

Audioholic Warlord
And now, back to my extreme criticism of the governors of Texas and Florida …

In today's Washington Post, I saw an op-ed article by Michael Gerson titled "Govs. DeSantis and Abbott, in denial and risking lives, have betrayed the public trust".

For those who may not know, Michael Gerson was once a speech-writer for W when he was president. Since those days, Gerson became much less right-wing, and abandoned any affiliation with the GOP as a result of his opposition to Trump. He still is an eloquent and persuasive writer, and he reserves his most scathing words to criticise the present crop of right-wing GOP politicians. I'll provide excerpts. I've added emphasis by bolding some words:
… As covid’s third wave seemed to be fading in the spring, and the promise of normality was in the air, Republican governors Ron DeSantis of Florida and Greg Abbott of Texas came out strong – through legislative measures and executive orders – against masks and vaccine mandates. The issue had a growing symbolic power among right-wing populists, who are always searching for ways to operationalize their contempt for government. Accusations of covid-related coercion now constitute another front in the culture war. DeSantis and Abbott took full political advantage.

But then Florida and Texas led the resurgence of covid-19 in the United States, filling hospital beds and intensive care units across those states. Cities, school districts, hospitals and businesses naturally want to take measures such as mask and vaccine mandates that are equal to the severity of the outbreak.

What was supposed to be a costless, largely symbolic political commitment has led DeSantis and Abbott to a particularly vivid moral choice. Should they allow local government and community institutions to save people from harm? Or should they actively prevent those measures to appease a radical faction of their party?

The decision, it seems, wasn’t close for them. There is no public evidence of inner turmoil. If they had defied the populist base of the Republican Party, their careers (and presidential prospects) would have been as good as over. Now these governors have a problem, as does their party.

The challenge for the governors is that public health is not the same as other issues. Their actions will lead, directly and predictably, to deaths in their states. This constitutes a betrayal of public trust so grave – a violation of moral responsibilities so depraved – that I am not sure there is a word for it. Selling the lives of your fellow citizens to a foreign power is treason. What is the proper description of selling the lives of your fellow citizens to a crazed political interest group?
Gerson doesn't leave his question unanswered. Read on.
These governors are attempting, of course, to take refuge in principle – the traditional right not to have cloth next to your face, or the sacred right to spread nasty infections to your neighbors. But such “rights” talk is misapplied in this context. The duty to protect public health during a pandemic is, by nature, an aggregate commitment. Success or failure is measured only in a total sum. Incompetence in this area is a fundamental miscarriage of governing. Knowingly taking actions that undermine public health is properly called sabotage, as surely as putting anthrax in the water supply.

So maybe that’s the right word: saboteurs.

The problem for the Republican Party is that one of the central demands of a key interest group is now an act of sociopathic insanity. Some of the most basic measures of public health have suddenly become the political equivalent of gun confiscation. It’s as if the activist wing of the GOP decided that municipal trash pickup is a dangerous socialist experiment. Or chlorine in public pools is an antifa plot. There can be no absolute political right to undermine the health and safety of your community. Or else community has no meaning.
I told you Gerson has some very strong words. Strong but on-the-nose. DeSantis and Abbot are sabotaging public health.
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Old Onkyo

Old Onkyo

Audioholic General

if I get this…if Texas closes the border to immigrants and kick all of the Black folk out, Covid would not be an issue , and Texas can reclaim it’s rightful place as the greatest state in the Union!


Audioholic Spartan
And now, back to my extreme criticism of the governors of Texas and Florida …

In today's Washington Post, I saw an op-ed article by Michael Gerson titled "Govs. DeSantis and Abbott, in denial and risking lives, have betrayed the public trust".

For those who may not know, Michael Gerson was once a speech-writer for W when he was president. Since those days, Gerson became much less right-wing, and abandoned any affiliation with the GOP as a result of his opposition to Trump. He still is an eloquent and persuasive writer, and he reserves his most scathing words to criticise the present crop of right-wing GOP politicians. I'll provide excerpts. I've added emphasis by bolding some words:
Gerson doesn't leave his question unanswered. Read on.
I told you Gerson has some very strong words. Strong but on-the-nose. DeSantis and Abbot are sabotaging public health.
Michael Gerson stopped just short of calling them mass murderers as seen in his article comparing their acts to putting anthrax into water supplies. From what I've read/heard that is not an entirely unreasonable opinion.


Audioholic Warlord
For all those who think the FDA has been dragging it's feet during this approval process, the FDA always takes this much care and effort. Remember these vaccines are meant for the entire population, people who are otherwise healthy. The scrutiny given to possible risks for vaccines is much higher than for drugs meant for people with serious or life-threatening illnesses.


Audioholic Field Marshall

if I get this…if Texas closes the border to immigrants and kick all of the Black folk out, Covid would not be an issue , and Texas can reclaim it’s rightful place as the greatest state in the Union!
When all else fails, they always revert to their old reliable excuse that dates back centuries— “Blame the darkies”


Audioholic Warlord

if I get this…if Texas closes the border to immigrants and kick all of the Black folk out, Covid would not be an issue , and Texas can reclaim it’s rightful place as the greatest state in the Union!
That dude has the most punchable face. Someone should see how well he takes one.

