@Gmoney I'm disappointed in you. The Steam Vent Corona virus thread is a tough room, and I won't let you off easy. You are simply wrong. So wrong, you get an Anthony Fauci facepalm.
View attachment 44866
But because you made wrong claims about corona virus vaccines, the one thing that will save us from millions of deaths, you get the dreaded Implied Facepalm.
View attachment 44867
Where did you get the information that over 100 deaths were caused by the corona virus vaccine? I want a link that I can read. What else is wrong about your statement? Where do I begin?
- Which vaccine has caused all these deaths? There are two now in use in the USA.
- Of those 100+ deaths, how many were evaluated by a pathologist or licensed Medical Examiner?
- For each of those deaths I want to see an evaluation of the cause or causes of death. This is often complex as there are underlying medical conditions that alone might not cause people to die, but when combined with other causes, can be fatal. So, it is common to see multiple causes of death. You rarely see a single cause of death.
- If a death occurred within a day or two of a vaccination, I want to see the potential relationship of the death and the vaccination further evaluated as follows:
- Vaccination was UNRELATED to the death
- Vaccination was UNLIKELY related to the death
- Vaccination was POSSIBLY related to the death
- Vaccination was PROBABLY related to the death
- Vaccination was DEFINITELY related to the death
To make these types of evaluations, complete medical records of the person's illness and death are required. If, in the Medical Examiner's professional opinion, the vaccination was POSSIBLY, PROBABLY, OR DEFINITELY related to the death, then and only then can we say the vaccine was responsible for the death. Got it? Anything less, is just the usual internet BS.