Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Audioholic Spartan
Comcast has some sort of building a couple of blocks from me (a small building, like an internet switching station or something). Well, an outside b***h-loud alarm has been going off on that building since yesterday. It wasn't going off this morning when Niki and I walked by it, so I forgot about it, but it started up again. I decided to call them and let them know, in the hopes that they'd shut it off. Pretty effective alarm when they don't even know it's going off. :rolleyes: Anyway, sounds like they're going to try to get someone out here. We'll see...I don't know where the person was that I spoke to.
Maybe you could get the kid across the street to play some guitar so you can't hear the siren.


Audioholic Jedi
I'm about to cut my hair. It's possible that I shouldn't have had this drink before hand. Nah. What could possibly go wrong?


Audioholic Warlord
I'm watching that "man on a wire" thing on the discovery channel right now because I missed the live show tonight. Sometimes it's hard to tell if I'm watching a dude walk across the grand canyon or a religious infomercial.


Audioholic Slumlord
Dude, that kid hasn't lived across the street for over a year. :)
Did you buy a house next to a Jr. High or what? :D

Nope, but thanks for asking. I haven't used that camera in a bit. The yard was only hit once since I bought it, and I'm pretty sure that I know who it is. If I'm right, it's this nice kid that has a dog that Niki really likes. If that's the case, I'm not going to make a deal of it - I might mention it, but I'd rather that the kid like us so that Niki can play with the other pooch.


Audioholic Samurai
Did you buy a house next to a Jr. High or what? :D
Grade school. Why?
One time while shopping for a specific pair of jeans I could only find in kids size. In a crowded store, my dumb a$$ says, out loud, "I wish I could get into little boys pants".

While sitting near the play area at a local McDonald's having lunch a lady sits next to me and says, "Oh, aren't they cute?!" "Which one is yours?". I look at her, smile, and say, " I haven't decided yet".

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