Of course we would elect a governor with a radio show host as his LT


Audioholic Warlord
For all those who think the FDA has been dragging it's feet during this approval process, the FDA always takes this much care and effort. Remember these vaccines are meant for the entire population, people who are otherwise healthy. The scrutiny given to possible risks for vaccines is much higher than for drugs meant for people with serious or life-threatening illnesses.
So I wonder how this news will change the narrative of all the folks that don't want it because it "was rushed" and "is experimental and only approved for emergency use".

I'm thinking it won't change a thing. Hell, apparently Trump got booed in Alabama a few days ago for urging people at his rally to get it. If they won't listen to him about it, then they're a lost cause.


Audioholic Ninja
Was reading this in a Indiana paper (Indy Star) . July 2021

"The large majority of COVID-19 cases and deaths are occurring among unvaccinated people, per the States Chief Medical Officer, Weaver. Roughly 98% of Indiana cases this year occurred in people who are not vaccinated and 96% of Indiana COVID-19 deaths this year occurred in people who are not vaccinated. "

"Your chances of getting infected with COVID-19 if you are vaccinated is 1 in 892. Your chances of getting infected with COVID-19 if you are not vaccinated is 1 in 14. These numbers are based on all Indiana cases since January, "

"The chances of being hospitalized with COVID-19 if you are vaccinated is 1 in 18,795. Your chances of being hospitalized with COVID-19 if you are not vaccinated is 1 in 237. These numbers are based on all Indiana cases since January said Weaver, "

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Audioholic Warlord
"Your chances of getting infected with COVID-19 if you are vaccinated is 1 in 892. Your chances of getting infected with COVID-19 if you are not vaccinated is 1 in 14. These numbers are based on all Indiana cases since January, "

"The chances of being hospitalized with COVID-19 if you are vaccinated is 1 in 18,795. Your chances of being hospitalized with COVID-19 if you are not vaccinated is 1 in 237.
Thanks for posting that.

In Indiana, since Jan 2021:
  • Covid-19 infection is 64 times more likely (892 ÷ 14) without vaccination.
  • Hospitalization for Covid-19 is 79 times more likely (18,795 ÷ 237) without vaccination.
With odds like that, getting vaccinated is a no-brainer.


Seriously, I have no life.
Thanks for posting that.

In Indiana, since Jan 2021:
  • Covid-19 infection is 64 times more likely (892 ÷ 14) without vaccination.
  • Hospitalization for Covid-19 is 79 times more likely (18,795 ÷ 237) without vaccination.
With odds like that, getting vaccinated is a no-brainer.
Well, yes, but one needs a brain to start with. ;) :D

When I read an article "Parents get coached on how to escape mask and vaccine rules" AP, it is obvious many do not have one.
And parents are told how not to comply by school superintendent, a pastor at a megachurch, Louisiana AG, parents assaulting teachers, etc, I wonder how long will this democracy survive? :eek:
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Seriously, I have no life.
Was reading this in a Indiana paper (Indy Star) . July 2021

"The large majority of COVID-19 cases and deaths are occurring among unvaccinated people, per the States Chief Medical Officer, Weaver. Roughly 98% of Indiana cases this year occurred in people who are not vaccinated and 96% of Indiana COVID-19 deaths this year occurred in people who are not vaccinated. "

"Your chances of getting infected with COVID-19 if you are vaccinated is 1 in 892. Your chances of getting infected with COVID-19 if you are not vaccinated is 1 in 14. These numbers are based on all Indiana cases since January, "

"The chances of being hospitalized with COVID-19 if you are vaccinated is 1 in 18,795. Your chances of being hospitalized with COVID-19 if you are not vaccinated is 1 in 237. These numbers are based on all Indiana cases since January said Weaver, "

And very sad at the same time.


Seriously, I have no life.
So I wonder how this news will change the narrative of all the folks that don't want it because it "was rushed" and "is experimental and only approved for emergency use".

I'm thinking it won't change a thing. Hell, apparently Trump got booed in Alabama a few days ago for urging people at his rally to get it. If they won't listen to him about it, then they're a lost cause.
A new excuse will be serenaded by them.


RIP Phil Valentine. You anti-vaxxer. Sometimes you pay with your life for your stupidity.

I have no compassion for imbeciles that simply think this whole thing is some sort of conspiracy or hoax.


Seriously, I have no life.

if I get this…if Texas closes the border to immigrants and kick all of the Black folk out, Covid would not be an issue , and Texas can reclaim it’s rightful place as the greatest state in the Union!
Good luck getting it. ;):D
Actually it might be a good experiment to conduct.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Guy on another site explained what happens when humans take horse-doses of Ivermectin. They basically sh1t themselves to death.

Oh well, better to die so nobly than to get vaccinated, I suppose.


Seriously, I have no life.


Seriously, I have no life.
Guy on another site explained what happens when humans take horse-doses of Ivermectin. They basically sh1t themselves to death.

Oh well, better to die so nobly than to get vaccinated, I suppose.
I also heard info on this that the amount of that drug to work will just kill you first. They need to double up on it, ultra fast cure.

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