K not speaker related but how are outlaw amps, may help to drive the BMR's if i go that route. I belive my wife would like the way they look more
I consider Outlaw amps to be one of the best options for external amplification.
They had the M2200 mono-blocks going for $300 each during their Labor Day sale. Likely, they will have a similar deal come Black Friday. At $600 for a pair, I can't think of a standard consumer amp that can challenge them for value.
Of course, if you are willing to give up the solid metal front and some other mostly cosmetic details, you can get better value buying professional amps. There are easily a half dozen good examples, but the Crown XLS 1502 is a popular model due to thermally controlled fan with very low noise, RCA connections (many pro-audio units do not have this) and variable input sensitivity. $400 gets you plenty of power with no concerns about running low impedance speakers.
However, there is no easy answer regarding how much power you need to drive your speakers. I have found that an amp with 200WPC at 8 Ohms and 300WPC into 4 Ohms is more than enough for any speaker I have owned, so generally consider that a safe (yet reasonable) objective. However, there are some very power hungry speakers (like Gene's Status Acoustic 8T's) that might push the 200/300WPC limits if you get aggressive with the volume knob!
200/300WPC is definitely plenty for the BMR's (which I own).
Ideally, come back and ask when you know what speakers you are getting!
A 200/300WPC amp would be a waste if you ended up getting something like Klipsch speakers which are very efficient. For them, 50WPC is more than enough and any AVR is going to do fine.