Conservatives win Canada

Rock&Roll Ninja

Rock&Roll Ninja

Audioholic Field Marshall
So if I travel to Canada to do some gardening and break my arm, does Canada pick up the tab for the doctor? or do I have to pay you back when I return to America?

If you're Canadian and want an elective nosejob, who pays for it?

When you go to the dentist and need braces, how to they figure who gets the expensive clear ones and who gets the crappy metal ones?

Is psychotherapy covered under universal health?

what about accupuncture?

or "theraputic" massage. By hot korean girls?

What about glasses with expensive deisgner frames?

If your Johnson isn't large enough will Canada pay to have your hands surgically reduced?


Rock&Roll Ninja said:
So if I travel to Canada to do some gardening and break my arm, does Canada pick up the tab for the doctor? or do I have to pay you back when I return to America?

If you're Canadian and want an elective nosejob, who pays for it?

When you go to the dentist and need braces, how to they figure who gets the expensive clear ones and who gets the crappy metal ones?

Is psychotherapy covered under universal health?

what about accupuncture? depends

or "theraputic" massage. By hot korean girls?

What about glasses with expensive deisgner frames?

If your Johnson isn't large enough will Canada pay to have your hands surgically reduced?
Is psychotherapy covered under universal health?N
what about accupuncture?

or "theraputic" massage. By hot korean girls?N

What about glasses with expensive deisgner frames?N

If your Johnson isn't large enough will Canada pay to have NATA

If a visitor is without healthcare in Peace Keeping canuckland and needs med. atten. uninsssssured it would be like walking in the US with out it.

Can someone please tell me if you are uninsured in the beutilful US and needed Chemo would you basically just die?

btw...feel free to comment on the spelling and grama. anytime if you have the time gram

Can anyone elerberate on the Cancer quest
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
Furrycute: Just by simple logic, it makes perfect sense to include everyone in a nationalized health insurance plan, whether it be government run or privately run, doesn't really make all that much difference. The key is that this insurance plan includes everyone.
The issue the conservatives have with that is everyone who has their hand in the pot, but doesn't contribute any share (or a fair share) at all. I'm not familiar with Canada's system, but I'm sure it's not too different from here.

We have those who are retired (not an issue unless they all live to be 100), those on welfare, social security disability, etc... There are millions and millions who don't put one dime into the system, yet reap a majority of the benefits.

There are babies born into welfare households that may benefit the rest of their lives - should they stay the course of their parent. There are refugees that come over daily that immediately quality for ssi.

It's a very inefficient system. To top it off, there is miles of red tape, and major health care intermediaries that haven't a clue what medicine is about. It's a shame the medical profession was once a great area to study. Now physicians can't afford the malpractice insurance - most likey from being sued by someone reaping free government benefits. :rolleyes:
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Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
Prof. Sask: Can someone please tell me if you are uninsured in the beutilful US and needed Chemo would you basically just die?
Yes, you would eventually die without health care coverage assuming you couldn't pay for it from savings, credit, loans, etc...


Buckeyefan 1 said:
Yes, you would eventually die without health care coverage assuming you couldn't pay for it from savings, credit, loans, etc...
Very Said

Thankyou for the Info.


The poor. Just how much of our government resources is taken up by the poor? Has anyone done the math?

Since this conservative trend has taken over our government in the late 90's, has anyone actually counted the amount of tax cuts givn to the rich? The amount of tax shelters, tax loopholes, eliminating the estate tax? Has any of those fiscal conservatives ever counted how much we as a nation have spent beefing up the coffers of the rich and the wealthy?

And before anyone jumps out and starting defending those tax cuts, let me point out that if your annual income does not exceed $1 million, you don't qualify as "rich." If you estate does not exceed a couple million, you were never affected by the estate tax in the first place.

Those tax cuts, tax shelters, estate tax cuts, all benefit this tiny 1% of America that is ultra rich. And these are the people these so called "fiscal" conservatives serve. For all the tax cuts we have had in since this administration has been in office, we could have probably fixed up our education system, plugged some of the holes in Medicaid, Medicare, fed a lot of people hot food, put a lot of people on unemployment insurance.

All this talk about the poor taking up the resources of this country, has anyone not actually noticed these costs are NOTHING in comparison to the ungodly gains the ultra rich have reaped since the conservatives have taken over our government.

Fiscal conservative, what an oxymoron. The federal deficit is markedly worse, the size of the federal government is markedly larger, the bureacracy is worse than ever, since the conservatives took over.

Let's have another 8 years of fiscal conservatism, woopi.

Buckeyefan 1 said:
The issue the conservatives have with that is everyone who has their hand in the pot, but doesn't contribute any share (or a fair share) at all. I'm not familiar with Canada's system, but I'm sure it's not too different from here.

