier to transmit than the original Sars Covid virus. I will continue to be careful by avoiding public transportation as I did over the previous years, doing my shopping at more quiet customer traffic volumes, and using stairs instead of elevators at heavier rush times in my apartment building.
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Audioholic General
"TLS Guy" do your daily activities bring you in close contact with people that may not have been vaccinated this Fall?


Seriously, I have no life.
I think the vaccines reduces the chance of serious illness, not immunity from catching it.


Audioholic Jedi
"TLS Guy" do your daily activities bring you in close contact with people that may not have been vaccinated this Fall?
Not daily no, but my grandaughter, her 10 month old and significant other have recently come down with mild Covid despite full vaccination. In addition close friends whom we went to HMS Pinafore and a meal before last Saturday, the husband came down with it right after. He had, had covid previously and was fully vaccinated.

But the real take home is that all have had symptoms not significantly different from the common cold.

I can tell, that judging by people we know, Covid is actually probably rampant in the Twin Cities now. It is under he radar as no one is tracking it. We know about the serious cases who end up in hospital, but the rest are under the radar pretty much.

The take home from this, is get every vaccine you are eligible for. I think that vaccines make the difference from having a mild cold, or ending up on life supports, and or a half day out with the undertaker. I think vaccination is now more important than ever. Just get every dose you are entitled to, and don't argue the toss.
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Audioholic Ninja
"TLS Guy" do your daily activities bring you in close contact with people that may not have been vaccinated this Fall?
On a side comments, if you walk around anywhere, you are most likely walking around people that have not been vaccinated with any Covid booster or its vaccine, AND even some family members and friends that might think its all a big govt scam.


Audioholic Jedi
On a side comments, if you walk around anywhere, you are most likely walking around people that have not been vaccinated with any Covid booster or its vaccine, AND even some family members and friends that might think its all a big govt scam.
That is the problem. The idiot vaccine deniers. We do not have enough people vaccinated, and its getting worse as the uptake of this fall's booster is appalling low. It is a community responsibility to be vaccinated. I know all of our family members are vaccinated and friends we mix with on a regular basis are also.


Seriously, I have no life.
Wonder what % it would take to have herd immunity for this virus.
Or is it up there as with other viruses.


Audioholic Jedi
Wonder what % it would take to have herd immunity for this virus.
Or is it up there as with other viruses.
I think we are already there. Current estimates show that 96% of the world population have some immunity to Covid-19 Sars II virus.

However this is not like small pox or measles. There are two confounding factors.

1). Immunity from vaccines and natural infection is relatively short.

2). This virus is unstable and has exhibited rapid changes in antigenic structure. However there has been some good news here in that although infectivity has increased, the virulence has decreased.

At the moment the best we can do is to receive each new iteration of the vaccine as it becomes available. As my case shows though, this is useful, but incomplete protection.

So this virus will continue to be a problem for the foreseeable future at least.


Senior Audioholic
Wonder what % it would take to have herd immunity for this virus.
Or is it up there as with other viruses.
It's more akin to the common cold or flu viruses... the enhanced immunity from vaccine or from catching it, will ensure that you don't get the serious form (and end up in ICU or worse) - so it ends up feeling like a flu or cold for most people.

Much like the flu, we are ending up with regular seasonal vaccinations to boost our immune response.

This is NOT like measles, where immunisation basically ensures you don't catch it - and herd immunity can then protect those who are immune compromised, and for whom vaccines don't work effectively.

We still catch Covid, bonus points, if vaccinated you tend to be somewhat less infectious - you aren't "Not Infectious" - but the viral load tends to be lower, and to peak and drop off more rapidly... so you are less infectious, and infectious for a shorter time period.

So yeah, my family and I are currently recovering from another bout with Covid, we were almost due for our next booster.... but it looks like that will now be delayed 3 or 4 months.


Audioholic Spartan
Was just thinking I'd better get a covid and flu shot. Think I have it now. Will test asap, but the severe back aches separate it from the flu in my experience. Severe chills and stuffy head too. Will take some more pain killer, and my ma suggests vitamin c stuff but not sure that does much.


Audioholic Jedi
Was just thinking I'd better get a covid and flu shot. Think I have it now. Will test asap, but the severe back aches separate it from the flu in my experience. Severe chills and stuffy head too. Will take some more pain killer, and my ma suggests vitamin c stuff but not sure that does much.
Covid is widespread in large areas of the US right now. Influenza and RSV is prevalent in the southern states and moving North.


Audioholic Samurai
Was just thinking I'd better get a covid and flu shot. Think I have it now. Will test asap, but the severe back aches separate it from the flu in my experience. Severe chills and stuffy head too. Will take some more pain killer, and my ma suggests vitamin c stuff but not sure that does much.
Eric Topol recently posted about the very rapid increase in the JN.1 variant in Europe, and the unexpected effectiveness (at least in terms of neutralizing antibodies) of the monovalent booster.

>>>We’re well below 50% JN.1 throughout the US, so the wave is just getting rooted. . . . Unexpectedly, given the marked difference in mutations between XBB.1.5, the target of the monovalent “updated” booster compared with JN.1, there is very good cross-reactivity as demonstrated in 3 highly regarded labs (Yunlong Cao’s in Peking, David Ho’s at Columbia and David Veesler’s at U Washington). These labs have preprint published data showing solid levels of neutralizing antibodies for the XBB.1.5 booster against JN.1, our best surrogate marker for protection vs severe Covid (hospitalizations and deaths). . . .
This is lucky. Actually damn lucky if you look at the profound differences in sequence (across the spike below) for the booster’s XBB.1.5 target compared with JN.1. These major differences between XBB.1.5 and JN.1 extend well beyond the spike.<<<



Audioholic Spartan
The severe chills and back pain lasted for 3-6 hours. If I remember right it was about that long last time. I can't move much due to fatigue, but at least the worst part of it appears to be gone.

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