I have mentioned this before, but in a way I'm a little bummed out to see the prices falling (about $2.30 in my neck of the woods). As prices rose I thought America was on the verge of pulling it's collective head out of it's arse and realizing our way of life is unsustainable. Say what you will about global warming being caused by fossile fuels- we know that it causes smog & acid rain, and we know the quanities are finite. We know oil has been at the root of much of the violence & warfare of the 20th & 21st centuries. If we aren't moved by logic or common sense, it looks like we can be prodded with the hot poker of financial self interest.
I really thought the "crisis", real or imagined, would lead us to redouble or efforts to improve alternate energy sources. I imagined fleets of hybrids getting 100mpg, plants popping up to crack cellulose from grass, feul cell cars 'burning' nothing but water, windwill farms, etc etc.
But now that the financial inconvenience looks to be over, the ostrich will undoubtedly stick it's head back in the sand. Until gas hits $3.50 again. Sad.