Can we have a rational discussion about guns and why the typical arguments for gun control and its implementation won't work?



Senior Audioholic
What has been happening here is directly connected to people not being able to handle a lack of discipline and guidance- they're free to do what they want and that IS the problem.
It really comes down to parental control, or the complete lack of it. Lets the kids do what they want, and don't let them interrupt there parents way of lifer. Really it's a case of "Out of sight out of mind.
Correction is relatively simply, When little Johnny or Jenny reaches the age of 16 [[ or younger [[ stick then in the army, for advanced mind control, for 5 years. Teach them to say "Yes Sir" as a good starter. Or leave them alone and your going to end up with a few generations of delinquents, who are good for nothing. Then they start breeding
and before you know it , there sisters are also there aunties.

I came from a a generation of hard knocks, a case of hold still while I hit you, And let me tell you it did me no harm. I learned respect fast.


Seriously, I have no life.
Sounds reminiscent of Nazi Germany in the 40's Just herd the population into a confined space and forget them.
It was the single largest place where they could put them, but they didn't have a plan for rebuilding, so they just told them to leave.

Ray Nagin was the Mayor of New Orleans at the time and this is part of what he was involved in- he also made it possible for select businesses to be awarded construction contracts to repair the damage from Katrina. His company provided a lot of the Granite used.



Seriously, I have no life.
It really comes down to parental control, or the complete lack of it. Lets the kids do what they want, and don't let them interrupt there parents way of lifer. Really it's a case of "Out of sight out of mind.
Correction is relatively simply, When little Johnny or Jenny reaches the age of 16 [[ or younger [[ stick then in the army, for advanced mind control, for 5 years. Teach them to say "Yes Sir" as a good starter. Or leave them alone and your going to end up with a few generations of delinquents, who are good for nothing. Then they start breeding
and before you know it , there sisters are also there aunties.

I came from a a generation of hard knocks, a case of hold still while I hit you, And let me tell you it did me no harm. I learned respect fast.
Discipline is in extremely short supply. Maybe using drill sergeants in schools would help some, but others would just decide "I'm not going back" after about an hour.

I think a lot of this could have been avoided but even if someone comes up with a good plan, it will take a long time to reverse the damage.


Audioholic Spartan
It was the single largest place where they could put them, but they didn't have a plan for rebuilding, so they just told them to leave.

Ray Nagin was the Mayor of New Orleans at the time and this is part of what he was involved in- he also made it possible for select businesses to be awarded construction contracts to repair the damage from Katrina. His company provided a lot of the Granite used.

Corruption, it's part of Louisiana and Illinois DNA .........


Senior Audioholic
t was the single largest place where they could put them, but they didn't have a plan for rebuilding, so they just told them to leave.
And go where ?

Ray Nagin was the Mayor of New Orleans at the time and this is part of what he was involved in- he also made it possible for select businesses to be awarded construction contracts to repair the damage from Katrina. His company provided a lot of the Granite used.
Talk about feathering your own nest. The guy needs locking up. But as always it's the American way, The rich get richer and everyone else just has to survive the best way they can.How do they get away with this sort of thing, Or is everyone in power totally corrupt.


Seriously, I have no life.
And go where ?

Talk about feathering your own nest. The guy needs locking up. But as always it's the American way, The rich get richer and everyone else just has to survive the best way they can.How do they get away with this sort of thing, Or is everyone in power totally corrupt.
Where? Wherever the tickets showed as the destination. A lot went to AZ, TX, Ca and other places. This is just one link about it- I typed 'Where did Katrina victims go?' in the search bar.

Nagin got ten years in the slammer and some hefty fines, but IMO, he needs to face the people who were screwed by him and his greed.

Some are corrupt and we don't see it exposed often enough as a way to stop it, but we definitely see that it happens too often and at all levels of government.


Audioholic Spartan

>>>As Gov. Ron DeSantis prepared for an election night party in downtown Tampa last year, city officials received a surprising — and politically sensitive — request.
The Republican governor’s campaign wanted weapons banned from his victory celebration at the city-run Tampa Convention Center, a city official said in emails obtained by The Washington Post. And the campaign suggested that the city take responsibility for the firearms ban, the official said — not the governor, who has been a vocal supporter of gun rights.



