So, anyone with a different opinion other than yours, must be wrong? Or better yet, ignorant troublemakers? Wow, I can understand why you have trouble in your neighborhood. Perhaps you should open up to the fact that others have a different opinion than yours. I am not saying that those "ignorant troublemakers" are right, but why not listen with a more objective mind, do enough research that satisfies you, then formulate your opinion. Name calling those who do not share your opinions does not in any way validate your opinions. If all of this makes you angry, then maybe you need the blue pill instead of the red one? Let's go back to square one for just one moment, then you can continue on your same path ok? My original question was Is there a safer way other than 5g? Ps, it matters not to me how self qualified one thinks they are, I am not looking for white papers on this, just people's opinions.Personally, I care not what anyone thinks of me, I'm way past that sort of stuff. I would like to hear from both sides, then I will make up my own mind on how I will handle the 5g network.