I watched "Leave the World Behind" 4K/ATMOS Streaming from Netflix.
PQ: Excellent as expected from the Sony Venice 6K Digital IMAX camera, mastered in 4K Digital.
SQ: Excellent. The sound mixers had a blast with mixing the overhead ATMOS effects. I think this is an ATMOS Reference Quality soundtrack. I heard a lot of very cool overhead sound effects - birds, planes, rain, voices, and just about everything else. The bass is just awesome - among the best I've heard. If you have good subs, get ready to be scared by the BASS in this movie.
Story: I like it. It's one of those movies that leave things very open-ended and unanswered. It definitely made me go on Google to search if Netflix is doing a sequel to this movie. It feels like a "Part One".

This movie is like 2.5 HR long, but I definitely did NOT want it to end. I wanted the movie to continue for another 2.5 HR because I want to know what happens NEXT. I wanted this movie to be a TV series so I could find out what happens next. It's like watching a cliffhanger.
So, in conclusion, I really like this movie. I think it is very interesting. It has superb PQ and reference quality ATMOS soundtrack.