hi, i had purchased the best speaker pair on the market. this is a design totally ignored by all audiophile that only buy their stuff if it is complicated, pricy and made of wood.
i said no to that and i bought boss audio system mrwt40 , they are small powerful 2 way speakers with perfect bandwith and no horrible on and off axis confusion that destroy
musicality with headaches. To have good sound you absolutely need 2 full spectrum smallest dimensions possible point source sound emitter. A small driver emit more like a point source and do not need a big box full of inside noise that stay a long time inside the box. My boss shine everywhere in the room, projecting even sound in all direction. Big boxes with separated tweeters
and midrange and woofer are confusing the sound from baffle to all direction in the room so the reflextions from wall is even worst because floor and ceiling receive all these waves from drivers that are all far away from each other. My boss have a tweeter half an inch in front and in the center of the woofer. Also this woofer is completely seal contrary to many two way concentric drivers where the tweeted in installed on a pole that goes thru the woofer so the woofer have leak so bad bass timing. I have plentiful of bass, mid and highs.
Also somebody given to me his old hifi dolby digital vhs vcr because i just readed that it record and play better than dvd. I will use it inside my car with a 110 volts inverter because i cannot
stream nothing in my car. So im gonna record music streamed on internet and play it in my car. On internet i stream all kind of music. there is ton of good music on internet made by good artists.
at first i wanted to burn my own cd for the car but it is not working good because of copyrighted digital right and also the digital recording machinery is of very bad quality and absolute lack
of stable software.
On the long run i will try to learn how to construct bronze cabinet speakers because there is absolutely none on the market and i think that it should sound better that wood or plastic. I think that it sound better that aluminium or steel because it is less rigid so it vibrate and resonate less.
Anyone hear or playing recorded music on internet streaming on vhs dolby digital tape inside their car and nobody have ever constructed bronze cabinet co-axial speakers for the home or car.