Thanks for sharing; just as I predicted your protocol was sighted

Results are strictly unreliable

Has not much meaning other than people listened.
We didn't do "blind" testing in a controlled state but I also was not the person switching the cables and interconnects. Again, it was a slow day and another salesperson wanted to show us the difference he found in 2 different cables he was auditioning for himself. Our warehouse manager would change the cables on some McIntosh tube gear and we sat back and listened. I had no visual cues to let me know which cables were being used but I still heard an audible difference and correctly identified the more expensive cables as being so. I am not sure if this is what you meant by a "sighted protocol" but I had no clues as to which cables were being used, nor did anyone else.
My main point is that music is a subjective experience to the listener, and if someone is not put off spending a percentage of their overall budget on cabling to complete their overall experience, then I don't see a problem with it. Some people will not rest until they feel that they have the best system possible. I will never tell someone that what they enjoy is wrong because I enjoy something differently than I do. My paycheck is barely effected by selling higher end cables vs. mid-level cables so that is not the issue at hand. The company I work for may make a good profit if I sell a $2,000 speaker cable but I do not personally, but that does not stop me from recommending it on an appropriate system because I believe in it myself. There will always be a market for boutique products that cost more just for the sake of costing more and catering to a rich clientèle. Nothing will ever stop that, but at least I encourage all options and self-education for the client's benefit. How many salespeople can honestly say that?
@MDS - I consider our store a hybrid custom/high end. We carry McIntosh, B&W, Classe, Rotel, Runco, Crestron, etc...but also get people in the door with a lot of video display business in competing with Best Buy, Fry's, etc. We are a custom installer with a retail presence. I like the fact that we have both but it has its limitations. Feel free to stop by and ask for me, maybe we can set up some sort of testing in the store. It is the slow season.
@Highfihoney - I am not sure which part of my previous post you are responding looks like you have a fantastic setup of your own that may already be high end enough to forgo any additional benefit. Also, I am going to see BB King this weekend! It is my job to educate my clients in all areas and I have actually had some follow up and ask why I didn't sell them a more expensive cable set as they would like to get the most out of their system. What can I do about that?! If I am a Ferrari dealer and I am trying to talk someone into the spark plugs from a Hyundai, might they be a little worried? To expect high end dealers to not carry high end accessories is asking a lot.
@mtrycrafts - There were no standardized listening protocols as we were just killing some time. But, different songs were played and different ears were used and the results were unanimous. After these posts, I might try to set up some sort of more controlled approach the next slow day we get where we have the time to set up sort of an adventure! I'll try to work on that when I get some more free time. (Posting in forums counts as work, right?)