Bad day to be a terrorist



Audioholic Spartan
I'm not a fan of any religion... But tribalism has a lot to do with historical conflicts also.
And the Catholic Church does count not towards "tribalism"? Perhaps try read my post again.


Audioholic Spartan
Anyone know why Clergy are now celibate, but didn't use to be?
Who cares, really, why Catholic priests are raping children under their "loving care"? And are such a huge outlier on the "clergy raping children" scale!

Are you apologizing for them?


Seriously, I have no life.
Anyone know why Clergy are now celibate, but didn't use to be?
Pope Gregory VII. Apparently, they thought requiring new priests to be unmarried and all being celibate would make them more like Jesus.



And the Catholic Church does count not towards "tribalism"? Perhaps try read my post again.
Did you see any qualifiers? I'm reading a book called Beirut to Jerusalem and Thomas makes a very good point about tribalism vs nationalism. It applies to many contexts.


Audioholic Warlord
It may but I don't think it's a remotely reasonable ask for something even better than getting down to a device the bad guys are wearing.

This literally went from guided 500,1000,2000lb munitions to GRAM's. And to ignore that wholesale? The apologist is about the only conclusion I can come up with as all other explanations are just not as logical.
While I agree that this op was about as precise as they can get, being critical of it does not imply support for the targets of said op.


Pope Gregory VII. Apparently, they thought requiring new priests to be unmarried and all being celibate would make them more like Jesus.

No, not really. Clergy were allowed to marry at one point but they weren't supposed to amass wealth. So they would pass it through to their spouses.

It was an attempt to stop corruption.


Audioholic Warlord
Did you see any qualifiers? I'm reading a book called Beirut to Jerusalem and Thomas makes a very good point about tribalism vs nationalism. It applies to many contexts.
I may have to add that book to my reading list.


Audioholic Spartan
Did you see any qualifiers? I'm reading a book called Beirut to Jerusalem and Thomas makes a very good point about tribalism vs nationalism. It applies to many contexts.
Tribalism is at the very core of humans as a hunter/gatherer species for at least 1.8 million years. Nationalism is not much different, apart from scale.


Audioholic Jedi
Antisemitism has a very long and very ugly history in Christianity.

The Holocaust and pogroms have antisemitism as cause, as obvious examples.

You can see antisemitism in works of Shakespeare with the Jewish financier Shylock wanting a “pound of flesh”. A phrase still commonly used.

You can see it in depictions of Jews in older churches.

On and on I, as well as you, can give many other examples.

So the notion that Jews and Christians are somehow BFE, historically speaking, is BS.
It does, but the reason is not well understood. As usual it comes down to money. For centuries the Catholic Church forbade charging interest on loans. It as the sin of usury, which was decreed to be a mortal sin. So there was no benefit to loaning money, and so the medieval economy remained very static over centuries. There was no prohibition to Jews lending money with interest. However in a static economy paying back as loan with interest was very difficult to put is mildly. This is the very basis of European anti-Semitism.

This does tie into the crusades. Richard I (The Lion Heart) was the great crusader. Wars are expensive and he ran up debts with the Jewish Money lenders. There was a large massacre of Jews on this account in Westminster and especially in York at Clifford's tower.

The reformation ended the prohibition of charging interest in the Protestant countries, and spurred economic development across Europe with the opening of stock exchanges in Denmark and England.

It also set the stage for wars between largely protestant and Catholic countries. Marlborough's wars require special mention. These ended with the treaty of Utrecht signed between 1713 and 1715, and ended the Spanish War of succession. The signing was celebrated in Westminster Abbey, with Handel writing his Utrecht Te Deum. Reports at the time reported "that all was irregular in the music, with Anthems in confusion!"
Fortunately these days it gets a good performance and is a much loved work.

The treaty of Utrecht was also of great consequence to North America and especially Canada.