>>>As Gov. Ron DeSantis prepared for an election night party in downtown Tampa last year, city officials received a surprising — and politically sensitive — request.
The Republican governor’s campaign wanted weapons banned from his victory celebration at the city-run Tampa Convention Center, a city official said in emails obtained by The Washington Post. And the campaign suggested (you can find more about it here) that the city take responsibility for the firearms ban, the official said — not the governor, who has been a vocal supporter of gun rights.
Gun control for the rich. Blood baths for everyone else. What hypocrites.
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Seriously, I have no life.
Check this poop out- 16, out on parole for at least one other felony. WTF?????????????? For a pair of glasses? He had a gun the first time and he got another for this BS- how, exactly, wold gun control have prevented this? We need to lock up violent criminals until their trial, no exceptions.



Audioholic Spartan
Check this poop out- 16, out on parole for at least one other felony. WTF?????????????? For a pair of glasses? He had a gun the first time and he got another for this BS- how, exactly, wold gun control have prevented this? We need to lock up violent criminals until their trial, no exceptions.

Sadly, just another example of how pathetic our judicial system is.
On a better note, a Sherrif's deputy was shot(survived) down here in Florida last nite, his partner returned fire killing the perp. No chance of that POS getting back out on the street


Seriously, I have no life.
Sadly, just another example of how pathetic our judicial system is.
On a better note, a Sherrif's deputy was shot(survived) down here in Florida last nite, his partner returned fire killing the perp. No chance of that POS getting back out on the street
Well, if we had Law Enforcement on every corner and in every bar, this would still happen- it's people who are f&cking everything up, not a lack of laws.

That 16 year old doesn't need to get out and we don't need to support him while he's in prison. We will, but it's costing us dearly.


Audioholic Spartan
Check this poop out- 16, out on parole for at least one other felony. WTF?????????????? For a pair of glasses? He had a gun the first time and he got another for this BS- how, exactly, wold gun control have prevented this? We need to lock up violent criminals until their trial, no exceptions.

Every toddler in kindergarten needs a loaded gun so that he can protect himself as well as stand his ground. This needs to be imprinted at a very, very early age and before WOKE ideas takes hold, like you can’t put your pecker in any hole you like without consent.


Seriously, I have no life.
Every toddler in kindergarten needs a loaded gun so that he can protect himself as well as stand his ground. This needs to be imprinted at a very, very early age and before WOKE ideas takes hold, like you can’t put your pecker in any hole you like without consent.
That's right, add something constructive to the conversation......


Seriously, I have no life.
As opposed to you? ….
I Posted about the problem, you tried to make your idiotic views known. If that post actually reflects your perception, find better sources.

However, if you meant to state a position on the NRA, you could have just included that in your comments.


Audioholic Spartan
I Posted about the problem, you tried to make your idiotic views known. If that post actually reflects your perception, find better sources.

However, if you meant to state a position on the NRA, you could have just included that in your comments.
It’s people with views like yours why there’ll be little progress on reducing gun violence, accidents and suicides. Among the US population it’s a minority position across the political spectrum.

Your response to GO-NAD!s to post above was to rant and just prove my point.


Seriously, I have no life.
It’s people with views like yours why there’ll be little progress on reducing gun violence, accidents and suicides. Among the US population it’s a minority position across the political spectrum.

Your response to GO-NAD!s to post above was to rant and just prove my point.
Where did I mention ANY view on gun violence. Whatever you infer is on you.

The position that people who aren't supposed to have access to guns shouldn't have them at all? That's far from the minority position in the US, but being wrong has never stopped you from imposing your clulessness on us, so why stop now? Liberals want all access to guns to end, unless those particular people want to be able to own and use them (preferably, lawfully). Many want gun confiscation, but that won't happen if this country is to remain any form of a democracy or 'Federal Presidential Constitutional Republic'.

You still don't understand- gun laws are already in the books, but people don't give a rat's ass and will break any laws as they see fit. Add more laws and they'll just have more to violate.

Do you even understand what happened in that incident, or did you see my comment & link, then just decide "Oh, it's from that nimrod, so I'll post something incredibly stupid about it"?.

My position is that people need to stop thinking that it's OK to commit the crime(s) they're considering, if they even think about it as a crime, at the time. This 16 year old doesn't seem to have thought about anything other than "I want those glasses". They know that being 16 with a gun is a crime- he was found with a gun in a previous incident and was on felony probation when he killed the 12 year old.

Why he was let go? I haven't seen the 'reasoning' but he's being held on $250K cash bail now that he killed someone. If they had held him the first time, a 12 year old would still be alive.

Here you go, make sense of this crap-

Every time you have some kind of spasm about a post, you mention it but don't paste the link. I'm not going to piss away my time searching for what you're referring to.

Post the links.

BTW- the last time I posted a reply to GONADs was at the end of January and it wasn't a rant.
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