Conservatives win Canada



rjbudz said:
Mac..."screw the poor"??? You better be joking or I suggest you get yourself a good therapist as you seem to be a wild cannon about to hurt someone.

No, I'm not joking. Let them get off of their Asses and work for a living, like I do. I wouldn't give a dime to some poor person even if it were my guaranteed ticket to heaven. Now, the less fortunate, the disabled, children, I will help them, and I don't have a problem doing it. But I get pissed when I have to support some crack whore, that keeps getting knocked up so her welfare check will keep growing. Then she lets those poor kids grow up on the street. People ask what's wrong with the education system? Right there. We are better off, letting them starve to death and end this generation of slackers. I am a mean SOB but you know what? I made it here myself, no help from my parents, the government or anyone else.
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
McIntosh Man: I made it here myself, no help from my parents, the government or anyone else.
What about that awesome free education from Fitch High School?


Junior Audioholic
Moving up in the world...

furrycute said:
And don't delude yourselves that you can be counted among America's middle class. You only qualify for middle class if your annual income exceeds $90,000.

Thanks for the update! It looks like this year I will be able to say I'm "Upper Class" as I look down upon all those fiscally inferior to me. I think I will now have to find new friends and disassociate myself from all my blue-collar family members. Don't want to get "tainted".

Anyone know a good exclusive country club that discriminates against every minority?


warhummer said:
Thanks for the update! It looks like this year I will be able to say I'm "Upper Class" as I look down upon all those fiscally inferior to me. I think I will now have to find new friends and disassociate myself from all my blue-collar family members. Don't want to get "tainted".

Anyone know a good exclusive country club that discriminates against every minority?
LOL, that is awesome. Let me know if you find one, I want to joint too.


Audioholic Ninja
Sheep said:

This is not "Free" health care, and it was never called free. The reason for it, is that when Sh!t happens, you don't have to pay out of your pocket, right then and there. No one budgets medical "purchases" and if you happen to need medical care, you won't have to worry about paying for it. It's covered in taxes, and yes, we pay more for taxes, but how many people have money set aside to pay for huge medical costs all the time? No one. This way, theres no worries.


Thanks, Sheepstar. That's kinda why I had it in " "'s. It is free if you cannot pay. It is no different here. As I mentioned there are abundant government sponsored safety nets here, as well. (Medicaid, State services, Social Security Disability, etc.) Some of these pay an indigent's bill outright, others offer (for lack of a better description) zero interest loans.

Medical insurance is an expensive proposition here...largely due to the increasing cost of malpractice insurance (thank the lawyers). Most people who work are well covered for any medical catastrophe. Others, between jobs, can get cheaper (but still expensive) insurance based upon the COBRA plan. Those that can't afford insurance get assistance as I've laid out. There are many, many options.

In 1989 I was trying to start my own consulting business, and because I was relatively young (44) and trying to make ends meet, I elected not to buy health insurance. Sure enough, I had a massive heart attack that left me as dead as a door-nail for 5 minutes. I was revived by herculean medical efforts (20+ defibrillations) and spent the next 5 days in the Intensive Care Unit and 5 more in Cardiac Care. The total bill....>$1/4 million. My life was devastated, but my finances were taken care of to what I consider a reasonable degree. We were not left with burdensome, lifelong debt thanks to Medicaid, Medical (California plan), and Social Security Disability.

Anyone who says this country does not care for its needy simply doesn't know what he's talking about.
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Audioholic Ninja
MacManNM said:
. Now, the less fortunate, the disabled, children, I will help them, and I don't have a problem doing it. .

Thanks for qualifying your position. This makes much more sense.


rjbudz said:
There is so much absolutely INACCURATE information and BS on this thread you all should be ashamed. What ever happened to informed reporting and reasoned logic? I resign my position as Mild-Mannered-Old-Man. I cannot keep my peace. No more Mr. Nice Guy. ;)

Healthcare IS available to the indigent in the U.S. (Yes, you can get chemotherapy if you're poor, prfsask. And please stop the denigrating comments about "uneducated" posts when you can barely put together a coherent thought in written English.) NO ONE IN THE USA CAN BE TURNED AWAY FROM NEEDED MEDICAL CARE!!

The "tax breaks" to the rich and the burden befalling the middle-class? If you're middle class, you're paying less % in taxes today than you did under Clinton.

