Hi again, thanks for the comments and answers. I think that i might have discovered something better than my small boss speakers but actually they only sell the speaker drivers without a box, they only sell the raw drivers. I am talking
about the new ' full-range hifi speaker drivers craze' these full-range drivers do not need tweeters or big woofers. The bad thing is that many new models just are sold as raw drivers so you need to build a box which is very painful, especially if you live in an apartment. I decided to buy the new mark audio allpair5 generation 3, 3 inchs fullrange sold online only. But before i need someone willing to construct a box for me, which will be difficult as all my friends are very snob and lazy with money to spare...
This will be better than my boss because no 2 drivers problems like crossover distortion and bad phasing. Also these new markaudio do not have a traditionnal suspension in back of the cone, they use ferrofluid instead. On YouTube the inventor of this , mark fenlon , give interwiew and he explain that this is the best music drivers in the world with wide covering , perfect timing, faster reaction , more natural sound and lot of warmth.
Also if they are small, they can be installed in the front of the car over the dashboard or over your head just under the ceilling and behind the windsheild. This will give a better listening position called nearfeild speaker monitoring. Remember that a car is a good place to listen to your music as you don't annoy anyone.
I never never saw a car with full range monitoring speakers in front of the cars, this is silly. Each and any audiofhile know that you position your speakers in front of you not too far so you always receive the full front wave directly at your ears so it eliminate to a minimum room reflextion and gains. The first thing any music audiophile should do is to choose the best smallest speaker and position them at the right place. Even jbl, pioneer , jl audio, infinity and sony do not sell any car speakers worth mentionning and they just sell junk that you install anywhere in the car without any good listening area. These days any audiophile should reject 98% of the product offered to them because the market driver of this industry is bigger and complicated and costly is ' BEST ' for the industry including the big recycling industry where the try to remove some cupper and gold plating from trash electronic like most windows computers.