Anybody else upset?


Audioholic Field Marshall
alandamp said:
I can't believe you are complaining about $3.00 gas prices!! If that is your biggest problem, well then consider yourself lucky. Maybe Buckle-Meister should tell you what he has pays for a liter of gas across the pond.
With friends like you Alandamp, who needs enemies. :eek: ;) You just had to drag me into this didn't you?!

Actually, when I read:

NomoSony said:
I just paid $3.09 for a gallon of gas. lunch today, I sat down, calculated how much 'gas' (;)) is over here, and was about to post when I thought better of potentially kicking off an argument, and so didn't bother. However, seeing as it's a little late for that now...

Petrol obviously varies from place to place, but consider it as being 92 pence per litre. There are 3.785 litres in an American gallon, and the exchange rate is currently around 1.83. Thus, one gallon of British petrol in Dollars would, by my reckoning cost:


How do you like them apples?! :eek:



Audioholic Chief
Buckle-meister said:
With friends like you Alandamp, who needs enemies. :eek: ;) You just had to drag me into this didn't you?
My list of allies is growing thin. I figured you might want a piece of some of these people complaining about gas/petrol prices. ;)

Anyway, my plan of becoming the most despised person on the planet (or at least America - you have to start small) is going well. Wish me luck!! :p


Audioholic Ninja
alandamp said:
I think some of you guys need to get some perspective. I don't know how you can possibly compare a castrophe that leaves hundreds of thousands dead with one that leaves a few hundred dead.

I don't know which one of you folks is more endowed with vitriol and aggandizement. But this may be the winner.

You talk about spoiled there's a poor understanding and overstated well as a first-degree, inaccurate generalization. I haven't seen a post that "compare(s) a castrophe that leaves hundreds of thousands dead with one that leaves a few hundred dead." "Compare" being the key word that you injected. These were both TERRIBLE and catastrophic events that some of you want to politicize. But what is required is a humanitarian response from those that are willing and able. Do not downgrade the misery of hundreds of thousands of people, and the deaths of hundreds because it's not as large as another disaster.

And you know what? I don't think it is somehow unworthy, or arrogant, or comtemptuous to expect offers of help from other nations.


Audioholic Chief
Buckle-meister said:
Petrol obviously varies from place to place, but consider it as being 92 pence per litre. There are 3.785 litres in an American gallon, and the exchange rate is currently around 1.83. Thus, one gallon of British petrol in Dollars would, by my reckoning cost:


How do you like them apples?! :eek:

Go cry to your government. A barrel of oil costs the same no matter what country buys it. What your country does with it after it refines it is your problem. If they want to tack on $4 in taxes and you want to accept that, fine. We aren't willing to accept that here.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Shadow_Ferret said:
Go cry to your government. A barrel of oil costs the same no matter what country buys it. What your country does with it after it refines it is your problem. If they want to tack on $4 in taxes and you want to accept that, fine. We aren't willing to accept that here.
Ah Shadow ferret. Best that I don't say anything I think.



Audioholic Chief
rjbudz said:
I don't know which one of you folks is more endowed with vitriol and aggandizement. But this may be the winner.

You talk about spoiled there's a poor understanding and overstated well as a first-degree, inaccurate generalization. I haven't seen a post that "compare(s) a castrophe that leaves hundreds of thousands dead with one that leaves a few hundred dead." "Compare" being the key word that you injected. These were both TERRIBLE and catastrophic events that some of you want to politicize. But what is required is a humanitarian response from those that are willing and able. Do not downgrade the misery of hundreds of thousands of people, and the deaths of hundreds because it's not as large as another disaster.

And you know what? I don't think it is somehow unworthy, or arrogant, or comtemptuous to expect offers of help from other nations.
You're right. A disaster is a disaster. However, most in the hurricane disaster still have their lives. You can live without a DVD player. You can live without a gasoline guzzling automobile. You can't live without a heartbeat. I stand by my statement. Being homeless is going to suck for a lot of people. But they're alive. I don't know what the tsunami final count was, but I'm sure it approached half a million.

