Cold and Flu season - heres a cure



Seriously, I have no life.
stratman said:
Correct me if I'm wrong: Six people use HP and it "cuts" their cold, is that a placebo if not tested under certain conditions?
stratman said:
Absolutely I will correct you as you invited me to:D
Yes, it is a placebo even if a 1000 posters claim its benefits.
No different from all the audiophiles waxing about the benefits of Wallhala cables, cable lifters, pebbles, any other voodoo snake oil claimed audio products, unless it has properly passed bias controlled testing, plain and simple.

If it works, will that still deny it's efficacy because it wasn't done according to protocol?

If it works? It has not been established that it works, only claimed that it works. Many claims are made in audio that do not stand up to the testing protocol that is a must. Human psychology is such, due to gullibility and bias, that proper protocols have been established to counter such forces if valid results are what one is after. If a singular reality will do, no need for any testing what so ever.

What about Chinese medicine?

What about it? Most is unproven, anecdotes and testimonials. Same as the peroxide.

Western science over that last few decades has come to the conclusion that it works

Absolutely false. Western medicine has not come to that conclusion. What western medicine has come to is that it is unproven, ineffective and that China cannot adopt western medicine fast enough.

My point is sometimes science doesn't get around to "testing" all variables, specially some that might not be "high-brow" scientifically speaking (chicken soup).

Don't need to test all the variables, only the ones that matter. Unless you are implying Chinese medicine in general.

(a lot of people swear by it,

That is the whole point of the discussion. those testimonials are not valid. Lot of people swear by psychics, being abducted by aliens, Being able to levitate, holistic healing, audio cables, miracle quantum dot chips, magnets around wine bottles, magnets around water pipes. the list is endless what people swear by. So what.

I'll try again, most likely I will get another cold soon thanks to my kid, I'll give HP a try on the onset and take notes, wait for another cold, won't try it and take notes....not very scientific, but I would consider it a valid observation. Then I'll post.

Sorry, this is a flawed protocol. You are biased from the start; you cannot switch it off at will and don't know when it is on or off. What is needed is a placebo controlled protocol, DBT included. Sorry.

And, cables are cables right? Not a human body full of variables (and germs)

You are confusing the issues. Just because the human body is full of variables, means you need even better DBT protocols and placebo medicines to boot to validate any claims. What you proposed above is useless. Don't bother, just use it and be happy:D


Seriously, I have no life.
stratman said:
I don't think trying something to find out if it works is pseudo scientific, in fact trial is the basis for science...I personally didn't put HP in my ear, I gargled with it and I still stand by the effect.

Yes, but in science, how you try it is very important to a valid result:D
What has been testified to here under this post does not qualify for proper, meaningful, credible testing, sorry. That is why so many claims in audio are bogus, unreliable at best, meaningless at worst.


Audioholic Ninja
Thanks for the correction, I'm curious enough to try it again! Isn't HP an antiseptic? Wouldn't keeping your throat germ "free" (I don't know if this is being stated correctly)keep you from or minimize your cold?


Seriously, I have no life.
stratman said:
Thanks for the correction, I'm curious enough to try it again! Isn't HP an antiseptic? Wouldn't keeping your throat germ "free" (I don't know if this is being stated correctly)keep you from or minimize your cold?

Oh, now we are talking throat germs? The HP in the ear will not help with that aspect of elimination. Don't know about the throat. Certainly it is not harmful gargling with it, as best I know. The original post talked about ear application. It cannot help there.


Audioholic Ninja
Ooops sorry:eek: my original post was based on my throat use, not my ear, like I said it did help me, it sounds like you're in the med or science field and I was curious on your take on HP as an oral anitseptic. I personally didn't think of the use of pouring HP into your ear:) thanks anyway for your input.


Seriously, I have no life.
stratman said:
Ooops sorry:eek: my original post was based on my throat use, not my ear, like I said it did help me, it sounds like you're in the med or science field and I was curious on your take on HP as an oral anitseptic. I personally didn't think of the use of pouring HP into your ear:) thanks anyway for your input.

OK, sorry, must have missed/overlooked that part:D

No, not in the med field but have access to such friends:D and there was a post above from what seemed to be from a doc who explained the whole bit about the ear canal and virus path. I did ask about the cold/flu virus method of transmission in the body to be infectious. It needs a respiratory pathway. The ear is not such a pathway. You can get a cold in the lungs or in the head sinuses.

I did happen to ask, or get a chance to ask the friend about your question;)
and by the time the soar throat is felt, the virus has started its mission to make you miserable and make your nose run and will not minimize that. It will wash any remaining viruses off your throat though and perhaps make it feel better, not your cold though.
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
66 posts. Geezus, people. Has anyone developed a cold yet and tried it? How about a sore throat and gargled? My $.49 check is still waiting to me mailed... ;)

On a more important note, OSU plays MU next Saturday, and both are 11-0.


Seriously, I have no life.
Buckeyefan 1 said:
On a more important note, OSU plays MU next Saturday, and both are 11-0.

More important? :D LOL
I am so glad, this is not one of my interests:D :p

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