Can we have a rational discussion about guns and why the typical arguments for gun control and its implementation won't work?



Seriously, I have no life.
In a post by @mono-bloc that you replied to on the previous page he told you where he lived: "As to my location, I'm about half way between Sydney and Brisbane, and inland from the coast". [color added]

As geography is not one of your strong sides I'll give you a map to look at where I've marked Brisbane and Sydney. From there you can figure out the rest, Sherlock, but my advice is less long rants and more reading of posts. You can start by actually read what you’re replying to.

Also note the big text in red on the map that says: AUSTRALIA

View attachment 59855
Thanks, but I missed it, so you can stop being a prick.


Seriously, I have no life.
Well, when someone commits criminal homicide, their 'quality', as you put it, is brought very much into question. And, I don't think any of my statements imply that I think everyone is wonderful. Bear in mind that a not insignificant proportion of the inmate population is incarcerated for non-violent offences, but come out as different - and not better - people.

There are nasty people all over the world. But, you may be right that the US has a disproportionate number of nasty people. That disproportionate number of nasty people has greater access to firearms than practically any other country of earth.
I don't care about the non-violent inmates- we're not discussing what they did, unless it came with an enhancer for carrying a gun and possession of larger quantities of illegal drugs.

I guess the competition WRT being noticed is just greater when the country has 330 million people.


Audioholic Warlord
Absolutely, but it is an out of date, long past its sell by date constitution, that is preventing the obvious solution.
So you want to shyte-can the whole Constitution, just because you disagree with the 2nd Amendment?
The UK remains in a very tiny group without a written/codified constitution. I would suggest that it's because of her relative political stability over the centuries that such a constitution would be considered superfluous.

Practically every country has a constitution, so clearly, it's no guarantor of respect for the rule of law or human rights. It depends on the willingness of governments to follow them.

Trying to amend the US Constitution would be to open a Pandora's box and a recipe for utter chaos. It's clear that the second amendment has not served its intended purpose*, but to suggest repealing it is a waste of breath.

*Perhaps a reversion to the original intent is in order: all legal firearms owners would be required to serve in an official state militia (not one of those far-right nutjob private ones).


Audioholic Warlord
I don't care about the non-violent inmates- we're not discussing what they did, unless it came with an enhancer for carrying a gun and possession of larger quantities of illegal drugs.

I guess the competition WRT being noticed is just greater when the country has 330 million people.
Oh, there's no question that you are living on centre stage.


Audioholic Spartan
Thanks, but I missed it, so you can stop being a prick.
You miss so very many things on a regular basis, and then you whine about being “crapped” upon for your views that incidentally is not particularly connected to reality.

You’ve long ranting posts that very often is unrelated to what to replied to. Typically you claim to have superior knowledge of US society, when, in fact, you know very little.


Seriously, I have no life.
You miss so very many things on a regular basis, and then you whine about being “crapped” upon for your views that incidentally is not particularly connected to reality.

You’ve long ranting posts that very often is unrelated to what to replied to. Typically you claim to have superior knowledge of US society, when, in fact, you know very little.
OK, tell me all about the US.


Audioholic Spartan
OK, tell me all about the US.
If I thought this was an inquiry in good faith from you, which I don't for a moment believe, I'd say read a number of excellent posts that you've replied to and contains great info.

Your main contribution to this thread is to piss down on anyone that disagrees with you, especially "foreigners", which you clearly hate. You are thread crapping this thread, but you sure are whining about it!

But here you are: The prime example of an ignorant "American" that don't even know that Australia is a continent and then doubles down. :rolleyes:
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Senior Audioholic
You don't have people who make a lot of money in legitimate ways on your island?
Sure we do, But not too many people use a Porsche to do the school run.

From what I've seen and read in some of your latest attempts at an answer, you seem to go out of your way to be obnoxious, and if you don't understand that just perhaps I should simplify it . And say your just looking for an argument for the sake of it.. If your an example of the american population, It's no wonder your country's going down the crapper.


Senior Audioholic
You miss so very many things on a regular basis, and then you whine about being “crapped” upon
The answer really is quite simple, Our good friend "highfigh" is suffering from a common american complaint SPS. [[ Small Penies Syndrome ]] There is no cure.


Audioholic Jedi
The answer really is quite simple, Our good friend "highfigh" is suffering from a common american complaint SPS. [[ Small Penies Syndrome ]] There is no cure.
That's a bit near the knuckle old chap, even for an Aussie!


