
Senior Audioholic
I'm still not one of the people who suspect they would, for monetary purposes, actually intentionally or accidentally release a new virus or variant that would require a whole new round of vaccinations with a new vaccine.

But you are free to be one if it suits your fancy.
Do you realize how much company revenue could potentially involved here? Do you realize that Pfizer's stock has been pretty stagnant for about 10 years now? You are free to have total trust in for profit companies if you want.

Many years ago, I was in a doctor's office along with a Pfizer rep while he was "detailing" a doctor on a product and he said to the doctor, "whatever it takes", to get his business. Pfizer was well known for being just about the most aggressive in providing various "perks" to get the docs to prescribe their drugs. Have you worked in the pharma industry?


Audioholic Spartan
I'm still not one of the people who suspect they would, for monetary purposes, actually intentionally or accidentally release a new virus or variant that would require a whole new round of vaccinations with a new vaccine.

But you are free to be one if it suits your fancy.
Mr Clark, you are a Barrister, correct ??

Follow the money !!!


Audioholic Samurai
Mr Clark, you are a Barrister, correct ??

Follow the money !!!
If someone were to release a pathogen for the purpose of making money it would be an intentional act.

I believe any person who tried this would be charged and convicted under 18 USC 2332a, and sentenced to death if it results in even one death (I believe deaths resulting from a virus that is known to evade existing immunity is a certainty)

18 USC 2332a: "(a) Offense Against a National of the United States or Within the United States.—A person who, without lawful authority, uses, threatens, or attempts or conspires to use, a weapon of mass destruction— . . . shall be imprisoned for any term of years or for life, and if death results, shall be punished by death or imprisoned for any term of years or for life. . . . the term “weapon of mass destruction” means . . . any weapon involving a biological agent, toxin, or vector (as those terms are defined in section 178 of this title)" (emphasis added).

Section 178: "the term “biological agent” means any microorganism (including, but not limited to, bacteria, viruses, fungi, rickettsiae or protozoa), or infectious substance, or any naturally occurring, bioengineered or synthesized component of any such microorganism or infectious substance, capable of causing— (A) death, disease, or other biological malfunction in a human, an animal, a plant, or another living organism"

Pfizer reportedly sells the COVID vaccine for about $20 per dose:

>>>Under one pandemic supply deal, Pfizer is charging the U.S. $19.50 per dose, D'Amelio said, which is “not a normal price like we typically get for a vaccine—$150, $175 per dose. So, pandemic pricing.”<<<

Even if Pfizer raises it to $200 per dose and we assume this is 100% profit (this cannot be correct, of course), the civil and criminal damages for intentionally releasing a pathogen would be many thousands of times the potential profit. It would instantly bankrupt the company.

I believe that anyone who was involved in intentionally releasing a pathogen would be found personally liable for civil damages that would be thousands of times greater than any potential financial gain the person might experience.

In short, anyone involved would likely be sentenced to death, their assets would be seized, and their estate would owe millions in damages.

One would have to be a complete f'ing moron to try this.


Audioholic Spartan
yeah, just about as pathetic as CNN / MSNBC ! :eek:
It's no surprise that you hold that view, but there is a crucial difference: Fox "News" knowingly spread lies that undermines a corner stone in US democracy: elections and peaceful transfer of power.

Fox "News" where pushing interviews and conspiracy theories about the 2020 election on-air while at the same time internally knew that it was all false, and this is proven in the Dominion lawsuit they currently are in. Tucker Carlson even tried to get a Fox "News" reporter fired for fact-checking a Trump tweet.

Perhaps you've heard about this, no? Fox "News" are not saying anything about their lies on air, so a group tried to air an ad on the network, which was refused:

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Audioholic Warlord
If the data pans out that post-infection immunity is equivalent or stronger than that of mRNA vaccines, then it wouldn't be "throwing them a bone". It would be a reasonable response to the data.
I consider it "throwing them a bone", because an equivalent to vaccinated certification could be viewed as enabling/legitimizing irresponsible behaviour, i.e. refusing vaccination.


Audioholic Spartan
There will be an at-home test that determines between flu and covid. Price has not been determined yet.


Audioholic Slumlord
I am no conspiracy advocate. But Big Pharma is not exactly our friend.
I don't think you can do that. You know, say you're not a thing then say something that proves otherwise right after.

I've got big pharma up my @ss sideways. Better living through chemistry, I always say. I'm a go take about 9 pills now.

Big Pharma is my best friend ... no, really.


Audioholic Warlord
I don't think you can do that. You know, say you're not a thing then say something that proves otherwise right after.

I've got big pharma up my @ss sideways. Better living through chemistry, I always say. I'm a go take about 9 pills now.

Big Pharma is my best friend ... no, really.
I take 9 pills six days a week, and 19 on Fridays. Once every other week, I inject another modern miracle of Big Pharma.

I may rant & rave about the cost, but I blame that on the greedy sales execs who run Big Pharma. Plus the greedy senators & congressmen that Big Pharma buys.


Audioholic Spartan
I don't think you can do that. You know, say you're not a thing then say something that proves otherwise right after.

I've got big pharma up my @ss sideways. Better living through chemistry, I always say. I'm a go take about 9 pills now.

