For breakfast this morning I had 3 HUGE Blueberry pancakes {about the size of a 10" woofer} with a cup of tea {my fathers wife brought them over for me because there was left over from their breakfast and she had to come by my house to pick up some yarn from my wife}, But I was still hungry so I had a Pile of fresh fruit {you know the big jar of fruit you get at the supermarket that comes in that juice you could live off of, fruit is probably old as christ, but I call it fresh, lol}, after that bowl I was still hungry {keep in mind this is only 7am}, so my wife was making the kids english muffins with peanut butter and jelly, so I had her make me 2 of them with extra PB.... rite after I ate them, the PB and jelly was still out so I made myself another pb and j sandwich on thick italian bread with a HUGE glass of milk.. I was finally satisfied... keep in mind- I woke up at 5am and worked out for 105 minutes, today was bi's and back so it was an intense hour and 45 minutes tomorrow is tri's and chest and monday is legs and shoulders, what a fun holiday weekend