Tribalism is at the very core of humans as a hunter/gatherer species for at least 1.8 million years. Nationalism is not much different, apart from scale.
Zionism, in part, is the belief in a State first. Thomas Friedman and Ephraim Karsh in their writings even talk about how tribalism played a part in the Arab Leagues stunning defeat in the 1948 war they waged and on the reciprocal, how Israels unification as a single vs twelve helped it survive. The thing you have to keep in mind about the 1948 war is that Israel didn't have the West's support like it has enjoyed historically now.

Israel from a military stand point was out manned 80:1, the armor equation even more heavily stacked against them. The start of the war didn't go too well for Israel either.

But on the other side you had both Nationalism and tribalism mindsets quickly entered the equation. To the point that you had Syria stealing Lebanon's arms shipments as just an example.

So this is my long winded way of saying Nationalism was better exercised by Israel. Technically Egypt alone was numerically, training, and armament, capable of removing 99% of the Jews from the Levant.


Audioholic Spartan
The leader of the terrorist group Hezbollah has been killed.

>>>JERUSALEM/BEIRUT, Sept 28 (Reuters) - Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has been killed, the Iran-backed group said on Saturday, confirming his death after the Israeli military said it had eliminated him in an airstrike in Beirut the day before.
His death marks a devastating blow to Hezbollah, as it reels from an intense campaign of Israeli attacks. It is also a huge blow to Iran, removing an influential ally who helped build Hezbollah into the linchpin of Tehran's constellation of allied groups in the Arab world. …<<<



Audioholic Warlord
It does, but the reason is not well understood. As usual it comes down to money. For centuries the Catholic Church forbade charging interest on loans. It as the sin of usury, which was decreed to be a mortal sin. So there was no benefit to loaning money, and so the medieval economy remained very static over centuries. There was no prohibition to Jews lending money with interest. However in a static economy paying back as loan with interest was very difficult to put is mildly. This is the very basis of European anti-Semitism.

This does tie into the crusades. Richard I (The Lion Heart) was the great crusader. Wars are expensive and he ran up debts with the Jewish Money lenders. There was a large massacre of Jews on this account in Westminster and especially in York at Clifford's tower.

The reformation ended the prohibition of charging interest in the Protestant countries, and spurred economic development across Europe with the opening of stock exchanges in Denmark and England.

It also set the stage for wars between largely protestant and Catholic countries. Marlborough's wars require special mention. These ended with the treaty of Utrecht signed between 1713 and 1715, and ended the Spanish War of succession. The signing was celebrated in Westminster Abbey, with Handel writing his Utrecht Te Deum. Reports at the time reported "that all was irregular in the music, with Anthems in confusion!"
Fortunately these days it gets a good performance and is a much loved work.

The treaty of Utrecht was also of great consequence to North America and especially Canada.
Great. Slaughtering jews & holy wars.:rolleyes::confused:


Audioholic Jedi
The leader of the terrorist group Hezbollah has been killed.

>>>JERUSALEM/BEIRUT, Sept 28 (Reuters) - Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has been killed, the Iran-backed group said on Saturday, confirming his death after the Israeli military said it had eliminated him in an airstrike in Beirut the day before.
His death marks a devastating blow to Hezbollah, as it reels from an intense campaign of Israeli attacks. It is also a huge blow to Iran, removing an influential ally who helped build Hezbollah into the linchpin of Tehran's constellation of allied groups in the Arab world. …<<<

The Christians of Lebanon are now starting to raise their voices about something the Western nations should not have tolerated, and fixed. That is huge armies putting large numbers of combatants under arms and amazing literally boat loads of sophisticated weapons largely supplied by Iran, but not under the control of national governments.

The statutory government of Lebanon have no control whatsoever over Hezbollah, and the government of Yemen have no control over the Houthis.

Spineless Western governments have allowed this to happen, which is proving to be grave error.

So we have chaos and the Suez canal closed for almost a year now.

There needs to be serious intervention to stop this. A blockade of Yemen would be a good start, and searching ships at sea in area waters, and impounding ships carrying these weapons.


Audioholic Samurai
What up, @TankTop5 ?

You just gonna drop a box without explanation and taking a stand? Why don't you share a little of your thoughts, huh?