Seriously, I have no life.
Sure we do, But not too many people use a Porsche to do the school run.

From what I've seen and read in some of your latest attempts at an answer, you seem to go out of your way to be obnoxious, and if you don't understand that just perhaps I should simplify it . And say your just looking for an argument for the sake of it.. If your an example of the american population, It's no wonder your country's going down the crapper.
Personally, I'm tired of people who live outside, thinking that what they read and see on the news is correct. I wouldn't think of telling someone from another place about where they live, believing that I know. The closest I can come to knowing is from going somewhere, talking with people who have lived there or lastly, hearing about it from people who traveled there but it's still not the same as living there.

I can understand why people from other countries ask "Why the hell would I want to go there?", if they only read or watch the news reports about the US. If I could go back in time and prevent whatever caused people to go off the rails, I would. I would like an end to the gunfire I hear on a regular basis that occurs only blocks away from my house but that's not the only reason MKE is unsafe and other cities have the same problems.

Is it not OK to have a difference of opinion? I use facts and experience to form my opinions, but it seems that some copy/paste links to back up their opinions.

I don't disagree that the US has too many guns, that too many gun owners are far too gung ho about them and the number of people who use/store them unsafely is insanely high. I have also posted that I think law enforcement should be able to find a way to lock down whole blocks and prevent people leaving the places where they live, so illegal guns can be taken, but again, the lawyers would have a field day. As I have also written, the US has a lot of idiots who just won't do what they should WRT storage and that's a large reason many guns fall into the hands of criminals. It's easy to find the data and that's what I have used before making these comments and there's no good reason for these problems to occur.

However, I disagree that all guns should be taken from all gun owners. The vast majority cause no problems with them and gun control, as proposed by some, would penalize people who have done nothing wrong but when/if they do, they need to pay the price. One argument that has been made against legal concealed and open carry is that it would return us to the Wild West days where gunfights were common. Well, 'legal' has nothing to do with it and here we are......

I'm very disappointed in the people who just can't or won't stop doing the crap that's in the news on a daily basis. They could make better choices, but they don't. It seems that they only think about how they can get a gun, drugs, booze, steal a car, rob someone or get in a fight with someone.

Sorry if you think I'm being obnoxious, I just want people to be better but there's damned little in the American conversation about what's happening that places responsibility for this on the shoulders of the people who are causing the problems- it's always someone else's fault.


Seriously, I have no life.
If I thought this was an inquiry in good faith from you, which I don't for a moment believe, I'd say read a number of excellent posts that you've replied to and contains great info.

Your main contribution to this thread is to piss down on anyone that disagrees with you, especially "foreigners", which you clearly hate. You are thread crapping this thread, but you sure are whining about it!

But here you are: The prime example of an ignorant "American" that don't even know that Australia is a continent and then doubles down. :rolleyes:
I hate no foreigners. As I posted, I don't like people who don't know, thinking they do.

This thread is 40 pages long- I'm not going to look for a small detail like his location, so I asked. The fact that it tripped your trigger is YOUR problem, not mine. You assumed that I didn't know Australia is a continent and that's just another show of your bad attitude.


Audioholic Spartan
I hate no foreigners. As I posted, I don't like people who don't know, thinking they do.

This thread is 40 pages long- I'm not going to look for a small detail like his location, so I asked. The fact that it tripped your trigger is YOUR problem, not mine. You assumed that I didn't know Australia is a continent and that's just another show of your bad attitude.
You started this thread almost 2 years ago with what I felt was a meaningful intent, I followed your initial post with such, at least so I thought. Overall I'd like to believe it has continued but it seems certain 'foreign' intervention lately is trying their best to derail. So, as an old railroader who likes to keep things 'on the tracks' your ignore button can be your friend ! ;)


Senior Audioholic
That's a bit near the knuckle old chap, even for an Aussie!
Mate, That's just me getting started, Aussie's call it the way it is, not the way others would like it. no sugar coating.. But really I've had that bloke, It would seem only his opinion is worth reading. I've tried having a polite conversation with him, all he does is try and drag people down to his level.I'd bet that in the real world, He's the guy standing in the corner. Bloody keyboard cowboy. He wouldn't last five minutes in my world.


