Brian H.

Can anyone please clarify the nasties involved with this new 5g network? Is there safer alternatives? I know this may be slightly off topic, but I very much enjoy my late nite Internet radio sessions, and wondering how harmful it is. Thank you.


Speaker of the House
Staff member
Can anyone please clarify the nasties involved with this new 5g network? Is there safer alternatives? I know this may be slightly off topic, but I very much enjoy my late nite Internet radio sessions, and wondering how harmful it is. Thank you.
The idea that there are health risks with 5G is nonsense. Here is an article that Audioholics ran on this subject last year.


Audioholic Jedi
Can anyone please clarify the nasties involved with this new 5g network? Is there safer alternatives? I know this may be slightly off topic, but I very much enjoy my late nite Internet radio sessions, and wondering how harmful it is. Thank you.
Electromagnetic radiation which travels at light speed, as light is electro magnetic radiation. The lowest frequencies are AM and then FM radio waves. Then we get into microwaves like your oven, which are also useful for communications. These frequencies are in the 2 to 5 GHz range. As the frequencies go higher you get into the infra read heat range. So your under floor heat and radiant heater keeps you warm in the winter. The study cited above is dealing with frequencies of 6G and above where heating is getting more likely. Now you are using 5G in your homes now. Your Internet router is 2.4 or 5G. Most have been 5G for years. These have been studied for years and are known to be harmless to humans at the low powers involved. Now an important point is that the energy of electromagnetic radiation goes down by the square of the distance from the source. So at any distance away from your router or a 5G tower the energy is far too low to cause any heating effect on human tissue. 5G routers have been studied to death and shown not to be harmful to humans. The energy you receive from a 5G tower will be no greater than that from your home router. If your really think a 5G tower is harmful then get rid of your smart phones, tablets, laptops, and any other devices in your home that use a Wi-Fi connection. Good luck with that.

Brian H.

Just curious, who sponsored those studies? Hmmm. Thanks for your info.


Audioholic Chief
I'm pretty sure those studies were done by a consortium of engineers, doctors, and scientists at The Univ of ILL, Univ of Mich, and INdiaNA UniversiTY.

I think the group is known as the ILLUMINATY, as a nod to their sponsor.


I would be more concerned with where the information you get saying 5G is bad is coming from. Is it from some scientific study by a known scientific group or from somebody who is writing to try to get those people who are gullible enough to believe anything they read without regards to where the information came from to believe the sky is falling because chicken little felt a raindrop?

These people are catfishing you just as the people talking about the health issues associated with vaccinations and the benefits of essential oils to cure anything that you may encounter are catfishing you...

Stop being so gullible and start reading peer reviewed scientific papers from known sources or you are just risking the health of you and your family over something mentioned by somebody on the internet who may have less education than you do but who happens to be able to make something seem believable.

Believe it or not these scientific groups gain little to nothing for what they publish but do so for the joy of discovery. Much of what you read from others is geared towards creating a market for goods (such as essential oils) that they are peddling to make a profit.


Seriously, I have no life.
The 5G network isn't about the frequency-

"5G is the fifth generation of wireless communications technologies supporting cellular data networks. 5G communication requires the use of communications devices (mostly mobile phones) designed to support the technology."


Brian H.

Thanks Darenwh who said anything about gullibility other than you? Why do people like you like to try to insult other people's legitimate questions? You have your own theorys, other people have theirs. Like all the sad truths out there, there is one famous quote that comes to mind, above all others, "FOLLOW THE MONEY!" I retired from very well known university, and funny enough, a majority of the research was funded by mag or corporations. And guess what? If they don't want certain facts to surface, they bury or alter the papers until they are satisfied, the prof gets their grant money, and lo and behold, Joe public gets it again. Please do your research, and stop criticizing other people's questions. I am currently doing my own research on this topic. I thank you for your opinion though.

Brian H.

Hi Beave, so far your one line explanation seems to speak volumes of truth to me. I do believe that any kind of technology that can change the world like this one , definitely has drawbacks. One of them being that major corps care not for individuals, only profit. My opinion. I just want to know if there is other safer solutions to 5g, that's all.Does anyone know of a viable alternative? Thank you all. Let's go and enjoy our audio systems ok?


Audioholic Warlord
Unverified reports of harm from electromagnetic radiation have appeared for many decades. In some people, I think the word "radiation" is all it takes to trigger fear.

As far back as the late 1970s, I remember similar reports of unspecified harm from high voltage electricity transmission lines. They were studied & studied by scientists, without finding anything harmful. And yes, some of these studies were funded by the electric power industry. They wanted to know if they were liable for damages, so they publicly funded independent scientists at universities to do the work.

Compare that to the tobacco industry. Big Tobacco knew for decades that smoking caused lung cancer but kept it secret because the work was always done in house by their own employees.

Later, when cell phones appeared, the same fears emerged. It was widely rumored that frequent use of cell phones caused brain cancer. Now, fearful people could combine the word "radiation" with "cancer". Again, no research could find anything harmful about cell phone "radiation".

The same story was repeated with microwave ovens – with similar results. If there is any truth at all to harm from various forms of low level electromagnetic radiation, I think it would have come out by now.

And now we have 5G cell phone towers… :rolleyes:

But like rumors of the Loch Ness Monster, UFOs, or that Elvis Lives, these stories never seem to fade away.
Last edited:


Audioholic Jedi
Can anyone please clarify the nasties involved with this new 5g network? Is there safer alternatives? I know this may be slightly off topic, but I very much enjoy my late nite Internet radio sessions, and wondering how harmful it is. Thank you.
Where are you sourcing your information? How does your late nite internet radio sessions play into this concern?

Brian H.

Hey people, this topic is gone sideways, conspiracies aside, since I can't get a response to my original question, is there a safer alternative to 5g, I'm withdrawing my question. Thank you all. Be safe and well during this global situation.


Audioholic Jedi
If really worried then just hardwire everything and don't use wifi/mobile devices.

Brian H.

Thank you, simple and to the point. That is very doable.


Seriously, I have no life.
... You have your own theorys, other people have theirs. ...
Well, certainly not scientific theories. ;)
Unfortunately theory is getting used by non scientists, the public, as really meaning an opinion or speculation or guessing but theory sounds stronger.:)

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