Anyway, I felt the need to comment because people were complaining their gasoline went up a couple cents. I'll take that over being homeless for the next few months (years, whatever it ends up being), or worse, dead.

Like I said, just because the media doesn't mention help from other countries doesn't mean there are no offers. I guarantee you countries around the world are offering whatever support they can!!


Audioholics Master Chief

How do you like them apples?!
Yea but Europe has an excellent mass transit system, something we will likely never see here.


Audioholic Chief
rjbudz said:
I don't know which one of you folks is more endowed with vitriol and aggandizement.
Are you trying to impress someone with your vocabulary? I'm sure you don't talk like this in everyday conversation. If you do, I'm betting you don't have many friends. And please don't try and tell me these are words in common usage or I might laugh myself to death.

Do you hate me yet? Aaaaah, one more down!! :D :D


Audioholic Ninja
alandamp said:
You're right. A disaster is a disaster. However, most in the hurricane disaster still have their lives. You can live without a DVD player. You can live without a gasoline guzzling automobile. You can't live without a heartbeat. I stand by my statement. Being homeless is going to suck for a lot of people. But they're alive. I don't know what the tsunami final count was, but I'm sure it approached half a million.


Man o' man. You say I'm right and then procede to do it again. Pardon me with this suggestion, alandamp, but imagine you go up to what is left of a family in Mississippi, one that just lost a mother, father, and 3 children. YOU tell them that "It's not so bad, because a half-million died in Thailand and thereabouts. You only lost half your family...and the other half, although you are homeless, are still alive. So be cheered!"

See if they, or families like them, agree with your 'comparison' of tsunami deaths to hurricane deaths.


Audioholic Ninja

alandamp said:
Are you trying to impress someone with your vocabulary? I'm sure you don't talk like this in everyday conversation. If you do, I'm betting you don't have many friends. And please don't try and tell me these are words in common usage or I might laugh myself to death.

Do you hate me yet? Aaaaah, one more down!! :D :D

Admin...Please have the above post removed. This kind of personal attack has nothing to do with the thread, is uncalled for, and illuminates the ignorance and attitude of the poster.


Audioholic Chief
rjbudz said:
Man o' man. You say I'm right and then procede to do it again. Pardon me with this suggestion, alandamp, but imagine you go up to what is left of a family in Mississippi, one that just lost a mother, father, and 3 children. YOU tell them that "It's not so bad, because a half-million died in Thailand and thereabouts. You only lost half your family...and the other half, although you are homeless, are still alive. So be cheered!"

See if they, or families like them, agree with your 'comparison' of tsunami deaths to hurricane deaths.

There are tragedies all over the world every day. You only get to hear about the ones the media decides are important. They happen all over the world. Big ones and little ones. Everyone suffers. I just watched some special on 60 minutes a couple days ago about a race of people (Darforians?) getting exterminated in the Sudan.

Many Americans cry when something happens to them, but could care less about other global tragedies (not all, but some). Like I said, just get some perspective. I am donating money to help out. I am saddened by this disaster. I'm not trying to rank suffering.


Audioholic Chief
rjbudz said:
Admin...Please have the above post removed. This kind of personal attack has nothing to do with the thread, is uncalled for, and illuminates the ignorance and attitude of the poster.
If you read my post to Buckle-Meister, you would have realized this was a joke - funny to me, but maybe not to you. I apologize if you were offended, but I was seriously just trying to be funny (in my own disturbed way).


Audioholic Field Marshall
alandamp said:
If you read my post to Buckle-Meister, you would have realized this was a joke...I was seriously just trying to be funny (in my own disturbed way).
Geez, if you're disturbed, what does that make me? ;)



Audioholic Chief
Buckle-meister said:
Geez, if you're disturbed, what does that make me? ;)

I don't know, but things need to lighten up around here, Buckle-Meister. Luckily we have your light-hearted comments to ease the tension!!


Audioholic Chief
Buckle-meister said:
Not at all. I do not, and have never owned a car, so the price of fuel is of no consequence to me.

:confused: Then I don't understand what your previous response to me represented.

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