We have those who are retired (not an issue unless they all live to be 100), those on welfare, social security disability, etc... There are millions and millions who don't put one dime into the system, yet reap a majority of the benefits.

There are babies born into welfare households that may benefit the rest of their lives - should they stay the course of their parent. There are refugees that come over daily that immediately quality for ssi.

It's a very inefficient system. To top it off, there is miles of red tape, and major health care intermediaries that haven't a clue what medicine is about. It's a shame the medical profession was once a great area to study. Now physicians can't afford the malpractice insurance - most likey from being sued by someone reaping free government benefits. :rolleyes:
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furrycute said:
The poor. Just how much of our government resources is taken up by the poor? Has anyone done the math?

Since this conservative trend has taken over our government in the late 90's, has anyone actually counted the amount of tax cuts givn to the rich? The amount of tax shelters, tax loopholes, eliminating the estate tax? Has any of those fiscal conservatives ever counted how much we as a nation have spent beefing up the coffers of the rich and the wealthy?

And before anyone jumps out and starting defending those tax cuts, let me point out that if your annual income does not exceed $1 million, you don't qualify as "rich." If you estate does not exceed a couple million, you were never affected by the estate tax in the first place.

Those tax cuts, tax shelters, estate tax cuts, all benefit this tiny 1% of America that is ultra rich. And these are the people these so called "fiscal" conservatives serve. For all the tax cuts we have had in since this administration has been in office, we could have probably fixed up our education system, plugged some of the holes in Medicaid, Medicare, fed a lot of people hot food, put a lot of people on unemployment insurance.

All this talk about the poor taking up the resources of this country, has anyone not actually noticed these costs are NOTHING in comparison to the ungodly gains the ultra rich have reaped since the conservatives have taken over our government.

Fiscal conservative, what an oxymoron. The federal deficit is markedly worse, the size of the federal government is markedly larger, the bureacracy is worse than ever, since the conservatives took over.

Let's have another 8 years of fiscal conservatism, woopi.
There you go, tax and spend liberal. How much money do you want to just throw at education? Throwing money at the problem does not fix it. You fix problems by eliminating them. Get rid of socialist welfare programs that encourage people to sit home and not work. How many truly "poor' people live in the US? Most of the people considered poor could somehow still afford cable and TV's, beer and cigarettes. How poor is that? They are lazy. I refer to my previous post:

MacManNM said:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Notice it says “the pursuit of Happiness”, not guarantee of happiness.

Heaven forbid everyone actually try to work, or perform some type of service for the collective good.
Nothing is guaranteed. Eliminate the problem, let the lower class starve and that will motivate them. Sounds monstrous, but its candy assed libs that wont let this country move forward. Screw the poor.


furrycute said:
The poor. Just how much of our government resources is taken up by the poor? Has anyone done the math?

Since this conservative trend has taken over our government in the late 90's, has anyone actually counted the amount of tax cuts givn to the rich? The amount of tax shelters, tax loopholes, eliminating the estate tax? Has any of those fiscal conservatives ever counted how much we as a nation have spent beefing up the coffers of the rich and the wealthy?

And before anyone jumps out and starting defending those tax cuts, let me point out that if your annual income does not exceed $1 million, you don't qualify as "rich." If you estate does not exceed a couple million, you were never affected by the estate tax in the first place.

Those tax cuts, tax shelters, estate tax cuts, all benefit this tiny 1% of America that is ultra rich. And these are the people these so called "fiscal" conservatives serve. For all the tax cuts we have had in since this administration has been in office, we could have probably fixed up our education system, plugged some of the holes in Medicaid, Medicare, fed a lot of people hot food, put a lot of people on unemployment insurance.

All this talk about the poor taking up the resources of this country, has anyone not actually noticed these costs are NOTHING in comparison to the ungodly gains the ultra rich have reaped since the conservatives have taken over our government.

Fiscal conservative, what an oxymoron. The federal deficit is markedly worse, the size of the federal government is markedly larger, the bureacracy is worse than ever, since the conservatives took over.

Let's have another 8 years of fiscal conservatism, woopi.
Being a non-American, could someone tell me how much was spent on US deffence and what was spent on health care in the USofA in say 2005?


And the inreasing wealth and influence of the ultra rich come at the expense of the shrinking of the middle class.

And don't delude yourselves that you can be counted among America's middle class. You only qualify for middle class if your annual income exceeds $90,000.

This tide of conservative power grabbing, tax cutting for the ultra rich, come precisely at the expense of America's middle class. The middle class bears the brunt of the burden of paying for these tax cuts.


MacManNM said:
Screw the poor.

The poor wont stay poor forever. The rich wont stay rich forever. The ill can be cured. The healthy can fall ill. It's all basic probability theory.