Oh wait, I recall... You already proclaimed your support of killing more Muslims in response:

Are you just another racist? No sense of morality and ethics?

I think you are.

Yup, I'll put your "box" right there among the rest of the racist POS folk I've collected boxes from.
That’s more than insulting. The Iranian Mullah’s are the biggest sponsors of terrorism in the world. They are pure evil and eventually will need to be dealt with. I said absolutely nothing about attacking the Iranian people or any Muslim civilian population whatsoever. That would be racism, what I’m talking about is dealing with terrorism. There’s a world of difference and your comment isn’t even intellectually honest. You’re flinging poo, go back to your corner


Audioholic Jedi
That’s more than insulting. The Iranian Mullah’s are the biggest sponsors of terrorism in the world. They are pure evil and eventually will need to be dealt with. I said absolutely nothing about attacking the Iranian people or any Muslim civilian population whatsoever. That would be racism, what I’m talking about is dealing with terrorism. There’s a world of difference and your comment isn’t even intellectually honest. You’re flinging poo, go back to your corner
It is the Shia Muslims, they are an awful lot led by Iran. Iran have been arming and finding these "armies" within countries and not controlled by them. After the attacks this weekend in Lebanon killing the Hezbollah leadership, the Sunni Muslims across the Middle East have been dancing for joy, especially those in Syria. Bashir Assad and anther reprehensible Shia Muslim might meet his end before this is over.

And yes, I don't have much sympathy left for the population of Garza. There is now abundant evidence the civilian population have been complicit, with senior Hezbollah commanders posing as school teachers. The civilian population must have known where these Hezbollah thugs, weapons and tunnels were. The lot of them are complicit.

Israel today have started making incursions into Lebanon, with commando raids, to "soften up" the territory. So I think there will be a major ground incursion, to eliminate Hezbollah in Lebanon.

They are also going after the Houthis in Yemen, and doing what the US and allies were too spineless to do. They have started going after their power grid. It is an absolute disgrace the western powers have allowed the Houthis to control vital sea lanes for so long.

The head of the Shia snake is now intimidated. I am now certain that Israel won't hesitate to do to the Iranian leadership what they have done to Hezbollah.

We must continue to give the Israelis the tools to finish the job if we won't.

By their actions against Hezbollah in Lebanon they have proved with their perfect timing and excecution of the battle, that they are the finest military in the world. The world are going to be in their debt.
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Seriously, I have no life.
The Christians of Lebanon are now starting to raise their voices about something the Western nations should not have tolerated, and fixed. That is huge armies putting large numbers of combatants under arms and amazing literally boat loads of sophisticated weapons largely supplied by Iran, but not under the control of national governments.

The statutory government of Lebanon have no control whatsoever over Hezbollah, and the government of Yemen have no control over the Houthis.

Spineless Western governments have allowed this to happen, which is proving to be grave error.

So we have chaos and the Suez canal closed for almost a year now.

There needs to be serious intervention to stop this. A blockade of Yemen would be a good start, and searching ships at sea in area waters, and impounding ships carrying these weapons.
ANd yet, people say that the UN should stop these wars (Middle East and Ukraine).

I saw that the Houthis in Yemen were bombed by Israel, but it should have happened sooner- the whole region enables terrorists because their common enemy is Israel yet they all act like they did nothing wrong and Israel is the bad guy.

After seeing the Houthis attack military vessels, it would be difficult to assume they're particularly intelligent. The problem with enforcement of the region- catch & release.


Seriously, I have no life.
That’s more than insulting. The Iranian Mullah’s are the biggest sponsors of terrorism in the world. They are pure evil and eventually will need to be dealt with. I said absolutely nothing about attacking the Iranian people or any Muslim civilian population whatsoever. That would be racism, what I’m talking about is dealing with terrorism. There’s a world of difference and your comment isn’t even intellectually honest. You’re flinging poo, go back to your corner
Go ahead and separate Islamic extremists from terrorism. If the ones who aren't extremists do nothing to stop the others, are they not culpable? They hide among those who aren't active in the fighting and scream when the civilians are killed. WTF do they expect?

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

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