I monitor from protools 7.1 software to a Universal Audio 2192 AD/DA converter. Then to an Alesis RA-500 power amp and a samson 120 reference amp. I have 3 sets of nearfields. Yamaha NS10's, Tannoy PB6.5 II's, and Tannoy System 800 actives.
Maybe not audiophile, but it gives me an accurate mix.

For my own personal CD listening enjoyment I run the d/a convertor into 2 Universal Audio 610 tube preamps equipped with Telefunken NOS tubes. And then to the Tannoy System 800's. It gives it a nice glowing sparkle.
Sorry for going off track. I was interested in the Behringer amp. I usually purchase things based on specs then find many reviews on the item and found this thread. The monitoring amp seems to be overlooked alot in studios sometimes. I just wanted to see if I can improve my monitor chain. I am interested in a perfectly flat low power amp for near field monitoring.
As you may know near field monitoring doesn't require alot of power.
But TONS of headroom is a must...

My friend owns a dealership/live sound company and sells Behringer etc. and recommended this amp to me.