You want more affordable health care? Look to TORT REFORM! The cost of insurance is the engine driving of the accellerating cost of medical care. Huge lawsuits are like weeds. Ask Chicagomd on this forum about it.

Canada and your "free" and socialistic health care? Just who pays for it? The government? Who gives money to the government? Tell us about your tax rates. And good care? Is that why so many people come to the U.S. for treatment? Or is it perhaps you have to get in months long queues to get treatment?

And all you Canadians, how about actually researching, not only your own system, but the U.S.'s and others. Asking healthcare related questions of a bunch of audio/video fans who also happen to like vintage automobiles is not going to get you precise or accurate answers.

Neither government owes any of you a thing. Cradle to grave care is NOT an entitlement. And in fact, socialistic and communistic versions of it have destroyed governments that are just now trying to catch up with capitalism. Hey, what a concept....actually work for your benefits. (And as pointed out above, there are abundant health care and financial safety nets for the poor.)

Mac..."screw the poor"??? You better be joking or I suggest you get yourself a good therapist as you seem to be a wild cannon about to hurt someone.

Well I hope you have health care because it sounds like you’re about to pop a main vein DUDE...Relax!

I agree this is not the place to discuss government issues. and as far as you slamming my writing you have to be the most sudo-intellectual in this form. Take a pill and relax! The only reason I posted to this was the begging comment about conservatives in Canada helping out Bush in Iraq bla bla bla..

what a crock of BS


Audioholic Ninja
warhummer said:
Thanks for the update! It looks like this year I will be able to say I'm "Upper Class" as I look down upon all those fiscally inferior to me. I think I will now have to find new friends and disassociate myself from all my blue-collar family members. Don't want to get "tainted".

Anyone know a good exclusive country club that discriminates against every minority?
LOL! Give 'em a cup o' that stuff, Hummer! :)
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
Anyone know a good exclusive country club that discriminates against every minority?
Augusta National.

The new minority in the US ... white males.

Prfsask: The only reason I posted to this was the begging comment about conservatives in Canada helping out Bush in Iraq bla bla bla..

what a crock of BS
Recent quote from the AP: "Relations with the Bush administration will likely improve under Harper as his ideology runs along the same lines of many US Republicans. The White House yesterday congratulated Harper and the Conservative Party for winning. "We look forward to strengthening our relations and working with the new government," said President Bush's spokesman, Scott McClellan. Harper has said he would reconsider a US missile defence scheme rejected by the Liberal government of Prime Minister Paul Martin."

Here's the full article:


Audioholic Slumlord
rjbudz said:
And please stop the denigrating comments about "uneducated" posts when you can barely put together a coherent thought in written English.) NO ONE IN THE USA CAN BE TURNED AWAY FROM NEEDED MEDICAL CARE!!
Just a friendly reminder, English is the second language of many people in this world. Everything else you said makes sense, to me anyway.


Audioholic Ninja
PENG said:
Just a friendly reminder, English is the second language of many people in this world. Everything else you said makes sense, to me anyway.
Thanks for the reminder, PENG. I usually don't respond like that...but I have a tough time with people insulting others because of differing points of view. This person called a few of us "uneducated" and that we were "boring" him. I actually considered the possibility of what you said, and was sensitive to it. I even discussed it with another forum member. I decided since he/she is apparently from Canada that it was the person's attacking personality that was coming out, and it was not a reflection upon the quality of the Canadian educational system or his/her ESL issues.

But I hear you.......
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Full Audioholic
prfsask said:
...and as far as you slamming my writing you have to be the most sudo-intellectual in this form....
What form? RJ, you been filling out forms?:)


Audioholic Warlord
prfsask said:
Well I hope you have health care because it sounds like you’re about to pop a main vein DUDE...Relax!

I agree this is not the place to discuss government issues. and as far as you slamming my writing you have to be the most pseudo-intellectual in this forUm. Take a pill and relax! The only reason I posted to this was the begging comment about conservatives in Canada helping out Bush in Iraq bla bla bla..

what a crock of BS
Come on man, use the spell check at least. I just did it on your post.

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Audioholic Ninja
AverageJoe said:
What form? RJ, you been filling out forms?:)
No, no, AJ. Read it again. He says "in this form". Perhaps he thinks I'm a shape-shifter like that fellow, Odo, on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

So now you can read it, "you are the most sudo [Odo's sister] intellectual in this form [as opposed to that form]." ;)

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