Senior Audioholic
Is it not OK to have a difference of opinion?
Well that's a prized statement,

Personally, I'm tired of people who live outside, thinking that what they read and see on the news is correct. I wouldn't think of telling someone from another place about where they live, believing that I know.
Your correct, There's no way I would live in America, let alone getting a free holiday in the place. Your so-called way of living is a farce. Your all marching up and down saying what a wonderful place it is, and how it's the land of the plenty. The American way is the only way to go. In reality the place is a sewer, If you did look after the people in your communities, things might be expectable. The reality is total different to the way you would like it to be.

An example of this was cyclone Katrina // Catarina [[ not sure about the spelling ]] Most of the poorer population, had to manage on there own and many still have nothing and are living in the damage that the cyclone caused. And what does your government do, Nothing. There's no promotional value in helping your own people. All countries in the world have disasters fires floods etc,, We had a big flood in Lismore NSW, Over 4000 homes and shopping centres here ether were destroyed or made uninhabitable. The federal government introduced a buy-back plan where people would be paid the value of there properties before they where damaged, Average buy-back costs would be between 500 and 600 thousand dollars per home. Free relocation will also be offered. That's what happens when governments care about there perople.. Can't see that happening in the land of the free
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Audioholic Spartan
An example of this was cyclone Katrina // Catarina [[ not sure about the spelling ]] Most of the poorer population, had to manage on there own and many still have nothing and are living in the damage that the cyclone caused. And what does your government do, Nothing. There's no promotional value in helping your own people. All countries in the world have disasters fires floods etc,, We had a big flood in Lismore NSW, Over 4000 homes and shopping centres here ether were destroyed or made uninhabitable. The federal government introduced a buy-back plan where people would be paid the value of there properties before they where damaged, Average buy-back costs would be between 500 and 600 thousand dollars per home. Free relocation will also be offered. That's what happens when governments care about there perople.. Can't see that happening in the land of the free
Of course they care, just look how generous President Trump, a Republican, is in his visit to Puerto Rico after the wrath of Hurricane Maria that devastated the island. At his visit over 90% of the island had no electricity and some parts have been without food, water and basic medical aid. Trump did report he had a great day.

This is what Republicans mean when they talk about "compassionate conservatism", well, many years they talked about that anyway.



Seriously, I have no life.
Well that's a prized statement,

Your correct, There's no way I would live in America, let alone getting a free holiday in the place. Your so-called way of living is a farce. Your all marching up and down saying what a wonderful place it is, and how it's the land of the plenty. The American way is the only way to go. In reality the place is a sewer, If you did look after the people in your communities, things might be expectable. The reality is total different to the way you would like it to be.

An example of this was cyclone Katrina // Catarina [[ not sure about the spelling ]] Most of the poorer population, had to manage on there own and many still have nothing and are living in the damage that the cyclone caused. And what does your government do, Nothing. There's no promotional value in helping your own people. All countries in the world have disasters fires floods etc,, We had a big flood in Lismore NSW, Over 4000 homes and shopping centres here ether were destroyed or made uninhabitable. The federal government introduced a buy-back plan where people would be paid the value of there properties before they where damaged, Average buy-back costs would be between 500 and 600 thousand dollars per home. Free relocation will also be offered. That's what happens when governments care about there perople.. Can't see that happening in the land of the free
I think that most of the 'American way of life' has been caused by people flaunting their wealth and others being jealous because they couldn't have the same. This has gone on since the Industrial Revolution and it's worse, now. You will never see me post anything about 'America is best", American exceptionalism or anything like that without some kind of sarcasm or disgust. Sure, we have done some cool stuff, but in many respects, it has been a terrible place to live, for far too many people. Our government must care about the people- they tell us all the time.....yeah, right. New Orleans still hasn't recovered from Katrina and that was in 2007. They handed airplane, bus and train tickets afterward and told them to hit the road. They put people in the Superdome and the video shows details of the terrible conditions.

One thing that makes New Orleans different from most other places- it's lower than sea level. Never thought that made any sense and thinking about rebuilding after a hurricane makes it seem even more foolish. Even at/barely above sea level (like the recent damage in Florida), hurricanes tear the crap out of the places but because tourism dollars are at stake, they go right ahead and rebuild.

What has been happening here is directly connected to people not being able to handle a lack of discipline and guidance- they're free to do what they want and that IS the problem.

I can't blame you for not wanting to come to the US- it used to be a nice place.......


Senior Audioholic
New Orleans still hasn't recovered from Katrina and that was in 2007. They handed airplane, bus and train tickets afterward and told them to hit the road. They put people in the Superdome and the video shows details of the terrible conditions.
Sounds reminiscent of Nazi Germany in the 40's Just herd the population into a confined space and forget them.

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