

Seriously, I have no life.
In FLa, and it appears the first of its kind in the US. A pilot project where a stretch of road is being constructed that can charge your EV as you drive. https://www.greencars.com/news/new-freeway-in-florida-charges-evs-as-they-drive#:~:text=A stretch of the new,electric cars as they drive.
If they try this in WI, specifically Milwaukee County, it will stop working almost immediately- they tear up new roads almost as soon as they're finished and I don't see how they would make it work when the saying "Wisconsin has two seasons- Winter and road construction" is so accurate.


Audioholic Spartan
70% of Americans want someone other than Trump and Biden.

Trump 54%
Haley 43%

Biden 54%
Phillips 19%

:p :p :p


Audioholic Spartan
70% of us Americans finally got away from the kids (to have sex), having a couple stiff ones, or were watching porn on primary night.

There. Fixed that silly, inaccurate stat. ;)


Audioholic Spartan
70% of us Americans finally got away from the kids (to have sex), having a couple stiff ones, or were watching porn on primary night.

There. Fixed that silly, inaccurate stat. ;)
hell, at my age I'll settle for 'one' stiff one ! :p


Audioholic Spartan
Joe Biden Is the Nominee Democrats Need - The Atlantic
Some key points:

Trump has generated a deep personal bond with members of the (shrunken) Republican Party. Biden has not done that. But that is not the nature of the transaction between Biden and his party. Biden typically opens remarks with the phrase “Here’s the deal”—and that’s exactly what Biden offers: a deal, not a cult.
A reminder that the Dems aren't a single mass of "woke", progressive socialists.
The Democratic Party is a big, sprawling mess, and has long been that way. In the Trump era, it spans the ideological distance from Bernie Sanders to Cindy McCain. There is no one Democratic “base”: Jim Clyburn’s socially conservative voters are part of that base as much as, or more than, Elizabeth Warren’s ultra-progressives are. Democratic coalitions are typically assembled by highly targeted benefits rather than mobilized by big messages as Republicans often are: $35 insulin, defense of abortion rights, student-loan forgiveness, environmental measures. The current coalition includes intense supporters and intense critics of the state of Israel. Altogether, not an easy horse to ride. The best rider is one who is able to keep reminding each part of the coalition that it needs to get along with the other parts.
Yet Biden’s appeal and its limits may be the wrong place to pay attention. This year’s election is a contest between the constitutional and democratic forces in American society and the anticonstitutional and antidemocratic forces. The candidates are only incidentally the story; the fateful national choice, the deep social forces driving that choice—those are the story. Biden is not really the leader of the constitutional and democratic side of this mighty contest. Biden is the instrument of the constitutional and democratic side.


Audioholic Spartan
I'm tired of losing! --DeSantis

I thought that was the best line amongst candidates at the time. Or much of anything a Republican has said in a while. Or anything Trump can communicate.


Audioholic Spartan
I'm old and I don't want Biden or Trump. We need younger leaders. But given the choice I will vote for ANYONE but Trump.


Audioholic Spartan
I'm old and I don't want Biden or Trump. We need younger leaders. But given the choice I will vote for ANYONE but Trump.
David, I agree(almost) with you but must add, I will not vote for Trump or Biden. I've voted third party before and I'll do it again if need be. Still holding out hope that neither is their respective parties nomination............


Audioholic Spartan
David, I agree(almost) with you but must add, I will not vote for Trump or Biden. I've voted third party before and I'll do it again if need be. Still holding out hope that neither is their respective parties nomination............


Audioholic Spartan
I'll probably write in Cheney's name, or an independent if it's those two come November. Wish I could sneak in and vote in the primaries and select two different candidates.


Seriously, I have no life.
I'll probably write in Cheney's name, or an independent if it's those two come November. Wish I could sneak in and vote in the primaries and select two different candidates.
Will that solve the problem or make it worse? :eek:
Last edited:


Senior Audioholic
Trump is a lifelong loser unfit for any public office. Republicans in general are losers who collect paychecks from the Federal government and do absolutely nothing with respect to governance at the federal level. Republicans at the federal level are this country's biggest problem as they impede any progress that might be made by the Federal government.
AMEN!! Republicans are one big NOTHING for the PEOPLE. PEROID.


Seriously, I have no life.


Audioholic Spartan
I don't want either of these guys as president. But if it comes down to it, I will vote for Biden just to keep Trump out of office. As bad as it seems to be now doesn't anyone remember 2020? Covid lockdowns and supply shortages (could not buy TP and other staples). Riots in the streets the stock market plummeting. Then in 2021 trying to overturn the election. I'm not blaming Trump for Covid at all, but he probably could have handled it better. And I will always blame him for Jan 6. JMHO.


Audioholic Spartan
I don't want either of these guys as president. But if it comes down to it, I will vote for Biden just to keep Trump out of office. As bad as it seems to be now doesn't anyone remember 2020? Covid lockdowns and supply shortages (could not buy TP and other staples). Riots in the streets the stock market plummeting. Then in 2021 trying to overturn the election. I'm not blaming Trump for Covid at all, but he probably could have handled it better. And I will always blame him for Jan 6. JMHO.
I hear you but remember, it was under Biden that $$ was doled out, which in hindsight was a contributor to the inflation issues we are now dealing with. Yes I know other factors are involved but when you talk about 'handling of the pandemic' actions have consequences.

Earlier I stated I would probably write in Liz Chaney(and I still might) but I'm giving serious consideration to my write in vote going for Larry Hogan. He was a 2 term Republican Gov in a very 'Red' state

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