Toshiba's New Deluxe Player seems HOT
To all you folks who bought a DENON 5900- it wasn't a good idea, as the new toshibs seems Hot.
It has DOLBY HD support for all you audiophiles- Maybe I should get one - maybe I shouldn't until I pick up a good high-def display- the costs are ridiculous though especially if we don't know which one will win in the end.
When DVD first came out the prices were around $300, I remember the creative dx-r2 and 3 for the computer. Dolby digital sound and Mpeg decorder card was also included with it. Back then most people used their receivers to do the dolby digital recording. Still it was a full fledged kit for a mere $300. While these new players seem powerfulI think you probably aren't getting your money's worth. At 35 dollars a title, youd better go netflix.
Still has anyone heard DOLBY AND DTS HD?- its time to use those 7.1 speaekers, Oh wait it only supports 5.1 for now- another blunder and dissapointment