Just make damned sure that one day what you said here wont come back to haunt you.
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
prfsask said:
Being a non-American, could someone tell me how much was spent on US deffence and what was spent on health care in the USofA in say 2005?
Last year, Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security cost more than $1 trillion

I'm checking on defense.


Buckeyefan 1 said:
Last year, Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security cost more than $1 trillion

I'm checking on defense.
Are you able to separate the cost of Medicare and Social Security?

And on defence that would include all military spending i.e.: Defence and the combined cost of active war.

Approximate of course, also please define your source.
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
prfsask said:
Are you able to separate the cost of Medicare and Social Security?

And on defence that would include all military spending i.e.: Defence and the combined cost of active war.

Approximate of course, also please define your source.
Out of curiosity, what did Canada spend on health care in 2005? What is the population of Canada? We have 296.4 million.

My source is the OMB.


Audioholic Warlord
Buckeyefan 1 said:
Out of curiosity, what did Canada spend on health care in 2005? What is the population of Canada? We have 296.4 million.

My source is the OMB.
Population is around ~33 million. I don't know where to find what we spent. Where should I look?

Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
This is interesting:

Canada Defence

Last October, the Government pledged to increase the size of Canada’s Armed Forces by 5,000 permanent members, along with 3,000 additional reservists.

Budget 2005 delivers on this commitment while providing funding that goes far beyond it: $12.8 billion over five years (on a cash basis), the largest increase in defence spending in 20 years.

This increased funding will be used to improve training and address the Forces’ operational readiness.

The additional funding will also be used to purchase new medium-capacity helicopters, trucks, utility aircraft and specialized facilities for Canada’s elite anti-terrorist troops.



Audioholic Ninja
There is so much absolutely INACCURATE information and BS on this thread you all should be ashamed. What ever happened to informed reporting and reasoned logic? I resign my position as Mild-Mannered-Old-Man. I cannot keep my peace. No more Mr. Nice Guy. ;)

Healthcare IS available to the indigent in the U.S. (Yes, you can get chemotherapy if you're poor, prfsask. And please stop the denigrating comments about "uneducated" posts when you can barely put together a coherent thought in written English.) NO ONE IN THE USA CAN BE TURNED AWAY FROM NEEDED MEDICAL CARE!!

The "tax breaks" to the rich and the burden befalling the middle-class? If you're middle class, you're paying less % in taxes today than you did under Clinton.

You want more affordable health care? Look to TORT REFORM! The cost of insurance is the engine driving of the accellerating cost of medical care. Huge lawsuits are like weeds. Ask Chicagomd on this forum about it.

Canada and your "free" and socialistic health care? Just who pays for it? The government? Who gives money to the government? Tell us about your tax rates. And good care? Is that why so many people come to the U.S. for treatment? Or is it perhaps you have to get in months long queues to get treatment?

And all you Canadians, how about actually researching, not only your own system, but the U.S.'s and others. Asking healthcare related questions of a bunch of audio/video fans who also happen to like vintage automobiles is not going to get you precise or accurate answers.

Neither government owes any of you a thing. Cradle to grave care is NOT an entitlement. And in fact, socialistic and communistic versions of it have destroyed governments that are just now trying to catch up with capitalism. Hey, what a concept....actually work for your benefits. (And as pointed out above, there are abundant health care and financial safety nets for the poor.)

Mac..."screw the poor"??? You better be joking or I suggest you get yourself a good therapist as you seem to be a wild cannon about to hurt someone.


Full Audioholic
This really isn't a huge "Win" for Conservatives in Canada, more as the people acting out.

For quite a few years there's been corruption in the Liberal camp. Since there's no viable third party in Canada, and they couldn't just let the corruption go unpunished, they voted the party out.

I suspect in the next few years once things normalize up north the Liberals will be in charge again. Canada is a largely Liberal voting country anyways.


Audioholic Warlord
Canada and your "free" and socialistic health care? Just who pays for it? The government? Who gives money to the government? Tell us about your tax rates. And good care? Is that why so many people come to the U.S. for treatment? Or is it perhaps you have to get in months long queues to get treatment?

This is not "Free" health care, and it was never called free. The reason for it, is that when Sh!t happens, you don't have to pay out of your pocket, right then and there. No one budgets medical "purchases" and if you happen to need medical care, you won't have to worry about paying for it. It's covered in taxes, and yes, we pay more for taxes, but how many people have money set aside to pay for huge medical costs all the time? No one. This way, theres no worries.


Mort Corey

Senior Audioholic
prfsask said:
Are you able to separate the cost of Medicare and Social Security?

And on defence that would include all military spending i.e.: Defence and the combined cost of active war.

Approximate of course, also please define your source.
In 2005. 519 Billion for Social Security
296 Billion for Medicare
189 Billion Medicaid (for the poor)
500 Billion for Defense (not including black ops for Canadian elections

Heritage Foundation....probably pretty close


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