LOL on your last paragraph.........yeah that's the main reason i am here in this forum.
I have read so many articles people talking about day and night difference by adding an amp. But then, i used the calculator to calculate before, that my AVR should be able to support my speakers even the power rating on the AVR is low at 95wcp X 2.......since i don't play at such a high volume.
Hence i held off on buying an amp and get expert advice here which it helps a lot.
Then now we got into the woofer underpower discussion........on my very 1st day of using the speakers, i am 101% sure that i crossed the speakers at 80hz and the bass was just so underwhelming. That's why i changed it to 60hz, and it improved a little bit.
But after many discussions here yesterday in this post, i went back home on my 3rd day of using it and change the xo back to 80hz, surprisingly it did performed better than my 1st day of testing which i did it on 80hz as well.
So i came to a conclusion that i may also hold off of investing in larger woofer for now until i fully test out the placement of my towers (which i showed you earlier in my picture by swapping position)........and play around the crossover.
If i am still not content with the punch, then i will visit HSU

Guess what, getting a larger sub need an approval from the QUEEN of the