I still dont undestand it. If you buy in mass quantities such as a city like Los Angeles, shouldn't it be cheaper? I mean that's generally how it works with any other good/commodity.
The differences in gas prices paid are in large part..... political. For example, Cali is governed by a democrat majority which translates into higher gas taxes. That also translates into more state regulatory intervention in California. One such result are more costly 'special' gasoline blends required to be refined just for their state.
The same can be said for Europe. They pay crazy sums at the pump due in large part to higher gas taxes. The usage penalty taxes paid in Europe are classic examples of taxation without representation at it's finest. Leftist politicians in the USA have proposed similar national penalty taxes on many occasions, but their proposals have been met with stern resistance.
You've seen the endless "pain at the pump" stories depicted in the media right? They always seem to vent outrage and sympathy as they depict working poor hocking family heirlooms at pawn shops to raise money for a tank of gas.
At the same time...... those very same people in the media/politicians are the staunchest supporters of a more penal national gas tax. They claim to be "for the working man", but are they really? How can they be when their gas tax proposal will hurt the very individuals they
protend to protect? If they were truly for the working man, they'd do the opposite and pass regulations/cut taxes to reduce gas prices.
The reality is....
they want us to pay more at the pump!! At the same time, they endlessly report outrage over high gas prices
To them, selling cheap gas is a very bad thing!!!
Case in point........ Wisconsin.
Headline.... Gas station owner told to raise prices
A couple years ago in Minnesota, Midwest Oil Corporation was fined $140,000 for selling gas too cheaply!!

Would you care to guess which political party holds majority in both Wisconsin and Minny & is responsible for the legislation behind this fine? How ironic that the "Price floor" legislation was supposedly enacted to protect the smaller oil companies/independents........ and it was they who were attacked by that very same legislation. The end result is that it prohibits competition, which in turns.... translates into higher gas prices. That's leftist politics at it's finest