Big Pharma is my best friend ... no, really.
WHAT????!!! YOUR SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY!!!!!!!???? :eek:

Now if you'll be so kind as to excuse me I'll go take my 14 pills right now and be back to discuss this further :rolleyes:


Audioholic Spartan
the greedy sales execs who run Big Pharma. Plus the greedy senators & congressmen that Big Pharma buys.

greedy sales execs who run Big Pharma. Plus the greedy senators & congressmen that Big Pharma buys

greedy sales execs who run Big Pharma. Plus the greedy senators & congressmen that Big Pharma buys

Ummmm...... am I missing something here? ;)

Look I'm not one that thinks they're going all Umbrella corporation here. But they're is nothing wrong with pushing back on them to keep them honest. And if you don't think they need it. That's fine I respect your point of view.

I still remember that Teflon cooking spray incident. An entire town that the last time I checked was still waiting to get theyre settlement. Due to the fact that literally every one of them ended up with cancer and literally everything else fd up you can think of.

I still remember them padding the results on Zyprexa for it causing diabetes and all sorts of health stuff. I think they lost like a half a billion lawsuit on that?

There's a long list we could be here all day

. And when your dealing with huge companies like this that hold this much power and our health in our hands yet as you said have most of our politicians in they're back pocket. Yeah I'd say some healthy skepticism and pushback is ok

It's okay to have a little of both. Gratitude for what Big Pharma can do and skepticism for what they are capable of in my opinion


Audioholic Spartan
I don't think you can do that. You know, say you're not a thing then say something that proves otherwise right after.

I've got big pharma up my @ss sideways. Better living through chemistry, I always say. I'm a go take about 9 pills now.

Big Pharma is my best friend ... no, really.
I've got big pharma up my @ss sideways

That's what she said :D:D:D:D:D:D

Ok ok ok she didn't say that

I did... :eek:


Audioholic Spartan
Do you realize how much company revenue could potentially involved here? Do you realize that Pfizer's stock has been pretty stagnant for about 10 years now? You are free to have total trust in for profit companies if you want.

Many years ago, I was in a doctor's office along with a Pfizer rep while he was "detailing" a doctor on a product and he said to the doctor, "whatever it takes", to get his business. Pfizer was well known for being just about the most aggressive in providing various "perks" to get the docs to prescribe their drugs. Have you worked in the pharma industry?
My Doctor an amazing man I'll forever be grateful for his impact on my life that treats my bipolar accepts cash only. He will not accept insurance. Eye opening when he explained to me the reasons why.

As someone whose been in the system as a patient and in psychiatric health care for my career after I got my life back I have my reasons for wanting to stay balanced on this whole issue.

You won't catch me running around saying don't get vacced they're out to get you!!!! New World Order!!!!

But you also won't catch me simping for these companies either


Seriously, I have no life.
I take 9 pills six days a week, and 19 on Fridays. Once every other week, I inject another modern miracle of Big Pharma.

I may rant & rave about the cost, but I blame that on the greedy sales execs who run Big Pharma. Plus the greedy senators & congressmen that Big Pharma buys.
And, I would add, all the in-between operators that take their share of the pie.


Senior Audioholic
Not covid-19, but this is bears watching. If this bird flu ever mutated to be able to infect people in the nasal passages, it could make covid-19 look like a piker, with up to 50% mortality.



Audioholic Samurai
Eric Topol recently posted about numerous studies (all with limitations) that show increased risk for heart attacks and strokes late (30+ days) after COVID.

The available studies suggest that being vaccinated decreases the risk compared to being unvaccinated, but vaccination does not completely eliminate the risk from COVID.

I find myself wondering how many people experience some cardiovascular issues due to COVID that do not rise to the level of a stroke or heart attack. I can't prove it, but I suspect COVID has had a negative impact on my cardiovascular system (my running speed for a given heart rate dropped after getting COVID about 7 months ago and I'm still not back to where I was pre-COVID).

>>>As far as a mechanism for the excess of late (beyond 30 days from Covid) major cardiovascular outcomes, it has been well established that there is both endothelial lining of blood vessels) inflammation and the inter-dependent or direct hyper-coagulability that can be induced by Covid. That is to say, there are multiple paths by which Covid predisposes towards clotting. And microclots are one of the mechanisms that have been identified as an underpinning for some people suffering from Long Covid.

What does all this mean?

Al-Aly’s first study has now been replicated by others. It’s an inconvenient truth that Covid is associated with an excess of heart attacks and strokes beyond the first month of infection. That can no longer be ignored or refuted. The positive outlook is that these studies zoomed in on patients infected in the pre-vaccine era, and subsequently we’ve seen that vaccinations were linked with halving the adverse outcomes. But even with vaccination the rate isn’t zero.<<<



Audioholic Jedi
It is time to revisit the Covid 19 status.

There is now unequivocal evidence that the pandemic has now morphed into the endemic stage.

We now have overwhelming evidence that new mutations are not getting traction. The reason is that the last major mutations are about as infectious as it is possible for an infectious disease to get. So no new mutations can not out compete.

In addition most of the world has at least some immunity, most actually significant immunity. This is from exposure, vaccination and now more often than not both. Almost everybody has been exposed now, whether having a clinical case or not. The major issue now is that immunity appears to last just slightly under a year. However yearly vaccination with a flu shot should offer good protection. In addition there will be chance encounters which will boost immunity with or without being a symptomatic case. So this would make the case that there is no longer any advantage to going out of ones way to avoid exposure, except if you know there is a florid case.
The one exception is medical facilities where there will be excess immune compromised individuals than in the general population, so precautions are probably warranted.

This virus will now coexist with other respiratory pathogens, like influenza, RSV, parainfluenza and others.

What does need to happen now, and isn't, is preparing for the next pandemic. This is especially true for early surveillance to spot emerging novel infections.

Covid 19 should have been cut off at the pass, but I think we all know why it was not.

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